Since this is General Chat, I thought that would be the first place to hit. It seems that for the most part, I am slowly coming back into here after somewhat of a long absence. It feels good to be back home

I know that I have some pretty good friends who pm'd me during this away time, and I can say honestly that they were very well received. It is ironic that once things are written, people can take it and twist it so around that it would make anyone's hair spin, if you have any to begin with.
I am coming back on here, and it is almost that time to harvest my first crop

I am excited for that, as today makes Day 56, which by all my research tells me, is the first day that they recommend. Day 63 would be that last for Northern Light Blueberry, and that would be on the 19th. I do see the trichs, and they are still clear, so each day I will be checking that out. Since I do not really want that "heady high" but rather pain free high, I am shooting for a 30 to 40 percent range. I have done my homework, and I know that I will be fine for a newbie. I could not have gone this far without all of you, and for that I am truly blessed.
Again, thanks for everything, and hopefully i will be able to post even more as the days go on.
Peace, Love, and Happiness
Bob ~ The MaineYankee