Fungas gnats


Well-Known Member
I seem to have a problem with what i believe to be fungas gnats. I have something called gnatrol and was wondering if anyone here has used this before. Just want to make sure i am not going to kill my plants if i use this stuff. Thanks everyone for your help once again.


Well-Known Member
Yes gnatrol is a good product to use.. Mix it accordingly with water and then drench your soil/medium you may have to repeat the steps every few weeks to keep them away. Also hang some sticky yellow fly traps. You need to kill the gnat larvae and keep any adult gnats from fucking on your medium..


Well-Known Member
use nothing follow this and they will be gone in three days. First go get yellow sticky paper at the nursery put it up all over the bases with the little sticks. Than this is the important part. Go get some potatoes from the grocery store cut up little two to three inch strips or squares, of course peel the thing first. Put a couple in each plant bed, pot, hydro container whatever. Switch those out every few hours during light time and give them new ones at bed time. The gnats love the potatoes so they lay their larve on there instead of the soil or whatever medium you are using. The yellow sticky stuff will kill the adults and in less than three days they will be gone along with the larve. Check out the potatoe pieces with your scope you will be amazed.


Well-Known Member
Call me the gnatanator, lol if there is one thing I know how to do it is how to get rid of those little bastards. They will runin your damm roots quick. To avoid this in the future if you have plants in soil add 1/4 inch of sand, play sand, to the top of the soil. Sand is pretty much fine ground up glass and shreds the little bastards when they show up. Food grade de works better but others have menioned when you water it is hard to keep it on top of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Call me the gnatanator, lol if there is one thing I know how to do it is how to get rid of those little bastards. They will runin your damm roots quick. To avoid this in the future if you have plants in soil add 1/4 inch of sand, play sand, to the top of the soil. Sand is pretty much fine ground up glass and shreds the little bastards when they show up. Food grade de works better but others have menioned when you water it is hard to keep it on top of the soil.
I too have battled the evil fungus gnat and was victorious! I now use predatory nematodes every grow.. They are a microscopic ring worm that eats the gnat larvae. I have done it all sand, DE earth, Gnatrol, Azamax potato etc ....Predatory nematodes are my best cure.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks all for the help. I put in a sticky card earlier and have caught alot of gnats already and now i will try the potatoes as well. I would much rather get rid of them without having to add an insecticide but i will see how the cards and potatoes work first.


Well-Known Member
Call me the gnatanator, lol if there is one thing I know how to do it is how to get rid of those little bastards. They will runin your damm roots quick. To avoid this in the future if you have plants in soil add 1/4 inch of sand, play sand, to the top of the soil. Sand is pretty much fine ground up glass and shreds the little bastards when they show up. Food grade de works better but others have menioned when you water it is hard to keep it on top of the soil.
Right Chris, we gotta have a talk !!!

I've had them for ages. Neem oil which I mix at 0.3% dilute 3ml/ litre kills all adults but more larvae seem to crop up. Occasionally I use pyrthrum (?) spray at 0.1% dilute as it's so strong, still not enough tho. The yellow strips are covered and I'm replacing them all tomorrow. Going to use 3 strips around 2 lights and more elsewhere (18H). My friends also had them and said perlite in the pots didn't help. They still have them. Pantyhose/ tights could work but not on loads of 5 Litre pots.

I'm willing to try anything now !!


Well-Known Member
I used a couple moth balls placed on the floor of my garden and one on top of the soil in each plant for 2 days to take care of my fungus gnat problem. The balls on the soil I put on top of a small piece of foil so it didnt come in contact with the soil. After trying everything I used this as a last resort and it should have been my first resort. After their death from the stinky balls...they never returned. I have a small garden though. I don't know how effective or safe it would be for a larger grow op


Well-Known Member
Wow!! Moth balls?? How did you hear of that ? Wonder if I can buy them here in Russia in the Sun? I wish Walmart would open up here or countless UK chains that I can think of.

I've got good ventilation so it could be done. Ebay away me thinks !! Thanks JP !!


Well-Known Member
I remember my grandmother using it when she grew her pot when I was a kid. She said they were tomaters lol....She would place just one in each pot and one in each corner of the grow area and within a couple days the gnat problem was gone. Be very careful that you have lots of ventilation and you don't spend too much time in indoor garden if you have to resort to using mothballs though. They are a human carcinogen when you are exposed to them alot which is why I suggest using them for only a couple days. Its not something you want to leave laying around for a whole grow, it can be a very nasty ordeal if not properly handled, not for the plants..but for the gardener.


Well-Known Member
I know, I've just been on Ebay and all the packets have a black hazardous cross on an orange square !! Pure chemical, I'll wear gloves and stay out of there for a couple of days.

I hope they have them in the National department store here, I doubt it but I'm on the case!!


Well-Known Member
the best precaution you can use while handling them is make sure you have a dust mask/surgical mask and a pair of latex or plastic gloves when in your garden handling them or tending to your plants. Make sure they dont come in direct contact with your soil(just find something to place them on, on top of the soil and your problem should be resolved in a few days. It always sucks to resort to such measures to protect a crop. Fungus gnats are resilient little fuckers!


Well-Known Member
I believe a few years back Europe banned the chemical that makes up mothballs. I doubt very highly you will find them over there. Ebay might be your only way. Sometimes though...grandma's remedy is the best proven remedy. The old timers never worried about the things we worry about now a days and they might have died...but they died at a nice ripe age. Worry is the biggest killer of them all.


Well-Known Member
Considering all the small 5 lt pots, how many under a light. Otherwise it'd be 25 !!!! I reckon it's make sense to space them out a bit so 4 or 5 per light. What do you think ?


Well-Known Member
I believe a few years back Europe banned the chemical that makes up mothballs. I doubt very highly you will find them over there. Ebay might be your only way. Sometimes though...grandma's remedy is the best proven remedy. The old timers never worried about the things we worry about now a days and they might have died...but they died at a nice ripe age. Worry is the biggest killer of them all.
Too true !!! Sometimes I think they'll be the death of me !!

If they're banned across Europe then they probably palmed them off to Spain coz no-one else would take them !!!


Well-Known Member
well in that case I would not do all at the same time, maybe 5 at the most. Maybe it will drive them all off. Wait a week then do another 5 and so on. If you have good enough air flow and plenty of fresh air coming in then maybe you can try to do all of them at the same time to knock it out all at once. That will be mighty pungent though even with good ventilation. after its all said and done with and the critters are dead I would give your leaves a good soaking with fresh water to rid them of any residuals that might have clung to them. While I doubt this will be the case safe is always better when dealing with chemicals. I have always used them to get rid of my pest problems and never had a mothball tasting bud :) lol