Fuck this fucking place


Well-Known Member
CONGRATULATIONS @mainliner YOU HAVE WON THE AWARD OF (Drumbeats)................................................... WORST TROLL EVER THIS AWARD GOES TO THE PERSON WHO CREATES STUPID THREADS AND POSTS IN AN ATTEMPT TO PISS PEOPLR OFF BUT CAN'T SUCESSFULLY DO IT, THAT MAN IS @mainliner the man who no longer gets any replies on his dumbass threads, I have three words for your behalf, FUCK YOU MAINLINER !!!


Well-Known Member
Srry to hear u dont like where u live if u move try denver its beautiful and ppl are chill u obviously get ur wanna bees but all u gotta do is smack em up alil and weeds legal


Well-Known Member
CONGRATULATIONS @mainliner YOU HAVE WON THE AWARD OF (Drumbeats)................................................... WORST TROLL EVER THIS AWARD GOES TO THE PERSON WHO CREATES STUPID THREADS AND POSTS IN AN ATTEMPT TO PISS PEOPLR OFF BUT CAN'T SUCESSFULLY DO IT, THAT MAN IS @mainliner the man who no longer gets any replies on his dumbass threads, I have three words for your behalf, FUCK YOU MAINLINER !!!
que the classic ...... U mad bro ;)


Well-Known Member
oh I woke up at 5am drove 1.5 hours to work, the truck broke down 6 times once with a 4metre wide load on a major highway, drove 1.5 hours home, hadn't eaten all day drank a can of Guinness found a fucking testicle inside it. Got kfc for dinner waited in line for about 30minutes but the chicken was pretty good!
6 times???? That sounds like some of the cheap ass companies around here.


Well-Known Member
i would move to America IN A BREATH!! If i had the money ....... Ha ..... *thinking about it*

i would have to bring my cats ......... I am coming to America.

never ever EVER live your life unhappy ...... your eating in resturants you don't like .....MOVE RESTAURANTS....TONY !!

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
You can stay with me for as long as you need. My couch is secretly a bed. I keep an ice cold fresh keg in the garage, my bathroom is spotless, and I keep all of the best munchies.

Australia is hard to ship seeds to. That alone would be reason enough for me to move.
Could I stay to, your place sounds amazing and it rains all the time here :cry: