Fuck COMMIEfornia!

My thing is how do you rank a state on racism. Did someone go to door to door and ask? Was it a white guy or black guy that asked?

Racist people are everywhere and come in every color . Even people that aren't racist are racist sometimes, it's human nature.

True pieces of shits feel that hate in their soul. I've never constantly felt like I was better then someone because of my genetic traits. Or because we think differently or because I have more money then someone. Some of the nicest people I've met are or hopefully were homeless.

Beating Captcha is not AI. I've written code that can beat captcha, I did that about 5 or 6 years ago. Nothing new. The moderator is terrible, she couldn't string together 3 or 4 words in a row. I literally fell asleep 4 minutes into it. Geeezus christ! lol
Does anyone else see a strong resemblance? Like, if that dude robbed me here in Cali, I would be paying his ass a visit in Kentucky. After all, there is no situation that cannot be made worse by involving the law.

Don't think I would go batshit when he answered the door, but if he reacted with hostility or fear I would know that I was right. if he didn't, I would show him the video lol.

The guy I knew was a pretty open minded person, as a kid and young adult.
Beating Captcha is not AI. I've written code that can beat captcha, I did that about 5 or 6 years ago. Nothing new. The moderator is terrible, she couldn't string together 3 or 4 words in a row. I literally fell asleep 4 minutes into it. Geeezus christ! lol
That was probably for the better. I watched the whole thing, and regret posting it somewhat. It started off decently, but spun into oblivion around halfway. They really didn't say much (if anything) beyond what's been discussed on this forum before.
Does anyone else see a strong resemblance? Like, if that dude robbed me here in Cali, I would be paying his ass a visit in Kentucky. After all, there is no situation that cannot be made worse by involving the law.

Don't think I would go batshit when he answered the door, but if he reacted with hostility or fear I would know that I was right. if he didn't, I would show him the video lol.

The guy I knew was a pretty open minded person, as a kid and young adult.
He really does look like him or a relative of him.


:lol: :clap:

1. That's what old white fuckers are like EVERYWHERE.
2. Those shitty flatbed carts at HD suck in Florida too you have to basically lift weights to move one.
3. The cart more than likely appeared abandoned whether to store EE or another consumer..more than likely store EE..consumer would have just tossed everything right there not just the insulation.
4. He assumes a lot.
5. This much rage over a fucking cart? Get a grip! He was gone long enough for all to disappear..often times contractors go on to purchase and find they forgot company check or charge card and they must comeback the store knows this and they put shit back because it's a hazard..some little old man/lady is liable to teeter totter over it and you have a lawsuit which is why they put shit back quickly and get the cart out of the way..not to inconvenience him he flatters himself.

4/5 rage meter..you should see my ex..he slams the cart up and down when someone is in his way instead of 'excuse me'..
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So a guy from another state visits (I assume) Cali and calls them all (expletive) liberals and threatens to shoot all of them. Why? Not because of his precious fucking HD cart was stolen but because he's feeling inferior to the surrounding populous that make him look and feel really-fucking-stupid.

Let's take it one step further, shall we?

Vulnerable..hit hard with the worst thing ever..his carefully selected items which took him over an hour to collect, were taken away from him..good god man! think of his psyche!:lol:
Please do not return to California for any reason again. If you need staples for a gun and it took you as long as it did to walk down an aisle no longer than 80 feet, grab a box and return to your cart only to find it is gone, along with your items, you have problems that need to stay in Kentucky. Liberals don't even shop at Home Depot here. They hire contractors who do it right the first time. Do you even know who is a liberal in this State? The ones I could name are very wealthy and probably have never seen the inside of a Home Depot. Lighten up and find a hobby that calms that hate you have for your fellow American. It serves no purpose here and it has caused problems in every part of our lives. Why are you part of the problem and not part of the solution? Well anyway, keep it in your "Old Kentucky Home" (by the way, that song sucks and ruins the Derby every year..there I feel better. Our horses and music have no equals!)