Friends heroin dose


Active Member
I'm concerned about my friend. Lately she has been shooting and told me she did 20mg/dose. She said she was told it is weighed at .1 and has the 20mg in it. Isn't that alot of heroin for someone new to it? I am really asking this for my friend I havent/never will do heroin!
Nah, bro, 20mg isn't much unless he is ultra sensitive to opiates (feels a 5-10mg oxy). 20mg should be fine if he has some tolerance, it isn't even THAT much with a small-medium tolerance.
Nah, bro, 20mg isn't much unless he is ultra sensitive to opiates (feels a 5-10mg oxy). 20mg should be fine if he has some tolerance, it isn't even THAT much with a small-medium tolerance.

Is that for IV? She said she gets pretty high off it and does it twice a day for the last month. Erowid said it's a pretty strong dose. Is this dose worth the "Hamilton"? I ask because hard drug dealers are known to be shady.Here is the erowid dosing chart.
Is that for IV? She said she gets pretty high off it and does it twice a day for the last month. Erowid said it's a pretty strong dose. Is this dose worth the "Hamilton"? I ask because hard drug dealers are known to be shady.Here is the erowid dosing chart.

tolerance can build up quick

but doing it everyday for a month? she sounds like she's already lost

either way heroin is not a nice drug it may be some years before you get your freind back if ever

if you can get her to stop do if not your gonna need to be prepared to walk away in the future
tolerance can build up quick

but doing it everyday for a month? she sounds like she's already lost

either way heroin is not a nice drug it may be some years before you get your freind back if ever

if you can get her to stop do if not your gonna need to be prepared to walk away in the future
Yea IK it sucks!
yah man when i used to do it i was doing up to 4-5 bundles a day 50bags...
and when it was oxys 5-6 oc80's at a time so she aint doin shit... if shes gunna stop nows the time..... it is not a drug to be taken lightly..
Mental91 ...
She is in trouble ALREADY if she has been playing with this stuff twice a day for a month.
You should certainly be concerned. If it is not 2 late.

Soon she will graduate and start hooking on the corner to support her habit.
Simply NOT 2 get physically ILL.

That is a fact.

Good Luck ... TO Her.
Act NOW !
That really is too bad. Ive seen heroin ruin and end a couple of my friends lifes..

No good. I hope she get's a reality check before it's to late..
Well she prob weighs about 120-135. Is she getting ripped off?

what does it matter if she's getting ripped off or if its cut? opiate tolerance especially with recreational doses builds up quick

she is getting ripped by her dealer even if its 100% pure
I agree with Warrior...

Heroin is ripping her off. Heroin just loves to fuck you and everyone else around you over. Ive had quite a few friends get hooked on that shit, after a while i got sick of babying them and just let them hit rock bottom. Some died, some recovered, and some disappeared..

Trust me, heroin wont be their for you when all your friends and family have deserted you.

Most people dont like to admit to doing heroin and i dont expect you to if that is the case. But either you or your friend or whoever it is really needs to get there shit straight before it's to late. Like Puff said, she may enjoy it now but eventually she is going to be suckin dick or stealing just so she can get high get over the physical pains that comes with heroine withdraws..
i used to do cocaine in social gatherings with friends, one night a friend shot up some coke after that day, that dude was gone like you say... he was my best friend and we were teammates in football, i had to walk away cause of his addiction... He would spend about 2000 buks a month on it... down here thats about 2.5 oz worth of grade AAAAAAA yayo...

point is, heroin is just as powerful an addiction as cocaine is...

Has she started to prostitute herself for heroin? If you dont want to see this, please be a good friend and stop her and get her help fast

tolerance can build up quick

but doing it everyday for a month? she sounds like she's already lost

either way heroin is not a nice drug it may be some years before you get your freind back if ever

if you can get her to stop do if not your gonna need to be prepared to walk away in the future
Your actions mess you up more than heroin does. I believe most people are well aware of when they are addicted to a drug but they want to disbelieve it so that they can continue reaping the euphoric rewards it entails without feeling a self obligation to correct the matter. Until the very last moment when they realize that they must make a choice between a decent existence with the ability to achieve "true" happiness or the hallow hedonistic commercial (<- for lack of a better word) euphoria of an opiate that will slowly collapse every vein in their body and basically leave them with emotionally,physically, and economically nothing in the end.