Fuck Marijuana!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Here in Puerto Rico to good quality weed we call it "creepy" don't know why but that's the way we call it to a good strain, to regular weed we call it just "weed" or "pasto" or "yerba"(in spanish).

Holy shit you just blew my mind

Theres a song I like called Yerba Del Diablo, by Datura... which makes sense because that means the weed of the devil or devil's weed which is another word for Datura :)

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about this thread while i got ready for work today, so i'm dusting it off. My OP is still a valid point, let's see what all the newer people around here think of it. Otherwise known as: Bump.


Well-Known Member
marijuana works for me........been calling it that for years.........millions of ppl call it that............Saying its wrong to use that word is like saying there is a God.....sheesh

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I know it's been in use for years, but i think we need to take into consideration why that word is so commonly used. It was the word used to demonize our plant.

No one said it was "wrong" to use that word, i just think there are better words to describe Cannabis. Words that werent used to demonize our beloved plant. So many people THINK that Marijuana is the correct word, and it's not.


Well-Known Member
yep Im 60 but forgot to grow up........just teasing you .....yes no yes no yes no.............sorry was being childish LOL