Fuck The K9 Unit...

Why am I more wrong than you? You're acting like just because you say it, makes it true. Just because you had a bad run in with police for something that you probably shouldnt have been doing anyways, doesnt make them all bad. So because you were probably doing something illegal or suspicious, you got approached/pulled over by police. Then you have the nerve to call them pigs for doing their jobs? Are fireman assholes because they show up to a fire? so why is a cop a dick for pulling you over for something suspicious? Some of yall just seem like youre arguing the little irrelevant points, and some how seem to miss the fact that all I'm saying is, how is it logical to get mad at someone for doing their job, especially if you were really doing something to warrant it.
Here you are again, just assuming the person must have done something wrong to have an encounter with the cops. Guy is talking about police abusing their powers. You are talking about police arresting people for actually having committed crimes. I'd have to say there is a difference there, and that a cop using his powers to get something or fuck with someone is wrong every time, and is not "doing his job" as you described it. It's their job to falsify information, intimidate and beat people, and commit crimes themselves? What the fuck?
The majority of cops are crooked as fuck, even if they didn't start out that way. Its inevitable, you have the largest gang in the world and you hand the members a badge and a gun. If one fucks up, the rest have to cover for him or her. Its a brotherhood with sisters. Snitches get stitches, no matter if your on the street or behind a badge. I know a LEO that quit because he did the right thing and the others did not like that. He was in a situation where he called for back up (btw he is one of the few that only calls for it when he needed it) it took 30 min for back up to arrive 2 miles away from dispatch. Needless to say he used deadly force and they tried to fuck him for it. THe people trying to fuck him were the same officers he told the truth about and since he was there when it took place he knew he would get written up too.

Point is, if their is a cop either they are crooked or on their way to being. If they dont like it, they quit! I have yet to meet a LEO that is genuinely straight 100% of the time. (which they all should be) They should have harsher penalties for fucking up, but they dont. Google cops killing innocent people and deeming it ok.
the police around there mow your lawn for you?

Their was a police officer that used to patrol my neighborhood and surrounding hoods. (sweet suburbia lol) Anyways, he would spend most of his days campaigning to switch to his lawn/pool service company he owned. Intimidating illegals, running their plates and serials on equipment. If no id they would go to jail and have their vehicles towed. Im sure he stockpiled the equipment. Before he made detective, 4 years after starting all this he went from a preceint owned patrole car to a private (blacked out w/ ghost writing) 4x4 diesel excursion with all the bells and whistles. You wouldnt even know he was the police unless he lit you up. Moved to the neighborhood across the freeway where houses start in the $1mill+ range and now lives the high life. Good old fashion police work is a quote he used a lot!

w/e they all suck! goodnight.... when in doubt, empty the clip.
I bet 95% of the people that hate cops on RIU probably hate them because they were busted by a cop for loitering some place they shouldn't have been, or reeked of pot, or swerving in the road, ETC.

So now you are making unsubstantiated assumptions? Where do you get your 95% number? I smell bacon. GTFO pig.

I'm not trying to make assumptions, .

Why am I more wrong than you? You're acting like just because you say it, makes it true. Just because you had a bad run in with police for something that you probably shouldnt have been doing anyways, doesnt make them all bad. So because you were probably doing something illegal or suspicious, you got approached/pulled over by police. Then you have the nerve to call them pigs for doing their jobs? Are fireman assholes because they show up to a fire? so why is a cop a dick for pulling you over for something suspicious? Some of yall just seem like youre arguing the little irrelevant points, and some how seem to miss the fact that all I'm saying is, how is it logical to get mad at someone for doing their job, especially if you were really doing something to warrant it.

as·sump·tionNoun1. A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof

You are off your fucking rocker officer thundakat. I have never, EVER, been harassed by a fireman, nor have I ever seen or even heard of anyone being harassed by them. Never have they placed handcuffs on me, never have I been thrust into the back seat of their fire engine, never have I been pulled over by them for obeying the law, etc. I don't understand how you could possibly even equate the two given their differences in power and authority.

I understand what you are trying to say, I just think you are:

1. Wrong.
2. Not very effective at making any valid points
3. A pig. Oink oink
The police are just the muscle arm of legitimate organized crime.

Some individual police are morally and ethically superior to other cops, but still part of the same syndicate.

They are pigs because they are officers of the court, police officers; not peace officers.

/end thread. :o
Please, by all means get rid of the police so I can start quenching my thirst for blood...

Me, and hundreds of thousands like me... at the current moment, are not doing such as I fear the risk of prison.

But hey, without police around, what's to fear? You and your shotgun won't work too well against my army of hundreds, maybe even thousands...

Mad Max, I love the idea... everyone for themselves, greed is good... killing is better, raping WHILE killing is the best!

Just kidding, I'm not really like that, but there's many out there who are that will thoroughly enjoy a police free world, do you really want to live in that kind of world?

All I hear is bitching, but no solutions to the problem... how do you get rid of dirty cops?

How do you clean up what has been happening for hundreds of years?
There;s nothing to do until Marital LAw happens unfortunately, which will probably be soon, maybe late this summer
Please, by all means get rid of the police so I can start quenching my thirst for blood...

Me, and hundreds of thousands like me... at the current moment, are not doing such as I fear the risk of prison.

But hey, without police around, what's to fear? You and your shotgun won't work too well against my army of hundreds, maybe even thousands...

Mad Max, I love the idea... everyone for themselves, greed is good... killing is better, raping WHILE killing is the best!

Just kidding, I'm not really like that, but there's many out there who are that will thoroughly enjoy a police free world, do you really want to live in that kind of world?

All I hear is bitching, but no solutions to the problem... how do you get rid of dirty cops?

How do you clean up what has been happening for hundreds of years?

If any infraction was made by police, elected officials, or that status type it should be an automatic felony.
Please, by all means get rid of the police so I can start quenching my thirst for blood...

Me, and hundreds of thousands like me... at the current moment, are not doing such as I fear the risk of prison.

But hey, without police around, what's to fear? You and your shotgun won't work too well against my army of hundreds, maybe even thousands...

Mad Max, I love the idea... everyone for themselves, greed is good... killing is better, raping WHILE killing is the best!

Just kidding, I'm not really like that, but there's many out there who are that will thoroughly enjoy a police free world, do you really want to live in that kind of world?
Boo. Scare. Terror. etc. I think there was some bible verse about not fearing the common thief/murderer but rather the law and system that emerges from not settling grievances reasonably and personally. Most people are just trying to survive. The real violent types are the ones who have lived it so long it's instinctual. Dishonesty and violence breeds the machine by establishing a requirement and a demand for an institution and an establishment which then in turn demands compliance. It's a catch-22 damned if you do damned if you don't.
All I hear is bitching, but no solutions to the problem... how do you get rid of dirty cops?
The all seeing eye. (SPOILER ALERT: Cameras are everywhere.)
How do you clean up what has been happening for hundreds of years?
Accountability. Truth.
I am 25 now and when i was in my teens i was reckless. Every local and most staties knew me. I had one pull me over and asked if i had anything in the car. That was his first question. Well.... i was clean and i let him search my car. so this pig put me in hand cuffs and sat me on the guard rail. He then started to searh my car and comes back with two little grease capsules for the racing steering wheel that i installed and bought from autozone. he then comes to me pissed of and was like you told me nothing was in the car and punched me . I swore up and down that they where what they where and he didnt belive me. The f in idiot opened the capsule and i said see you fucking pig your fucked and i want your supervisor. Well he never showed up. Well the cop didnt notice that it was being recorded in the video system i had in the car. He tried to give me every ticket in the book. i was legal and ended up with stupid shit like a bald tire ticket . meanwhile all my tires where bought 2 weeks before that. Well i went to court and the cop wanted to plea bargian with me and i told him to drop everything before we both go up to the judge. He said he couldnt drop it with thet look like i was crazy. I felt like i had the power then! Soi i went up to him and said are you sure you dont want to drop it? all the other cops where laughing at me. Well we went up to the judge and the cop started to say something to the judge and i interupted him and said that i was a victim of police cruelty and i want him arrested and i want to press charges. The judge looked at me like i was on drugs. Well i explained to the judge what happend and he then asked if i can prove it. I looked over at the cop and smiled and i told the judge yes. would you like it on and dvd, cassette tape or just the voice recording. the tv was in the corner and the court room was packed. I ran over there and put it in and started to play it for the whole court. Well the court room was talking mad shit yelling and laughing at the cop. Then it was the judges turn to give it to him. All said and done he was arrested, charged with assualt and lost his job and got 3 years probation and i sued him because i am now traumatized from law enforcement and the saftey of my life.

So now i ride around clean legal and on the hunt for the next pig to fuck. The car video system really works. Thats how i deal with them. And i never ever ride in THAT car dirty just trollinfor curupt pigs. I have also gotten out of every ticket they have tried to give me.
Barack says the only way for us to be safe and secure is combining military power and strength in diplomacy. He also says that Hillary agrees with him on this fact. How is that going to make us safe? It seems that if their isn't enough for the police to do they have to fabricate it so they can have a job. I dont think a militia is neccisary, but I do think it is necessary for everyone should posses the hard skills of survival, problem solving, basic carpentry, agriculture development, and weapons systems.