Fuck The K9 Unit...

you must live in small town. the cop around here in the city dont give a fuck about speed limits. they only go after drunk drivers and they would pull you over if you blow blunt smoke in there face at a stoplight. They have better shit to do like respond to shootings and shit.

But i still feel bad for you. there will always be ass hole cops
K9 are just dogs! Officer placed the lead on counter and was looking around? I picked up the lead and moved the dog away from cash register. Officer came back concerned: please place the lead on the counter you should not have been able to pick up the lead! What? I am the big dog in charge here the dog knew it! Cop an attitude with me and you get 300+ pounds of attitude back. That is how attitude works real world.
I don't side with authority. I do, however, recognize that cops are human too. There is a reasonable grounds to think that treating them like they are human will result in them responding humane.

I just means you've got to be shitting me if you think the majority of PEOPLE aren't assholes. You tout these 'asshole cops' to be the minority but you're forgetting, everyone's a dick. Not all the time. Most of the time most of the people are reasonable. But if you're an irrational prick one bad day a week (That would be Monday for your corporate alcoholic weekend warriors) then you're still a nice guy "most" of the time.

In other, words. Sure, they're all nice guys, most of the time.

The question is, should they be held accountable for their actions these days? How much? Suspended with pay? Seriously? Don't you know, encourage anything. Are they still useful to society and how can we be sure of their continued civility?

Authority should be held as accountable as its people. Each to each other. Regardless of form. Only the internet makes this possible for everyone. The all seeing eye, as it were. Even Firefox wants me to capitalize "internet"
I don't agree with that "you got the one bad cop of the bunch" bullshit. I think events like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jean_Charles_de_Menezes or say this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dzieka%C5%84ski_Taser_incident, where some cops fuck up, then lie about it, and a bunch of higher ups have to get in there to make sure they get away with it till you've got thirty people in on letting someone get away with murder really discredit that theory. I think the thing is, you give someone power like that, and when all past experience proves they can get away with abusing it, they will abuse it. I doubt many police officers make it through their careers without abusing the law some way to put themselves ahead, even if it isn't as nearly as serious as some offences aforementioned.
so some of you people are tryin to tell me that you dont lie and that you always follow the law to a T and cops are more guilty of that than you?? I mean some of you people need to look in the mirror. The thing most of us do every day is illegal. then you wonder why cops fuck with you?? Let me tell you something, you are not what the cops are worried about. you make it sound like your effin scarface or something. you have the audacity(sp?) to think that youre so important that all cops are after you all the time? and clearly some of you didnt read my post thoroughly. i said that, sure some cops are bad apples and yes sometimes you will get fucked with for no reason. but what kind of backwoods hick ass town are you in that they all just fuck with you all the time? and youre not ever doing anything illegal? i mean, this is a pot forum correct? And another thing, who cares if a cop abuses his power a bit IF IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU? none of you have had a job where you can abuse it a little bit?? mechanics never use shop equipment for their own cars after work if their car breaks down?
Come on, don't let one bad cop ruin the bunch for you. (..) I mean, does one pot head that goes and kills a bunch of people make all pot heads murderers?

the problem is that the "cops" are an institution
people that smoke pot are not an institution
but cops are
they have rules and codes and WE give them the right to enforce the law upon US.

if a cop fucks up then his superiors are to respond
if you fuck up no other smoker is to blame
the problem is that the "cops" are an institution
people that smoke pot are not an institution
but cops are
they have rules and codes and WE give them the right to enforce the law upon US.

if a cop fucks up then his superiors are to respond
if you fuck up no other smoker is to blame
I'm sorry, last I checked a cop was a person, not an "institution". You are theoretically correct I suppose in that an institution can be an organization or group of people that promote a particular cause or program as well. But use your head man, if your father/mother/brother/sister was a cop, and someone called them an "institution", you might be likely to kick their teeth in. Also, if you want to categorized cops in that light, wouldn't smoker all be a group of people pretty much in the promotion of a particular cause, I mean aren't we all pretty much for the same thing here? Yes there is a chain of command but a cop still has to answer for his actions in court. Yes we theoretically give them their rights to do what they do, but its the percentage of people that don't know whats best for them to begin with that sort of ruin it for us. A large percentage of people in this country wouldn't know the first thing to do if you let them police themselves. Everyone really seems to have a lot to complain about towards police. Its been my experience that its those very people who were probably doing wrong in the first place to be approached by police for something. I bet 95% of the people that hate cops on RIU probably hate them because they were busted by a cop for loitering some place they shouldn't have been, or reeked of pot, or swerving in the road, ETC. So just because you don't agree with a law means you don't have to follow it? That's usually what draws attention to you and gets your pulled over, or searched. Again, please use some common sense and know that I cant speak for all police, and I know that there are exceptions to every rule. Some cops are the very thing that some of you are saying they are. But if I can at least understand your side of it, surely you can compromise and understand what I'm trying to say.
dude the cops fucked up my radio n searched me for no reason n pulled my stereo and it hasent been right ever since :( also they told me if im caught in that area ill go to jail, some of them make me want to whoop their ass n take off.
I love the idea of citizens being able to police themselves...

Gonna be a lot of killin' goin on, and I've got a ton of ammo...
Not all cops are assholes but the special units seem to think they better than the rest of society. We do need them to help keep the idiots inline but not for this shit
I have actually had a few encounters with them and have been let go without a problem when I was actually guilty. Got caught with a few bags a weed once at a traffic stop and he let me keep it and let me go because I was straight up and told him where it was - I was high as fuck too. Just seems like this guy had a problem and had to take it out on me. I'm less pissed about the tickets, more pissed about having to go to court and wasting my time.
I'm sorry, last I checked a cop was a person, not an "institution". You are theoretically correct I suppose in that an institution can be an organization or group of people that promote a particular cause or program as well. But use your head man, if your father/mother/brother/sister was a cop, and someone called them an "institution", you might be likely to kick their teeth in. Also, if you want to categorized cops in that light, wouldn't smoker all be a group of people pretty much in the promotion of a particular cause, I mean aren't we all pretty much for the same thing here? Yes there is a chain of command but a cop still has to answer for his actions in court. Yes we theoretically give them their rights to do what they do, but its the percentage of people that don't know whats best for them to begin with that sort of ruin it for us. A large percentage of people in this country wouldn't know the first thing to do if you let them police themselves. Everyone really seems to have a lot to complain about towards police. Its been my experience that its those very people who were probably doing wrong in the first place to be approached by police for something. I bet 95% of the people that hate cops on RIU probably hate them because they were busted by a cop for loitering some place they shouldn't have been, or reeked of pot, or swerving in the road, ETC. So just because you don't agree with a law means you don't have to follow it? That's usually what draws attention to you and gets your pulled over, or searched. Again, please use some common sense and know that I cant speak for all police, and I know that there are exceptions to every rule. Some cops are the very thing that some of you are saying they are. But if I can at least understand your side of it, surely you can compromise and understand what I'm trying to say.

So now you are making unsubstantiated assumptions? Where do you get your 95% number? I smell bacon. GTFO pig.
Power corrupts. Cops have power. Some individuals are more susceptible to corruption than others.

I haven't liked most of the cops I've had the chance to get to know, but I don't let them know that.
So now you are making unsubstantiated assumptions? Where do you get your 95% number? I smell bacon. GTFO pig.
I'm not trying to make assumptions, but what are the chance of every person being completely honest about it? Also, you have no idea who I am nor the resources I'm capable of coming up with. I made up a large number to exaggerate on purpose to make my point. Come on man, you're making it seem like you're just trying to nit-pick the small details because I have a reasonable argument. I am NOT a cop by the way, I just cant stand when someone refuses to see the other side of the coin for things because they simple "don't wanna", that sounds like something a child would say.

Shady, Thank you for at least seeing the other side of things. I cant stress enough that I understand people run into dick cops, and they can fuck with you if they want to. Just don't make matter worse by resisting, or getting brought up on assault charges because a person felt they were above the law. IMO people that think they are above the law are the ones that ruin it for the rest of us.
I'm not trying to make assumptions, but what are the chance of every person being completely honest about it? Also, you have no idea who I am nor the resources I'm capable of coming up with. I made up a large number to exaggerate on purpose to make my point. Come on man, you're making it seem like you're just trying to nit-pick the small details because I have a reasonable argument. I am NOT a cop by the way, I just cant stand when someone refuses to see the other side of the coin for things because they simple "don't wanna", that sounds like something a child would say.

Shady, Thank you for at least seeing the other side of things. I cant stress enough that I understand people run into dick cops, and they can fuck with you if they want to. Just don't make matter worse by resisting, or getting brought up on assault charges because a person felt they were above the law. IMO people that think they are above the law are the ones that ruin it for the rest of us.

And some cops give everyone else a bad name...

If you are an idiot you deserve what you get, if you're generally a good person and show respect you deserve to be treated with respect not like a piece of shit.
I'm not trying to make assumptions, but what are the chance of every person being completely honest about it? Also, you have no idea who I am nor the resources I'm capable of coming up with. I made up a large number to exaggerate on purpose to make my point. Come on man, you're making it seem like you're just trying to nit-pick the small details because I have a reasonable argument. I am NOT a cop by the way, I just cant stand when someone refuses to see the other side of the coin for things because they simple "don't wanna", that sounds like something a child would say.

Shady, Thank you for at least seeing the other side of things. I cant stress enough that I understand people run into dick cops, and they can fuck with you if they want to. Just don't make matter worse by resisting, or getting brought up on assault charges because a person felt they were above the law. IMO people that think they are above the law are the ones that ruin it for the rest of us.

What are the chances of every person lying about it? Not very high. I've had the displeasure of dealing with pigs several times, and yes they were filthy PIGS. And where do you draw the line? If one in every 100 police encounters are police abusing powers and trampling innocent peoples rights? 1 in 50? 1 in 10? How many are justified?
Right? I've seen a k9 fuck three of my friends. the cops had no clue, until the fucking retarded dog starts barking at wherever the fuck.. I'll kill that fuckin dog
What are the chances of every person lying about it? Not very high. I've had the displeasure of dealing with pigs several times, and yes they were filthy PIGS. And where do you draw the line? If one in every 100 police encounters are police abusing powers and trampling innocent peoples rights? 1 in 50? 1 in 10? How many are justified?
Why am I more wrong than you? You're acting like just because you say it, makes it true. Just because you had a bad run in with police for something that you probably shouldnt have been doing anyways, doesnt make them all bad. So because you were probably doing something illegal or suspicious, you got approached/pulled over by police. Then you have the nerve to call them pigs for doing their jobs? Are fireman assholes because they show up to a fire? so why is a cop a dick for pulling you over for something suspicious? Some of yall just seem like youre arguing the little irrelevant points, and some how seem to miss the fact that all I'm saying is, how is it logical to get mad at someone for doing their job, especially if you were really doing something to warrant it.
The problem is the police (cops) do not serve the people any more. They serve the politicians. The politicians of a corrupt and broken system. Therefore, given the various localities around the country, the general amount of 'corruption and break' in the police system is proportionate to the local political and financial structure.

To say that 'all cops are assholes' is an incorrect assumption, however depending on the local system it could be such a system where the people who want to be cops are assholes. Doing so not only establishes a regional 'persona' of what a cop should be/do/think and that persona is generally held by the hiring process of the region.
The persona of local police becomes the institution with Police Unions and all the 'together' stuff the on the job people do. So yes the thin blue line does become an institution, literally and figuratively in many places.

I'll take the small town Iowa cops over the Dallas Tx cops any day of the week. Nebraska cops and Missouri cops were about the same, Florida cops are assholes across the board. The bigger problem is that who the majority of localities serve is no longer the people, it often a politician and their interests not necessarily the letter or the spirit of the law.

As to their humanity, of course they're human. They also chose a job which puts them in a position, and a smart person would recognize this, where they would be required to act unethically and possibly immorally because a corrupt controlling structure, government. They still made the the choice to pursue said career. So to say that they themselves are not to blame is also incorrect. Army soldiers are trained, conditioned, and coached on how to kill indiscriminately and are expected to do so if called upon by the government. Police forces are no different, they are expected to uphold the law regardless of it's ethical or moral validity or lack thereof. To say that they themselves are not in part responsible for those actions is to say that an enlisted Nazi soldier was not responsible for the atrocities he committed in the name of his job.

In short, nearly all cops are assholes because nearly every political and financial structure in the country is based on greed, back room deals, and dishonesty. They are simply the current chosen weapon of the establishment, but to excuse them because they didn't accurately judge the ethical and moral ramifications of their chosen profession makes no sense at all. Ignorance of the morality of your profession is not a hall pass to be an asshole.

Cops = Governmental weapon
Pot Smokers = Shooting Gallery for the government

any questions?