Geen O Matic & La Diva grow


Well-Known Member
ok so right now i got 2 green o matics and 1 la diva autos going. The GOM (green o matics) sprouted on 7-23-11 and then transplanted today on 8-6-11 from soil to a hydro drip system. The la diva sprouted on 8-2-11 and was also transplanted today but instead of hydro i went soil (i just cant seem to let in go lol) im using a 3 gallon pot with FFOF soil mixed with perlite and alittle bat shit. my light setup at the moment is 2 28watt 100watt replacement cfls. i have 2 more that ill be using when the plants get a little bigger and ill probably even get a couple more too. Ok enough talk here are some pics of my ladys


Well-Known Member
well i almost dont even wanna post pics of my ladies cause im ashamed of what happened but i will. so basically i woke up a few days ago and i went to looks my plants. i open my cab door and my heart drops! i see my cfl light sitting right on top of my green o matic plants, that are in my hydro setup, with water dripping on the light! well at least the house didn't catch on fire and the plants are recovering nicely.all the new growth is nice and healthy and green and both plants are already showing pistils. as for the La diva shes doing really well it seems like the transplant didnt slow her growth at all. although shes not showing any pistils i think its gonna be interesting to see the end result of each plant. the drip system is amazing! i used it one time already with a bag seed and within 3-4 weeks the plant was a monster it turned out to be a male so i cut him down. But watch in a week from today ill post some pics and youll see the difference in size between the drip system and soil. who do u think will win? im saying drip system.
iI also put together a nice new light setup(no more lights fallen bullshit). I bought a new hood for my 250w so i used the old hood for my cfl, i think it looks pretty cool if i do say so myself lol it can hold up to 5 single cfls or 10 double socket cfls.
Nice set-up Stevie. I like how you modified your old HPS hood, to now be used with CFL's.

Just one question: What does the white plastic around your hydro-girls do? I see this from time to time and I'm curious.

Thanks and good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hazy. I keep the white plastic there so the water from my drip ring dont splash on the plants. over time the salts from the nutrients in the water will dry on the plants and then youll end up seeing a salty white crust on your plants. The plastic does have a bonus though, its panda polyfilm that i bought off ebay and it reflects like 99% of light. So it does help some i guess


Well-Known Member
ok so as promised heres the weekly update: the two GOM are doing very good they both recovered from the tragic light falling and are now thriving in the drip system, wish i could take a pic of the roots its just insane! the La Diva is doing really good too! i mean perfectly green throughout the whole plant and shes even keeping up with the drip system.


Well-Known Member
You just going to grow those both in the same pot the entire time?

Plants are looking really good man


Well-Known Member
yup. its two net pots inside a bigger net pot so the roots shouldnt get tangled i dont think. im waiting for for harvest so i can move them to the 250w. its crazy hot and humid inside this cab and i dont want mold to start showing up.


Well-Known Member
weekly update: the 2 GOM are doing great their starting to stretch a bit so on tuesday ill be moving all 3 plants to the 250w hps. the La Diva is looking lovely still. not any stretching going on with her only the GOM. oh and the blue widow, shes doing fine too.


Active Member
Damn man. I love the hydro setup, as for soil, it will always be a part of my growing. What kind of nutes are u using? Also how long are u gonna veg the them, also are u using the same nutes for both setups? I burned penny a few too many times. Autos are effin crazy, I can't wait to grow the autos, when are they said to be done?


Well-Known Member
Damn man. I love the hydro setup, as for soil, it will always be a part of my growing. What kind of nutes are u using? Also how long are u gonna veg the them, also are u using the same nutes for both setups? I burned penny a few too many times. Autos are effin crazy, I can't wait to grow the autos, when are they said to be done?
im a big fan of the drip system, i even made one from a storage bin i had lying around. the nutes are general hydroponics floramicro and florabloom that i use under the lucas formula (google lucas formula. he knows what hes doing) but thats only for the hydro. i havent used any nutes at all with the soil. its FFOF soil so it has like a 3 month supply of fertz in it so i probably wont need any nutes for that grow. the thing with autos is there autoflowers so they flower by themselves. so u dont need to change the light cycle at all. i use 18/6 with my autos and it seems to be working fine. they should be done in early to mid october.


Active Member
Awesome man. Thanks for answering my questions. Autos are going to be my life for a bit after penny. I think I'm going to leave penny to cure for 3 mo before I give her a taste than for her 1 year I'm gonna crack open the rest so I'm gonna need a stash to smoke during the cure ;) def keepin up w/ this thread. I like how ur answering both my questions; autos in soil, and autos in hydro. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
well fellas im starting to see some good bud development with the GOM. i did alil LST with the top colas as well. just to keep'em nice and short. they got some slight burns on some of the fan leaves cause i keep them real close to the light. The La Diva still thriving but shes the one doing the stretching now. ill probably end up doing some LST with her too. shes also forming buds but not as much as the GOM, i think shes gonna take alot longer to finish too.


Well-Known Member
did some LST on the la diva today. could probably say its HST since i trained all the branches today and not one by one day to day. also i took her away from the 250w and put her back with the cfls and the blue widow. the 2 GOM are keeping the whole 250w for themselves. its only been hours since the switch and i think the girls like the separation. between yesterday and today ive seen major bud growth.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe how fast they bud. it seems like just yesterday i was planting the seeds. yea i think unless u gotta 600-1000w or more light then u gotta either LST or top...or both.


Well-Known Member
update coming later on fellas. i gotta dentist appointment today (all the soda i drink gave me 2 cavities) wish i fell in love with water instead lol.