Mel O'Cheddar
Active Member
Happy 4:20 all:
So, srsly, I have looked all over the internet more than once and have yet to find out HOW vaporizers work broken down into plain & simple English. Whips, cyclones, WTF is all this shit?
I'm very interested yet very perplexed, and the vaporizer fans are passionate about the awesomeness of this product. I understand that (supposedly) one is inhaling less smoke since vapes burn the weed at a higher temp. After that I'm lost. So, vape fans, help a fellow stoner out and explain some of the terminology, how it works, etc. Many searches have provided little relevant, non-sales-pitchy information.
Hope everyone has a great 4:20, be safe!
So, srsly, I have looked all over the internet more than once and have yet to find out HOW vaporizers work broken down into plain & simple English. Whips, cyclones, WTF is all this shit?

I'm very interested yet very perplexed, and the vaporizer fans are passionate about the awesomeness of this product. I understand that (supposedly) one is inhaling less smoke since vapes burn the weed at a higher temp. After that I'm lost. So, vape fans, help a fellow stoner out and explain some of the terminology, how it works, etc. Many searches have provided little relevant, non-sales-pitchy information.
Hope everyone has a great 4:20, be safe!