g00segg's 400w Medi-gro.


Well-Known Member
Today is day 9. They have grown a lot in the last 2 days...probably because they've been under the 400 MH for 2 days...lol Will post pics later today.


Well-Known Member
They got their first dose of nutes today. I went on the safe side and only gave 1/5 dose. I will see how they like it and adjust from there. Will take pics now.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the crappy pictures. I have to use my tablet to take them and it only has a self-facing camera. lol 12 days old here.


Well-Known Member
My babies are 14 days old today. Another 2 weeks and I'll start flowering probably...they are growing fast. Will post pics today!


Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like I have gotten a great opportunity here, folks! Seems that I will be testing a new strain from TGA and should be receiving the beans next week sometime. I'll update a bit more when the beans arrive. Pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. So awesome TGA gave you beans. Subbed.
Thanks for the support, man! And it was JinxProof that hooked me up. Seems like a great guy.

On another note....Our power got shut off today. Yayyy....not. It's effin' hot outside. I have them outside for the time being until tomorrow when the power gets turned back on. Lots of new growth and will update as soon as I can. Our internet also got shut off (some hard times) but things are getting better so we should be back up and going very very soon. I will still update at least once a week.


Well-Known Member
Power's been on for since the day after it went off...lol And I did confirm with Jinx from TGA that the testers are on the way. Cool beans. Also will be throwing up some updated pics! Still using the tablet to take pictures and it is hard to see what I'm shooting half the time.
Yea man thanks, I been snooping around for a while never been "allowed" to post. Still cant start a journal n shit...but im subbed to this grow we at about the same age...pretty amped


Well-Known Member
Day 30...Started flowering today. Might just sex'm then go back to veg for a little while...not for sure yet. Pics later today.