Just wanted to say Peace and hope that everyone survived the storm. I know that some on here may have some kin down in Jersey, NY, Conn, and others in Sandy's path, and I hope and pray that they all are safe and sound.
A tip of my New York Yankee cap to Dice .... as of this morning I took (4) of my best Vortex Clones (Gifted by my friend Budwich

) and going to try NugBuckets Main-Lining Technique on them. I am so excited (almost had to pop another Nitro !! j/k)

Working on getting some pics up to show my progress.
All I can say to everyone on here is thank you so very much !! I am truly indebted to all of you, on all aspects that we have been through ... All of you are TRULY a Godsend to my family, and myself. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Peace, Love and Happiness
Bob (The MaineYankee)