Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
are you catering the for the whole wedding :) , you must be busy . hope its not an epic amount of people :)


Well-Known Member
Well I am finally home. The wedding was beautiful and the cake turned out (mostly). I couldn't make it a tiered cake like I wanted...the supports wouldn't work (read that as - I couldn't work the supports). But everyone liked it.

Other than getting to see my son and his new wife and the wedding, it was a stressful week. Let's just say Shitsburgh is a scary place.

I have terrible news about my girls but will have to wait for later. Here are the pics of the cake and the things that look like pizzas are white chocolate bark with dried cherries, apricots, and walnuts.



Well-Known Member
Cakes look beautiful! That bark looks delicious as well :D. Sorry to hear about the terrible news :(. Glad to hear the wedding went well though :)!


Well-Known Member
Well I am finally home. The wedding was beautiful and the cake turned out (mostly). I couldn't make it a tiered cake like I wanted...the supports wouldn't work (read that as - I couldn't work the supports). But everyone liked it.

Other than getting to see my son and his new wife and the wedding, it was a stressful week. Let's just say Shitsburgh is a scary place.

I have terrible news about my girls but will have to wait for later. Here are the pics of the cake and the things that look like pizzas are white chocolate bark with dried cherries, apricots, and walnuts.
Oh noo, common Fumble, we want all good news, now you got me scared, WTF happened...the words back from my trip, and terrible news is not what we want to hear....hope all is good, but I'm guessing it's not.


Well-Known Member
me neither, I was just thinking, I wonder how fumble is doing, and here you are home with some bad news about the ladys. Well, glad your back safe, and you can always grow more weed if need be, and let us knmow what we can do to help!!


Well-Known Member
Fumble, you should be the person that plans the suspenseful commercial breaks on tv dramas. This feels like one of those commercial breaks! I need to know!


Well-Known Member
:wall: I feel like a total drama queen...so not like me. I suppose it's not as bad as it sounded, but I was freaked out. I think the PK is okay, just yellowing from age? I found one kola tip that was brown from worm damage I think. And is she supposed to be that color? I can't see shit and can't really tell what color the trichs are. The GR is just infested with white flies again. OMG! Those little m-effers! You can see them in the close up that is blurry. I am going to get ladybugs. You can see all the damaged, burned leaves that I am guessing are from my heavy handed spraying before I left. The buds are still forming nicely though. The CC brought me to tears. I think I am going to lose almost the whole thing to rot and effing worms. I sprayed her pretty well before I left, and it obviously backfired, causing the rot. And I think she is like the Medi, JJ, in that the worms love her. I found one when I was trying to clean her up and I stuck it with my dental tool and lit it on fire.

I was beyond stressed from my trip and too depressed about my girls to even go out there for two days. But now that I have seen the damage, it is not as bad as I thought at first. Sorry for all the drama and suspense. I do have to say that even though the CC is way early and damaged, she smokes great. Eff those worms, I'm smoking their shit!

:hug:Thank you all for your well wishes. I am so looking forward to the harvest party! :joint:Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. And at Kitty..."Ah can shoot straight, as long as Ah don't have tuh shoot tuh fahh."



Well-Known Member
Thank god!
Girl I thought you were ripped off....
Whatever that is in picture #2 is ripe and done;-). Bud rot is part of the outdoor experience, it's going to happen, you can manage it by close inspections, but that's tough to do when your on the other side the country.
Keep your head up and all will be good in the end.


Well-Known Member
With rain coming this week, watch the mold cause it will spread fast. Best to cut it all off now. Guess we were all thinking the worst from your last post, heard smoking worm poop gives you red hair and freckles? lol Welcome back.


Well-Known Member
with rain coming this week, watch the mold cause it will spread fast. Best to cut it all off now. Guess we were all thinking the worst from your last post, heard smoking worm poop gives you red hair and freckles? Lol welcome back.
bahahahahaha I told my brother it'll make his winky shrink! Now he won't touch it!!