Fuck me!!!Fuck me!!!Fuck me


Well-Known Member
go ahead and violate Cali also then. :roll: just saying. :mrgreen::peace:
Technically I'm not even on probation in Cali. They're just like babysitters. Are legal system is really fucking weird. I'm on interstate compact probation from Fla with Cali being the babysitters. So, basically I don't pay Cali anything except for piss tests and I pay probation fees to Fla. I'm guessing that means Cali don't give a fuck and Fla does:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
And technically I'm already violated in Cali, they just don't know it yet. Because Fla calls all the shots. If I'm violated there, I'm violated here.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you will ever have a warrant in CA since all they are doing is overseeing your probation. You technically did nothing wrong in the state of CA, and FL is responsible for handling the consequences of violating probation. CA is just reporting to FL what happens and will corporate with FL to extradite you if you ever get pulled over or arrested for any reason in CA.

I feel your pain... same situation for a DUI in another state. Was told to get my probation transferred, but by the time I tried to do anything about it... they violated me. I don't think they extradite for a first offense DUI, but they want their money either way and I'll have to deal with it soon enough. Luckily, I got a valid license in the state I'm in now before they suspended it in the other state.

Just handle it...the sooner the better. Good luck bro. BTW, jail/prison is all the same man...just don't give anyone shit and don't take no shit. Even if it means getting your ass beat, fight back and stand your ground. That's the way respect is earned on the inside. That's worse case scenario...just be cool.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not going to go for awhile. I'll turn myself in in a year or two when I have everything taken care of and set-up. I just pray I don't get pulled over between now and then.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the courthouse only checked my county, I guess that's why it didn't come up. Fuck it, if all cops run ncics then I'm just going to move to Fla anyways. I have just as much chance getting busted there as anywhere else.


Well-Known Member
dude i dont know man i would spend some heavy money on a lawyer, you prolly want to be on record in cali attending a drug rehab of some sort, talk to a lawyer to see if that would put you in a better light, then when the program (sham) is completed with flying colors u immidiatly go with your lawyer and turn yourself in, say u had no idea about the warrent untill u were in rehab because of you cannabis addiction and relapse, so u came as soon u completed your rehabilitation and good efforts in trying to better yourself and become a law abiding part of society. Then request further help from the state to go to a drug program, bet u can get far away from this mess quiker that way and get it over with.

i dont know much about laws and shit but sounds good to me, may be im being nieve i dont know.

but good luck man, get that shit over with ASAP man, it the best way to do it, and when your talking about the quality of you life which u only get one shot at u should take care of it in the best way possible and make it a distent memory, trust me I have left a lot of shitty memories in the dust :mrgreen:

time is an enemy but it can also be your friend


Well-Known Member
I hate to hear all of this damn prohibition just ruins so many innocent lives. You could try and stick it out as long as possible but or you can go in on your own terms. Depending on the time your facing if its no more than a year than personally I'd probably just serve my time if its a long haul I'd drive my ass to canada with a life in a suitcase. and out wait prohibition. Good luck with what ever you do.

harvest time

Well-Known Member
omg number 100th post......this calls for a smoke, wait......i just hit my bong like 3 sec agohahahahah lalalalal fooo fee fuck me hahahahaha


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Get a lawyer and find out how long you have to go to prison or whatever for, then make your decision. Running from the law must suck. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Get a good attorney in FL to represent you and stay where you are as long as possible. The ones who can afford a good attorney rarely go to jail and if they do it's not for very long. The ones who don't have to cop to a plea and most definitely will do time. Request drug court if possible and rehab for the court to be lenient.