Fuck Marijuana!



Got it covered.

Gaia/ "land" or "earth", from the Ancient Greek Γαῖα; also Gæa or Gea (Koine and Modern Greek Γῆ) is the primal Greek goddess personifying the Earth.
Gaia is a primordial deity in the Ancient Greek pantheon and considered a Mother Goddess or Great Goddess.
Her equivalent in the Roman Pantheon was Terra Mater or Tellus. Romans, unlike Greeks, did not consistently distinguish an Earth goddess (Tellus) from a grain goddess (Ceres)

Thanks wikipedia. And I think the article's legit, I dont see anything about Gaia having a relationship with Justin Timberlake.

Puff Puff Give

Active Member
me and my mates call it "lettuce" when we talk about it usually only in public though

for example

instead of:
"do you have some marijuana"

we say: "do you have some lettuce"

and we seem to have a habit and say "chop" a lot, so we usually like "lets go for a chop" or "wanna chop some lettuce"

etc etc..

its not really a proper meaning for weed, but for us it is :D


I'd call it cabbage...
Just for the hell of it, me and my buddies used to use the codeword tacos. No particular reason, but the concept of codeword really did come in handy. My girl isnt very creative with it, she just says lets oke-smey. Kinda bugs the fuck out of me.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.


New Member
So We Agree, No Marijuana Church Then?
Phuck Haters Of Marijuana Haters!

I'm Glad The Topic Here Is Clearly Cannabis, even in a weirdly clearly cannibalistic place such as this.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
me and my mates call it "lettuce" when we talk about it usually only in public though

for example

instead of:
"do you have some marijuana"

we say: "do you have some lettuce"

and we seem to have a habit and say "chop" a lot, so we usually like "lets go for a chop" or "wanna chop some lettuce"

etc etc..

its not really a proper meaning for weed, but for us it is :D
We used to call it "flim-flam" at a job i worked where we all smoked. We would walk in, and eventually someone would ask the question: "who's got the flim-flam" which would turn into "its time to flim-flam, everyone to the basement!"

Looking back, im sure the boss figured it out when clouds of smoke rolled up from the basement, but he was cool, i doubt he cared.


Well-Known Member
One of my 'guys' prefers it when I call an eighth a slice, a pie is an OZ. I think he likes Pizza. Whatever it is we try to be discrete on the phone. Anybody with a small amount of technology knowledge could learn to tap cell phones. When I refer to it in general I just call it Weed, you would sound like a douche or a narc around here calling somebody up like: "Hey man you got any cannabis or marijuana", it would probably get your you an assbeating depending on what town you're in.

naked gardener

Active Member
...I dislike when people call her,:spew: "dope!" Myself, I consider "dope" = crack. Maybe just where I'm from...idk.

I couldn't agree more about "dope"--that term, in association w MJ, is reserved for pissed off parents exclusively!

Funny, but I'm pretty sure I only use the term "marijuana" on here.

I don't think I've ever actually said out loud--"let's smoke some marijuana" or "pardon me sir, but might you have some marijuana?"


Well-Known Member
dope is heroin here too. i say bud, green or smoke. my wifes code word is cookies. she is always calling everyone saying, "you guys got any cookies?" kind of like corky romano lol.