G13 Photoperiod First Grow

Did my best for a first attempt and YouTube to guide the way. She is still stretching and Im moving them square by square as necessary to keep them at the relative same height until the stretch is over. I don’t want to buy a second scrog net, Im not happy with this fit and adding more variables is unnecessary drama, as removing monster leaves below the scrog hurt my heart a wee bit already but she has recovered every.single.time. The genetics in these have to be pretty resilient.


The sixer produced about 2 and a half oz. I took her a bit earlier than I wanted to do because we are selling the house and I can’t have buyers walking though our grow room. I didn’t do 2 days of darkness. I chopped and hung her right in the grow tent for two days until she was almost dry then trimmed and finished in paper bags. First day in jars to cure. Will be adding RH packets soon. She’s not the frostiest Queen ever but she smells amazing and sweet and fruity. The 8er is being chopped tomorrow. (Pic one was about a week before I chopped, pic two and three are as she is now)

