garage door question....


Well-Known Member
I was just kidding.. but appreciate all the timely advice... maybe next week I will drive my car threw the living room..... stay tuned folks :p


Well-Known Member
lol you know I love you.... but what you gonna do when yours looks are gone and theres nothing left but that annoying britsh accent?
I'll be cool! I'm not good looking; I'm attractive which lasts longer! Besides, I'll still have the body!! And also my London accent!


Well-Known Member
I was high has hell and I came in the driveway too hot.... long story short.... I hit my garage door going about 2-3 mph.... my car is all good.... but the bottom 2 panels are bent a lil on the right side of the garage door.... one wheel is off track..... the track itself is all good no bend.... is there a way to bang the small dents out or will I have to replace the panels? how much do the panels cost?:weed::weed::weed::weed:

Check Craigslist. Weekend warriors fucking their orders up, or junkies pulling garage doors for scrap.


I would get MORE wasted and slam through the door straight into the house and wouldn't stop until there was complete destruction. Then I would crawl to safety laughing my ass off get my composure and call the insurance company but then again.. we do shit different around here


Well-Known Member
I would get MORE wasted and slam through the door straight into the house and wouldn't stop until there was complete destruction. Then I would crawl to safety laughing my ass off get my composure and call the insurance company but then again.. we do shit different around here
naw mother fucker..... what u mean I just fixed a lot of the dents and it works again... lol@drive threw it.....


Well-Known Member
I would get MORE wasted and slam through the door straight into the house and wouldn't stop until there was complete destruction. Then I would crawl to safety laughing my ass off get my composure and call the insurance company but then again.. we do shit different around here
i am the insurance company and were raising your rates. Claim has been denied but due to your performance as a driver your rates will increase jan,1,2014


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Ok, I get senior pole position! Yippee!

Jesus, I'm only 36!! :)
OK she said pole and no one laughed, is it the accent? Now lahada you are my son's age. So I think I still have senior pole position round these here parts! Get thee behind me sat..... no I mean lahottie LOL


Well-Known Member
I was gonna comment about lahadas pole positioning experience just wondered where to start missionary..reverse.. Cowgirl. Bridge... Cradle? So many options
i know the uk girls can be freaky dirty mouth fiends but we can in America too


Well-Known Member
Ins would raise rates trust me I work for State Farm I deal with this every day it would be cheaper to take care of out of pocket