FYI- Be safe on state land

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Those of you that like to play outside please be on the look out for motion activated trail cameras used by you know who. DNR is for sure using them in state forests and parks whenever they find something. So don't plant on state land, besides the Lord knows that there is enough open spots elsewhere. And you might save yourself a felony arrest with glossy 8 x 10's with arrows and lines drawn all over them - used as proof.

Seriously, I was back home for a wedding and a guy sitting next to me was a DNR agent. Said they use them all the time. So be careful playing out there.


Active Member
Good point. Lots of hunters are placing them on state land now too. I was just pondering this during my long walks for turkey season. Kinda spooky thinking that you could be snapshot'd at any place in the woods.


Well-Known Member
Imo head for the Deep woods. I know some spots that if someone gets a pic of me then good on em! They earned it haulin their ass out there! I saw one this one time walkin around lookin for rocks and fossils up by mio. Wasnt camo or anything so i figured it was just some deer guys. gave it a smile a wave and wandered on but it definitely made me think about it. You guys ever watch The cali wildlife cop show? they definitely use trail cams. same in that stupid discovery channel weed show used a cam to catch some guy going down a drive way to prove he frequented the growers place. I know its just dumb TV shows but damn that sucks.

Damned big bro even got himself a foothold in the outdoors. lame...

The next big scare is drones. Dominoes is fucking testing drones for pizza delivery. before you know it 24 hour live video feed surveillance at a local and state level. FUCKIN DRONES FOR PIZZA DELIVERY :wall:


New Member
A friend of mine was busted by the Michigan State Police years ago and they worked with the DNR and used this method to entrap and nail the poor guy . Another reason to not put all you eggs in one basket .

Oh FYI , do no piss on them as you may get shocked in the end as well for indecent exposure lol