Fuck COMMIEfornia!

I get like that when prescribed Steroids or eat factory Meat aka Chicken Nuggets.
We are a product of our environment and for me, diet.

It might not totally be his fault he's a dick that day.
But Iv'e been wrong before.
Please do not return to California for any reason again. ... Why are you part of the problem and not part of the solution? Well anyway, keep it in your "Old Kentucky Home" (by the way, that song sucks and ruins the Derby every year..there I feel better. Our horses and music have no equals!)

Your first post on Rollitup. Welcome!

I like you already. :lol:

Now that I've seen his video, one thing's for sure, if I saw that guy in my local Home Depot, I'd follow him around and slip small, expensive things onto his rolling cart and switch out what he's buying with similar but inferior goods.

For example, 2 1/2" sheet rock screws - swap with 1" sheet metal screws. Change phillips heads screws to flat head. Change replacement air filters to the next size larger or smaller. Swap American made tools with tools made in China (I'm NOT saying Chinese tools are inferior but I bet he's never bought a Chinese made tool in his life), and so on.

Then I'd video his reaction at the register or when he loads into his truck. Just imagine his face turning beet red, his cholesterol choked veins and arteries bulging, and his eyes bugging out.. pretty much like they are in his video.

If you hate California for any reason and you're going to be a dick when you get here, don't bother coming. We don't want you, we don't need you. I'm sick of small minded, dimp licked, hateful people from out of state coming here and whining. If I go to your state that's 'stereotypically' full of back wood, gap toothed, rednecked racist mofos, I at least have the common sense to know that there are still a lot of good people there and I'll treat everyone with respect and hope they do the same in return.

Everyone else, regardless of color, creed, religion, and political persuasion who promises to ATTEMPT to be polite, or at least civil, is welcome here.

If he wants to have a good reason to hate Californians, I'm just the kind of guy that can fulfill his hatred.

.... stepping down from soap box now...
Your first post on Rollitup. Welcome!

I like you already. :lol:

And I love your site! I have stayed away from all social sites after two years of Facebook led me to the opinion that we really didn't' know what this new toy could do to our lives in the long run and caution should be taken. I don't trust the values I was raised on to protect my freedoms these days. Something is changing that shouldn't and I think we need to start talking about our behavior with each other and find some common ground that can lead us in the right direction to the common sense we have lost. Our National identity is in pieces. Our leaders have been greedy, spineless and a waste of time for so long that the anger they cause us from not being able to solve anything, EVER, is constant. I have no answers but I do know that to fix any problem the first step is open, honest communication with each other without the labels, accusations and blame being a part of the solution. Anyway I have always found pot smokers to be, as a whole, opened minded, fair and calm. So for now I shall see what is on their minds about the world we live in. Also it really did feel good to finally get it off my chest that the song "My Old Kentucky Home" stinks. The lyrics are uninspired and the music drones on without form or feeling. I have to turn down the sound when they sing it. Our State song doesn't sound much better but at least we keep it where it belongs...in a drawer at State Archives.
And I love your site! I have stayed away from all social sites after two years of Facebook led me to the opinion that we really didn't' know what this new toy could do to our lives in the long run and caution should be taken. I don't trust the values I was raised on to protect my freedoms these days. Something is changing that shouldn't and I think we need to start talking about our behavior with each other and find some common ground that can lead us in the right direction to the common sense we have lost. Our National identity is in pieces. Our leaders have been greedy, spineless and a waste of time for so long that the anger they cause us from not being able to solve anything, EVER, is constant. I have no answers but I do know that to fix any problem the first step is open, honest communication with each other without the labels, accusations and blame being a part of the solution. Anyway I have always found pot smokers to be, as a whole, opened minded, fair and calm. So for now I shall see what is on their minds about the world we live in. Also it really did feel good to finally get it off my chest that the song "My Old Kentucky Home" stinks. The lyrics are uninspired and the music drones on without form or feeling. I have to turn down the sound when they sing it. Our State song doesn't sound much better but at least we keep it where it belongs...in a drawer at State Archives.

There are no open minds in the politics section. Well, very few, at least.

Most are closed minded assholes. Good luck.