Fuck the system....

No I said I would eat it. If you are in a boat you will see him coming. Plenty of time. If he wants to give me public intox. fine. Better than getting public intox and a littering charge. Bottom line is if you are not doing anything to far out they won't mess w/ you. There are plenty of other fish who are fucking up. If you are taking illegal fish and throwing shit in the water you are fucked. I've seen it plenty.
Absolute slavery has diminished, replaced by a more subtle kind of control. Pretty slick how they did that eh?

Of course cultures that embraced slavery were "wrong" . A wrong thing cannot be made right simply because it is commonly practiced or endorsed by the many.

I agree with everything you say, my friend. I'm just an old mad hatter who has been through the looking glass more than once and (once) sideways. :)

I guess I just don't know who "they" are. It's a ghost. They is us in this country.

I just don't think there is a such a thing as right and wrong in the absolute sense, not good vs evil, for example. Am I Evolved, devolved or slipped sideways? <shrug> So, not on the same page at all, here.

To me the wildest thing is to try to imagine the first Olympics. Hot, no conncession, over booked, a real fuck up. Or, the Senate stabbing Gaius Julius, woops..but, not as a tourist. But, try to see it as they saw it. To try to forget all my modern plowed under notions. To just think about it.

It has to start with a deep self education of what it was, as much as we know. And then try to peel it all back to their struggle, without the benefit of the future. They are not us, but they were the world just before us. Our natural heritage.

How can i judge them?
^^^ I think "they" are the ones that want to control others. I think "us" are the ones that only want to control ourselves. Times change, but the struggle is constant.

Listen, if you don't know the roots of civilization, I can't help. I can assure it is not Africa. We fell out of tree in Africa and got the hell out, then came back, still with no civilization, no agriclure, maybe not even a voice box yet. Then left again spread east and north, still no civilization.

I know everyone is very light on self education and they teach bullshit at school, if this the judge.

Do you not know of the Peloponnesian Wars? (over by 404 bce) Don't you know that these two combants, Sparta and Athens, then banded together against Persia. The 300 Spartans? The dividing line between Eastern and Western civilizations, is there, because of the Hot Gates, Thermopoli?

And then Rome kicked the snot out of them and everyone else, and that is us? Western Civilization?

Damn, dude, the only civilization in Africa to this day is Western import.

Well I can tell you Mesopotamia was before Rome. The sumerians were before all of this. So just stop.
I think doer meant "our" civilization (american) stems from roman civilization.

I'm not that closed-minded. We are all one species and originated from one point. You guys make me seem crazy but all you do is think of something that "lights" up in your heads and everyone else must be wrong.

I bet doer, is a hardcore Christian.
littering bro. I don't even flick my cig. butts in the water. Seriously, the man is everywhere where I am at. I witnessed a guy pull a mess of line out of the water he got snagged on. Instead of putting it in his pocket he threw it back in. He got a littering ticket even tho he pulled the shit out of the water to begin with. Giving tickets for violations is big business here.

Point taken. i didn't think of that.
But the next poster's point about relative severity is also good. If you use a piece of nail, it's iron and biodegradable. (Yes; seriously. The Titanic's hulk is feeding gazillions of bacteria.) cn
weeden, i do appreciate the compliment even as i doubt its correctness.;)

the land ownership question interests me. I do believe deep down inside that granting and holding perpetual title to land and the assets under it is unsustainable. However i cannot come up with a practicable alternative. The bad thing about landownership is that it promotes monopolies and empire and the general evil of men toward other men. I am sensitive to abandon's argument that landownership may very well be a moral failure comparable to slavery.

We were landless nomads once, but that path is closed. We hold title to land now, with benefits and serious defects in that system. I imagine/hope that there will be a better way, but i cannot envision it.

I cannot come up with an alternative. It always boils down to one thing: Who is in charge, and quis custodiet custodes? any system that administers matters of power (and access to land and resources is the cornerstone of power) is corruptible as long as humans run it. There always are custodes, the folks with the final say. "we are a nation of laws and not men" is a bold statement but not quite right.

The fact that not one banker is in federal ass-bleed prison after heisting billions confirms the
incorrectness of the sentiment for me. Cn

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I can tell you Mesopotamia was before Rome. The sumerians were before all of this. So just stop.

That is my point..... geography. Sumeria and Mesopotamia are not in Africa. The only thing out of Africa was the Inland desert slave routes, Timbuktu, etc, and The age of Pharaoh.

I don't call mud huts and bramble corrals a civilization, even today.

And you are correct about the twin river being where we settled into agriculture...In the West.

There are 3 civilizations on the Planet. All started in the river systems.
The Indus and Ganges is the Middle peoples
and The Yellow and Po rivers in China.
That is my point..... geography. Sumeria and Mesopotamia are not in Africa. The only thing out of Africa was the Inland desert slave routes, Timbuktu, etc, and The age of Pharaoh.

I don't call mud huts and bramble corrals a civilization, even today.

Hey let's not forget Durban Poison now!
The land ownership question interests me. I do believe deep down inside that granting and holding perpetual title to land and the assets under it is unsustainable. However I cannot come up with a practicable alternative.

The earth is alive and has rights. People who can't get this through their head need to get a clue. We need to become symbiotic with it. I believe that in order to do this, our species must cooperate.