Fungas Gnats - Desperate Acts

i just spray surface spray on the floor of my grow room 2 dayz later no more gnates turn ya fans up aswell it will confine them to the pots were they will starve
this shit will wipe out any fungas or shit that growing in ya dwc use 1 sachet to 2 ltrs of water set at 21c leave it sit for 1 night with roots hanging in the solution then get them back on half streath feed til they look green
So its been about 3 days using the WDG and it looks worse not better. Sever Root everything is brown and gross looking.

Will probably grab some pondzyme. Clear out and hope for the best.
It has almost been a week of the WDG. There is a little new growth on the roots.

The tops are starting to look healthy again. I blasted them with Spinosad and Pyrethine. about 4 days apart. Will do another spray of Spinosad tonight.

I just want the roots to be bright white is that so much to ask for. I'm thinking on this next water change (which in on Tuesday) I will grab some pondzyme to help get rid of the dead roots. Then go back to normal feeding and normal weekly spraying.

Normally I would have lit off a bug bomb but I have my flower tent in the same bedroom so that isn't an option for the next 2 weeks.

Here they are:
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Coulda saved $30 by buying pond enzymes instead for future reference. Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis will rid you of fungis gnats. It can be found in products such as "Mosquito Bits." This and a systematic like SNS209 will keep them at bay permanently.
Edit: You could just skip the sns209 and only use the bti. I use the sns 209 my whole grow though and it keeps them from ever coming around.

Hey DKG,

How much of this "pondzyme" stuff do use per gallon? 1ml? 20ml?
Okay the WDG sucks. Got gunck all over my pumps and pipes.

Everything is starting to look better. This week I am doing:
Tap Water
Sludge Remover (Just like Pondzyme)

Ph'd to 5.5 - 5.8

Also will alternate Pyrethine and Spinosad every 4 days.

New Healthy Tops:
IMG_4440.JPG IMG_4441.JPG IMG_4442.JPG IMG_4443.JPG

The Sludge left over from WDG:
IMG_4474.JPG IMG_4475.JPG IMG_4476.JPG IMG_4477.JPG IMG_4478.JPG
Here are the root shots. I am pretty confident that everything will be good to go by next Tuesday. Especially since these are scheduled to flower in 2 weeks, they need to be healthy.

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Couple of shots of the Mother Plants to. They were being eaten alive as well. But now the new growth looks good.

Also, my flower room looks nothing like this. For some reason Veg always has some issues. Maybe it is because I don't take as much care.
In case anyone wants to know what is in the sludge remover:

As soon as sludge and slime begin to take hold of your pond or fountain, don’t wait to act. Use our Total Pond Sludge Remover in the 16 oz. bottle to eliminate gunk and goo and rescue your water garden. Sludge can rapidly build up and make both big and small ponds unappealing. Sludge also builds up on filters and makes them less efficient. A 16 oz. bottle of Sludge Remover will treat up to 960 gal. of water. This product is intended for use in self-contained ponds and fountains that have no outflow. Follow instructions on label and use only the suggested quantity for your pond or fountain. If you use an ultraviolet clarifier in your water garden, turn if off before adding Sludge Remover and keep it off for 5 days after application. We also offer our Sludge Remover in large 64 oz. containers. For best results, use with our Water Clarifier.

Well I thought that would be more informative. I will take a pic of the back of the bottle. It is a shit load of micros and bacteria that eat decaying organic matter.
Update: Sludge Remover worked. I have bright white roots growing now. We will see if we can keep them that way.

This is the first week of using it. Next post will be Updated with White Roots.

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Good news!!! Everything is back to health again.

What worked: Sludge Remover from Home Depot like 6 bucks. Oh and Pyrethine

What seemed to work and then stopped: Orca, WDG Gnatcontrol (This shit actually looked like it made it worse), H202,

Currently I am doing my normal regimen of feedings with the addition of Sludge Remover (Pondzyme).

I'll Have pics shortly. White Roots made me real freaking happy.

Note To Self: Always completely identify all symptoms plant is showing. This time it was root aphids with a mixture of broad mites up top.
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I don't have too many of these guys around but I want to eliminate them before they become a problem. I put sticky traps up. I caught about 10 on the trap in a weeks time. I also let my soil dry before watering. Should I use ipm such as gnatrol or just keep sticky traps and don't overwater?
Will gnatrol kill beneficial microbes in soil?

I'd say screw gnatcontrol. Didn't really improve much and I am still seeing the brown shit leak out of my pump. I'm running Aero so there really isn;t the option to let the roots dry out. But what did work for me was a combination of H202, Orca and Zone.

I also used Sludge Remover for a couple of weeks. But I have thrown that bottle away because the fine print says not for plants for human consumption.