g00segg's 400w Medi-gro.


Well-Known Member
such pretty lil perfectly colored plants..you grow goose!!
Hahahaha....I'm not going to lie some of the older leaves had a few spots...I'm thinking ph fluctuation or something...because they aren't burnt. But besides that, yes they're very green! One of them is already stinky and one just smells green. Don't know if this will have anything to do with sex...BUT I have a feeling I have one male and one female. Only time will tell.

Thanks again Kite!

On another note...I got some kinda bad news today. Comes to find out these issues I've been having has been "absent" seizures...the cause is not known yet, but because of this I can't drive for six months....again. I just can't win these days...lol. Oh well...get high and stay positive I guess. Hopefully the TGA Testers show up soon!

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha....I'm not going to lie some of the older leaves had a few spots...I'm thinking ph fluctuation or something...because they aren't burnt. But besides that, yes they're very green! One of them is already stinky and one just smells green. Don't know if this will have anything to do with sex...BUT I have a feeling I have one male and one female. Only time will tell.

Thanks again Kite!

On another note...I got some kinda bad news today. Comes to find out these issues I've been having has been "absent" seizures...the cause is not known yet, but because of this I can't drive for six months....again. I just can't win these days...lol. Oh well...get high and stay positive I guess. Hopefully the TGA Testers show up soon!
Hate to hear that bro...light love and healing to you my friend

And look at the bri0ght 0side...now you can stay with your grow and insure its at its best while staying high as you want on the product...see there is always gold in everything...just gotta look for it:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hate to hear that bro...light love and healing to you my friend

And look at the bri0ght 0side...now you can stay with your grow and insure its at its best while staying high as you want on the product...see there is always gold in everything...just gotta look for it:weed:
Thanks for the kinds words, kite. You're truly a good guy!


Well-Known Member
Setting up my ScROG right now. Can anyone tell me if yarn is a bad idea to make my screen out of? Does it emit any fumes or anything bad for the plants at a certain temp? Any info is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I would use the braided fishing line...not the nylon single strand but the braided stuff


the .41 mm...then if need be you could also use it to hammock the big heavy buds you gonna grow:eyesmoke:
Thanks man...pretty much no money though...so just used yarn because we had it laying around. I will probably have to reinforce it throughout the grow. Fishing line would have been ideal. Oh well...


Well-Known Member
looks like you're doin a bit better than i did huh? haha. plants are lookin good g00s:leaf:
Over the past 9 years i've learned a lot...mostly from this site. lol. Keep your chin up, bud. You'll figure it out! Especially once you get all the materials you need.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted into their final home. 3 gal. pots. Also have the scrog setup so we'll see how they're doing in the morn. New to the whole scrog thing so we'll see how it goes. Will post pics in a few hours...or sooner.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about not posting any pics. Been busy getting ready for the weekend. Heading out of state til' Sunday. Hopefully the girls do alright. They were transplanted yesterday so they got lots o' water. Should be fine....but everyone cross their fingers just in case! Everyone have a good, safe weekend!


Well-Known Member
Got home just in time to check the girls (hopefully) out before the lights went off. They are looking spectacular...really liking this scrog. Will post pics in the morn.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, sorry kite! I had class then had to babysit my niece for a few hours. As soon as I find this damn charger for the tablet I'll take pics. On another note! The TGA tester seeds have arrived. Will also take pictures of the packets when I update. They're Gooberry x Hells OG x Jack The Ripper. I have a feeling this is going to be some dannnnnky shiz. Stick around!


Well-Known Member
Bought a cheapy camera so I could at least get pictures at the angles I wanted. Not the greatest...but it'll do.
Day 5 of 12/12...actually maybe day 7....anyway. Here's some pics.

One of em' looked like she may have had a little N def. But...they haven't been fed in about a 9 days...but they got a good feeding today. Nothing serious though.
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And the TGA testers showed up woot! I will most likely start a whole new journal for them unless you guys think I should just keep it in here. Thanks again, TGA for giving me this awesome opportunity.