"Fuck You USA!


Well-Known Member
You know it probably doesnt help that you guys think your so great either. Also the US is doing fuck all in Libya btw(a few cruise missiles aint really much), and noone asked for the US to invade/occupy any of the other countries they're in. Its the arrogant gung-ho attitude that pisses the world off, and no offense, but if an occupying soldier gets blown up in a foreign country, is the person that did it a terrorist or a freedom fighter? If Russia/China invaded the US for any reason you guys would be on here saying "lets blow the fuckers up", so whats the difference?

If the US would actually eat the humble pie getting served to it nowadays, stop spouting all this "we're the best" rubbish and invading other countries for oil it'd change the worlds view.

And I support the US, just the attitude of some of its people is ridiculous.

EDIT: And its spelt Osama btw, why are so many people misspelling that?!


Well-Known Member
Here is another DUMBASS that thinks it's about oil...Fucking Pathetic!!!!!



Well-Known Member
if u hate the USA so bad stay ur ass the fuck outta it
If you like USA so much, legalize your little plant already. Pffff... world power my ass. The only world power I see is Arrest and Oppress. BTW... if you think I live in the colonies, you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! You must be 12 or something to using someones mom as a insult.
But that is the way tiny retarded brains work.
Move along Douchebag!!


Well-Known Member
I only hope his (Usamas, in this case) family has to deal with 1/1000th the hardship everyone related to those in the towers had to deal with.
Do you read your country's history? 2 normal passenger jets did not knock down the towers. That is a story for little boys. Your president did it. WAKE UP! When did America go into war in 2001....duuuuuuhhhh after the Tower Thing? Yes that's right... but there was no war before it. American President wanted a war, but you didn't... so he blew up the fucking towers and then you said "oh yeay let's go cut off their heads! Get real, America has gotten a cancer, now stop trying to be a world power and check yourself--YOU FOOL USA!


Well-Known Member
Wow!!! You must be 12 or something to using someones mom as a insult.
But that is the way tiny retarded brains work.
Move along Douchebag!!
I was merely highlighting the childishness of your statements. And my tiny brain is still a lot bigger than your tiny balls


New Member
u got some kind of proof we can look at or did u just imagine this?

Do you read your country's history? 2 normal passenger jets did not knock down the towers. That is a story for little boys. Your president did it. WAKE UP! When did America go into war in 2001....duuuuuuhhhh after the Tower Thing? Yes that's right... but there was no war before it. American President wanted a war, but you didn't... so he blew up the fucking towers and then you said "oh yeay let's go cut off their heads! Get real, America has gotten a cancer, now stop trying to be a world power and check yourself--YOU FOOL USA!


Well-Known Member
I really doubt that !!!
You are a coward like all the rest.Now go play with your barbie dolls TROLL.......


Well-Known Member
If anyone wants to tell to me how the fuck 2 giant 100+ level towers came STRAIGHT DOWN LIKE A DEMOLITION? only a little boy can't see the difference between a skyscraper toppling over from a Real Terrorist attack and not a planned demolotion...


Well-Known Member
For example, if I slammed MindMelted's giant internet ego into the empire state building, it would fall over.... it would NOT fall straight down like a *pancake theory* in a normal demolition