Sorry but i'm not wasting my money on borderlands 2(no matter how many gazzillion guns they put in) i have the first one and got old after first night i played it.Also Theman13 i got on your server and sorry but i lagged so hard couldn't move? I got a very good internet connection(50MBs) so when i get on a server that's lagging causes me concerns to what it is running on it! (cheats server side i mean).Here's a little help full hint for pc users in bf3 if you get on a server and there are players with 200-300 pings on top in the scoreboard find another server there is no way you can play this game with a 300 ping i can't even move if mine is over's a router hack also known as ping hack.There is no reason a person in the U.S. should have a ping over 150 period.unless your on dial up.
I wasnt a fan of the first one either, though I know lots of people loved it.
I know there are tons of guns, but only like 15-20 base guns, but with different mods.
I know the cartoon black outline is artistic, but that combined with the camera made me dizzy for an unknown reason.
The story
Gameplay was fun for a bit, but it felt like I was only killing either, masked men, bugs or mutant dogs. It was like the same enemies over and over...
But then I know friends that played the game numerous times over, so who knows?