Fuck me!!!Fuck me!!!Fuck me


New Member
Fuck me, it's a felony:wall: I remember a dude in county was saying he was moving to Tennesse b/c it's the only state you can get a license and is not linked up...Tennesse here I come, I guess. I'll have to check this out.
I don't think so, TN. Mississippi used to not be linked, one of the last for sure, but are linked now! My bro' tried to get a license there and a CA DUI, from years and years, and years, ago, came up. It could take 10-20 years to roll off, maybe never. Thats a long time to wait to find out it's never.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to deal with it sooner or later. Being stopped on the humble and the fuzz seeing you have a warrant (national database) will get you sent back to Fla to do your time.

IMO...Its better to do it on your own terms than to have them snatch you up while important things are going on in your life...school...tests....family stuff etc.

When you have no obligations and feel you're ready...I'd call my p.o. in Fla. and let them know Im coming home to turn myself in.

Why run....Be a man and get it squared away. I myself at one time did a full 4 years back in NJ. I was offered parole after 2.5 but would be on parole for the remainder. I passed on the parole offer. Thats a setup...Ive seen alot of people come/go/come back to prison because of parole violations. They finish their sentence and usually have a new charge tacked on to boot.

Anyway...Im of the mindset of fuck being on papers. Do your time and start fresh.

Dont run...It'll bite you in the ass when you can afford it the least.

BTW....Havent been arrested since. Went to college and completed my E.E. degree.

Stay in school!!
This is good advice. But, this is really bad timing. I don't know what to do at this point. I'll turn myself in at some point but I don't think I can do it right now.


Well-Known Member
you should just hand yaself in and deal with whateva happens then you'll be able to put it behind ya and get on with ya life or you could just stay on the run and be stressed about it everyday!ive done time several times!it aint that bad!but prison in englands different to prison in america!hopefully you wont be sent down tho!


Well-Known Member
This is good advice. But, this is really bad timing. I don't know what to do at this point. I'll turn myself in at some point but I don't think I can do it right now.
There really isnt EVER a good time to go to jail....but some times are better than others. You know whats going on with you....pick your spot. I hope you just arent scared to do some time....Cause its gonna happen.

On a side note...Too late for you now....But there are synthetic urine pouches that you can buy. Ive been using them a while now. My fiance works for the FAA....Thats under Homeland Security. She smokes more than I do and uses the fake piss and has never failed a piss test.

If you can pass a fed test with it...You can pass a county piss test wit it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'd go to prison. But, just in case, I'm gonna make sure I'm buff as hell and take up boxing before I turn myself in.


Well-Known Member
There really isnt EVER a good time to go to jail....but some times are better than others. You know whats going on with you....pick your spot. I hope you just arent scared to do some time....Cause its gonna happen.

On a side note...Too late for you now....But there are synthetic urine pouches that you can buy. Ive been using them a while now. My fiance works for the FAA....Thats under Homeland Security. She smokes more than I do and uses the fake piss and has never failed a piss test.

If you can pass a fed test with it...You can pass a county piss test wit it.
I ain't scared of county. But, prison in Florida:shock: Fuck yeah I'd be scared.