Gauging interest: Test/Comparison grows between nutrients/lights/methods/ect Videos


I am interested in trying to assist the MJ growing community. There are a lot of unanswered and unclear questions and bits of information floating around out there and I would like to separate some of the fooey from the good stuff.

This brings me to my idea.

I am planning on starting a series of grow journals which will do comparisons that you, the public, are interested in finding out about.

For example I want to do a simple test of 2 clones from the same mother plant, identical variables - one of them topped and super cropped vs growing naturally. Another example would be 2 clones from the same mother both grown with a companies base nutrients and one using all of the additives and the other using none and seeing the yield/quality comparison.

I would like to do a journal for each test and use your suggestions to decide on what to do for the next test.

I have recently been lucky enough to no longer need to work for a living so I need something to do with the free-time. I think this could be incredibly fun and informative and a great tool for the growing community.

Please post your thoughts and questions. I should be getting started within the next couple months.
