Fuck People Who Don't Tip!

My mom is the worlds worst about tipping...if its young pretty girls you want get hardly shit...she always gives more to men ..still she is a cheap scape.always drinks water and alot of time orders one meal for her and dad...and they have plenty of money

She still order off the kid menu for ya? lol
its not really a "fuck you" your already getting paid by your boss. your not a charity so why would i give a waiter money for doing his job when random people dont give me money for doing mine

A waiter is paid less than minimum wage because he is a tipped employee, usually 3-4 dollars an hour. Furthermore, you have to claim 15% of the bill as income to the IRS in some instances, so when a waiter gets tipped less than that, and pays taxes on it, he is losing money.
And for pizza delivery, most of the time, the drivers are payed less than minimum wage, if at all. They own their vehicle, paying insurance, maintenance, repairs, and of course, GASOLINE! (Which is not cheap)

I agree if the service is terrible, the person may deserve less. BUT, if i give you good service, OR......
If i spent a half hour of my time and a buck in gas, and you dont tip, I ACTUALLY LOSE MONEY! While bringing you hot food! If i do you a favor and risk everything that comes along with driving in heavy traffic, dealing with being a robbery target, and i LOSE MONEY because of it, what am i going to do to your food? house? car? think about it. not a hateful person, but i dont go to work to lose money, and the boss doesnt always pay what he should.

Tipping is not charity, its payment for work.
Tipping is not charity, its payment for work.

While it may not be charity, tipping is certainly not payment for work. We all understand that tips (gratuity) are your income, but they are not something any server is entitled to. If you feel entitled to a tip then maybe you should seek out a new line of work.

No one forced anyone to become a server, you took the job by choice. It may have been out of necessity, but it was still by choice. If you want a tip, work for it. If you don't like the sound of that, find a new job. Easy as that.

When i dine out i tip according to the service. Great service equals a great tip, and likewise for less than great service.

It's a service Industry, treat your customer kindly.
If you feel entitled to a tip then maybe you should seek out a new line of work.

No one forced anyone to become a server, you took the job by choice. It may have been out of necessity, but it was still by choice. If you want a tip, work for it. If you don't like the sound of that, find a new job. Easy as that.

When i dine out i tip according to the service. Great service equals a great tip, and likewise for less than great service.

It's a service Industry, treat your customer kindly.

The 3 or 4 customers per year i give bad service to, i dont expect a tip. Im not a server, never have been. I deliver food. If we quote 30-45 minutes, and i bring you hot food in 20 minutes, and you still dont tip: fuck you. I treat my customer kindly. I give great service.

And the point i think you didnt get before, I SPEND MONEY TO DO MY JOB. Look at the prices next time you pass a gas station. You say im not entitled to even get my gas reimbursed? If you order a delivery, and i lose money and time bringing it to you, and you still dont tip, your car may get knifed, your window may break in the middle of the night, and you may eat shit, spit, pee, or ball sweat with your next purchase. :finger:
I'm sorry but I don't feel bad for you dude
You should have done well in school and went to college or something
Most people who are stuck delivering pizzas are doing that for a reason

Here's a tip for you dude, get a better job
Stick to ordering to one delivery place, tip well and the food will get there a lot faster, especially if its family owned. Some delivery guys are assholes though they'll show up an hour late and give me a dirty look after i give them a weak tip or I'll get one that will immediately start complaining about their bad leg or some shit so I'll give them a bigger tip.
I'm sorry but I don't feel bad for you dude
You should have done well in school and went to college or something
Most people who are stuck delivering pizzas are doing that for a reason

Here's a tip for you dude, get a better job

And what type of work do you do again? Oh and FYI Most delivery guys are college students.
It's a dominoes around the corner we always order from, and one guy in particular is really nice. I even saw this dude at canadian tire once and he spoke to my wife and I. I always hook him up. He's a college student at the local U. I know he could use every extra penny he gets.
wow i just recieved the most illerterate(negative) rep for my previous opionon(on previous page)

BTW I am not a server i am an entrepreneur, I am on the way to starting my buisness(local sports bar) after I get out of college. Nevertheless comments or suggestions the provoke negative critisim is pointless and vulgar.

Firstly, yes I have been a server so I do comprehend the natural order of things in the food industry.

On the whole, I suggest you go check out a book at your local library(Because I know that you probally posses no literature at your home), read it, expand your mind, let that knowledge soak in. Then maybe you can begin to shape your vacabulary a little so you do not sound like a pissed off 12yr boy angry at the world? Did momma not give you enough attention, thus warranting you to be rude and ignorant? ...
i guess the moral of the story is dont go to restaurants because you dont know if some petty little snot is gonna spit in your food
if you work for tips you better be good at what you do. you know these facts are true before you get that job:
1. its gonna be a bitch cause you have to work harder to get more money for a tip
2. there are gonna be days when you dont make shit
3. there are gonna be days when you make a ton in one day

and finally please dont bitch about your job unless you are doing something about it. Most people that work for tips are under educated and looking to make an easy $$ form someone else.

Go back to school and get an education and then get a real job.
cant see the point of spitting in peoples food etc. the consumer is still unaware that they got fucked over so its completely pointless, discusting and childish
wow i just recieved the most illerterate(negative) rep for my previous opionon(on previous page)

BTW I am not a server i am an entrepreneur, I am on the way to starting my buisness(local sports bar) after I get out of college. Nevertheless comments or suggestions the provoke negative critisim is pointless and vulgar.

Firstly, yes I have been a server so I do comprehend the natural order of things in the food industry.

On the whole, I suggest you go check out a book at your local library(Because I know that you probally posses no literature at your home), read it, expand your mind, let that knowledge soak in. Then maybe you can begin to shape your vacabulary a little so you do not sound like a pissed off 12yr boy angry at the world? Did momma not give you enough attention, thus warranting you to be rude and ignorant? ...

You have the nerve to tell someone to pick up a book, and you can't even spell? Pot calling the kettle black are we?
I start my tipping at 20% and move up from there. depending on the service.

The problem is not the tipper, it's the restaurant's business way of paying it's employees.
There are so many things that can affect a tip, and the waiter has no control over it.

The idea that folks won't get good service if tips were taken away is nonsense. The food industry just wants to cut it's costs to a bare minimum.

Increase the hourly wage to something livable and get rid of the tips altogether.