Ganjas Back!1000w Perpetual SOG ] Ebb 'n' Flow


Well-Known Member
This question is for everybody...i wanna hear what people have to say about this...How long do you keep your mothers, before its time to grow a cut/seed into a new mother?And say i grew a cut into a mother, then took a cut from that mother and turned it into a mother, and so on and so on, over time would that effect the yield/potency of the herb? thanks riu peeps...ganja


ive read that it doesnt effect anything. I suppose its just upto you when to make another mother. i like mine low and bushy though unlike your tall ones. LST all the way on mine.


Well-Known Member
thanks for stoppin by venturing away from my tall mommies....thats actually the reason for me getting rid of these moms...i wanna make new, shorter bushier ones.....And if it goes gonna throw those old mamas outside, and that will be my outdoor grow this year...thank for the input papa....peace...ganja


thanks for subb'n smoker...was looking at ur journal...nice dwc setup....ur gonna love that afghan kush...i know i do anyway...great yielding plant
Yea its a ryder so auto flower strain. hope to get over a Z from her hopefully.

As far as the cloning mothers and cloning mothers and so on. I heard about about the 9th mother clone it does start to depreciate. Something like the F9 or whatever. Have not read up much on it but just heard bout it. Many say it is better to start from seed. If anything I would get a high yielding broad and put her to the test :)

Also thanks for the kind words bout my grow bro. Just hope i make it all the way through. Damn summer months are coming and I know its going to be a bitch. Cant wait for the winter already LOL


Well-Known Member
So my homie gudkarma stops by today and gives me 5 Space QueenxNYCD...they were the freebies that he got from sannie when he ordered his beans....Freebies or not,im happy to run them and will rock em' to my best potential...THANK YOU GUDKARMA.....UDA man

Nothin has really changed in the trays...the diesels prob put on 2" they are doing good...I am gonna do an update on the plants in two days with new pics, so stay tuned....peace...ganja:leaf:



New Member
its : killa queen x nycd

no biggie... we keep it family style... like the buffet.

well hang later this week , and smoke some, and i'll drop off those extrema & choc mixed pack.

here's some shit to liven up this thread in the meantime.

oh the cuts (super skunk, romulan, and 707) i put in the bubble cloner look way awesome... myco in the cloner rez works bomb!



Well-Known Member
its : killa queen x nycd

no biggie... we keep it family style... like the buffet.

well hang later this week , and smoke some, and i'll drop off those extrema & choc mixed pack.

here's some shit to liven up this thread in the meantime.

oh the cuts (super skunk, romulan, and 707) i put in the bubble cloner look way awesome... myco in the cloner rez works bomb!
I fucked that up is killa not space queen...fuckin potheads:weed: good looking out either way....glad to hear about those cuts...I agree with the myco in cloner...yeah swing up, hang smoke and kick it...peace...ganja.

PS. thanks for the flicks...Afghan kush is lookin dank...


Well-Known Member
So whats up everyone??? everything on my end is good...its day 6 of flower....figured i would do and update, even though one is not really due....much hasnt changed...diesels grew maybe 2" some 21/2"...everythings coming along great...rezzys maintaing a constant drift...68degrees...had a little "froth" issue with this white foamy shit on top of my i started running h2o2 and it wiped the shit out in 2 days...clean as a whistle...If u the pics that there is a little yellowing on the leaves...everytime i ran this diesel its been a nitrogen ill bump it up a lil and take care of that...the cuts for the next run are rooted and ready to go....Sorry peeps but i know u wanna see a variety of strains going at all times, but i messed up and somehow, 2 trays of sour diesel got put into rotation back to back, so the next tray will be diesel also...if i have different cuts rooted and ready by the time i need them...then i will run a diff strain..also, i started experimenting with hempy plants...if anyone can throw me any links to some proper hempy info, it would be so searches seem pointless when i google thats about it...any questions or comments or anything, feel free to ask...peace...ganja.



New Member
root porn looks sick... white & beautiful.

cuts look lush.

puff. phuuuuuuf. paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss.

they didn't put any weed in that mandala pack?


Well-Known Member
Well, out of The 5 killa QueenXnycd that i threw down, 4 busted never did...put'em in 1.5" rockwool, phd to 5.6...put in tray, under dome..under the they should be sprouted out in a couple days...really no need for pics ill post some when they pop...later...ganja


Well-Known Member
Whats up all? I germed the 10 pack of Seedsmans Northern lights...and i shit u not, all 10 popped...yippee!!!all 10 have been put in 1.5" rockwool, phd to looking for a killer male this go around....wanna experiment with some diff breeding technics....

2 of the 4 killa queens have sprouted from rockwool...after i put my seeds in, i rip a little piece and put it in hole...well i lifted that out, and the other 2 are right at the top, so they should be sprouted tomorow....

???????????Question for everyone?????????????I recently made the transition from cloning in a bubblecloner to doing all my cloning in rockwool....Im not really safisfied with the 0veg, so im gonna do a 10 day veg for each round of clones before they go in....anyway...heres my dillema....i take my cuts, put in cube then put in tray for 10-15 days or until solid roots are after the root mass is to my liking, i wanna veg my clones for 10 days....what is the best way to do this???I tried keeping them in the cloning tray and just putting them under my 400w MH, but within 2-3 hours, my rockwool is dryed out....and im not available every 3 hours, 24 hours a day...who is? right? anyway, without setting up another ebb n flow table for veg, what would be my best option in this situation? I dont want to veg under the flouros, being its only a 10 day veg cycle, so i need all the fast vegetive growth i can get on them in 10 days....I hope this made at least a little sense...if not pm me for more details if open to any and all suggestions...thanks and keep them pipes smoking....peace...Ganja


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to get some pics up...i know i get bored reading and like pics in a few of my new hempys that im trying for the first them i have Romulan, 707 & Afghan kush...doing great...growth is unreal in the far i like the results im getting...and its super eazy peazy...the one in soil(white pot) is my green pheno jackberry future mom....and the last 3 or 4 are the sour deisels from the first tray that went into bloom last week....looking good...some are smaller...but its gonna be a nice tray....hope everyone follows to find out....peace...ganja



New Member
everything looks great.

those the d from my lab? nice. look like perfect SOG plants!

just saved me gas & tolls :-)

im gonna fill the 4x2 up tonight with 40.... taking the 18 i just threw down combined with that tray i got from you.

everything is ready, table down, rez filled, air bubbles bubbling, pump, tested, etc.

timer up tonight & throw down the cuts i got from you & fire up 800w of HPS goodness.

32 in 5x5s and i'll fill the remaining 8 spots with those 4x4s... so we can see how they'll work sooner rather than later.

a few days apart on the flip but no worries.

then i'll be able to park the 600 right over the tray that's finishing.

piiiiiizzzuuuuuff pizuf passssssssss




Well-Known Member
Got a few new strains on the menu..
Mandala Seeds "mandala#1"
Seedsman seeds "northern lights"
" ""Hash Passion"
Sannies "Extrema"

will be updating with pics later on tonight...ganja