Geen O Matic & La Diva grow


Well-Known Member
heres the pics. first are the 2 GOM, looking insane! so much frost on these girls its ridiculous. i took some pics of the roots too its just one big ball of roots lol youll see in the pics. the la diva is looking ok, im not too impressed with her so far though. its my own fault. with everything going on i kinda neglected her :/ the little blue widow is doing pretty good. i like that she has nice and close node spacing. im trying to keep her small as possible til the GOM finishes. heres some pics of her transplant too.


Active Member
Holy shitbag-o-donuts. That's an insane root system. Looks like that hydro setup is working well for ya. I was pricing one out online yesterday and ohhhhhhhhh mmaaaannn. U were correct, eBay is god for all this shit. The plants are lookin good. Hows grace been treatin ya?


Well-Known Member
thanks dude. grace is treating me good. good taste and smell. its just like the stuff u would buy on the street. the high last for hours and when u come down off it its not a burnt out feeling. i really like it. im making some more cannabutter right now. i love the stuff!


Well-Known Member
weekly update: the GOM are looking great and smelling great. really sticky and super dense buds, alot more dense then grace. almost all trichomes are cloudy so its only a matter of time now. the la divas looking good as well, but i think shes gonna finish alot later then the GOM. the blue widows looks nice and compact. i topped her a few days ago and it didnt seem to affect growth at all.


Active Member
I got a new name for you "Stevie sodacans" the plants look awesome. I couldn't get the magnafying glass cuz I got called in early. Hopefully wallmart will be open when I get out


Well-Known Member
lol "stevie sodacans" i love it! if u cant make it or they dont have one at walmart u can try i got mine there and the price was really good. anywhere from 3-10 dollars but u probably wont have it for like a week.


Well-Known Member
whats up brotha! palnts are doing good ill post up some pics in a bit. one of the Green o Matics is turning purple so.....Purple o Matic? lol. no baby just yet! but were hoping any day now. thanks for asking man. hows everything with u? did u get a magnifying glass?


Active Member
My floor just got a little sticky! Dude the diva BLEW UP! on the GOM is that nute burn or genetics? Or is it close to harvest? The flush you reccomended worked like a charm. I hit penny with a one week rapid dose of 9-53-20 and a bit more N and she bounced back, the buds are getting fatter and sooooooooo resinous it's scary, she's on her last week of water (kinda like a flush every 2 days) than next week she "ripens" in the dark (maybe a bit of water in the mid of the week) than a cut on 10-15. I'm glad everything is good w/ u and the family. We will be smoking that j of penny and grace quite soon. Lata brotha


Well-Known Member
lol. the GOM turning purple is because my temps are so low, i keep it about 72 with the lights on and 60ish with'em off. def close to harvest though maybe another week or so. i havent given them any nutes for over a week now. just straight up water. the la diva is getting BIG she got like a old school bud smell to her. i had a fruit fly problem with her but i took care of that real quick.


Active Member
Hey stevie thought Id take a break from my chronic smoking and see how you are getting along, great it seems they look just as delicous as grace! Hows the kid coming? Gotta say not too impressed with the 7up, we talked about this- go get some sprite lol


Well-Known Member
whats up guru! i actually cut down the GOM last week i think. ended up getting 2and a half ounces off the two plants. i didnt take any pics of the harvest cause im just not that into the whole postin pics thing anymore. but ill throw some nug shots up soon as i can and finish out this thread. we had the baby on tue night! (havent slept since lmao) im running outta gas here. Juliet was born 7.8 lbs and 19 inches long, perfectly healthy! my heart melted as soon as she came out. lol only thing i had was 7up. its funny too cause i knew u would say something about it. i even tried to hide the label lol. i promise no more 7up!


Active Member
Nice! Its alright ill forgive the 7up witht the new arrival! Congratulations man, I can tell your proper stoked about it man! Oh yeah congrats on the plant too! Fuck man that must of been some week for you just a bloody blur, turning up at hospital covered in bits of snipped leaves and resin lol can picture it lol. Good name by the way, classical, sophisticated and you cant take the piss out of it! clever thinking dude,

Well 7up aside im glad lifes treating you well! Turned out my roof is covered in mold and my cieling needs redone, lol thank god I rent so for the time at least the cannabis is on the back burner!

I have to say regarding the blackjack man, not great, tasted abit- I dunno wierd not like mouldy maybe kinda like aftershave lol hit the back of my throat, dunno why it went like that, when I quick dried it it was lovely, so I made it into Greend dragon, its closer to acid then dope lol and my favourite had to be S.A.D or vertigo, delicious stuff!!

Keep it up, ill be swinging by to touch base and spot check for 7up, lol Spriteman awayyy!!!

Take it easy man and good luck with the new family!


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the kind words guru. your a real stand up guy. when ever you plan on starting up another grow send me a message man so i can check it out. hopefully that roof gets fixed. i hate dealing with stuff like that. well at least you rent so u wont have to pay for it :p take care man dont be a stranger huh.


Active Member
Steve or should I say dad. Congrats man! I'm so happy baby Juliet (love that name) is healthy. I kinda got that stomach feeling when I read the post I "liked" great feeling I bet. Good job on the plants. I hear ya on not wanting to thro pics up. It's kinda silly being on a forum for something like this. But w/e. I harvested penny yesterday ad I'm fucking psyched with the results. I'm still thinking I have an oz (when it's dried) but I'll be happy if it came out to a dub. I got some beans germing now but I need to get that drip system you have, there is a hydro shop down the block from my house that has that same one for 60$ so I think I'm just gonna grab it up. I love soil grows, but u put in all that time to get a male, with the hydro system just pull it, clean an start over. Either way Im moving in a month so I gonna have to wait to grow anything. I'm fuckin addicted.

Anyhoo, I'm glad ur clan grew +1 and here is some rep for you playa. +1 rep