GAY friend?? what should i do???? help

Niggurellis, Figurellis..... You've got step up your game now, son. You're playing in the big kids pool now.

What's your next thread gonna be?
I was playing with my gay besties ball sack in front of his house when outta no where this Mexican dude started chasing me home! He was wearing dickies and house shoes, with two 40's in his hands. He was slamming one 40 the whole time as he chased me. Half way home he ripped off all his clothes and kept perusing me naked. He had the biggest, fattest, brownest wiener I've ever seen! About 20 feet from my door the Niggurellis jump out and try to catch me first. So Gary ass rapped me, the Niggurellis, and my grandpa all at the same time. It was like a giant gay human centipede