Friends heroin dose

Like orgasmic euphoria, a safe and protective cocoon, contentment of a dream like consciousness, audio if you will

Beautifully stated, cocoon is exactly it. You obviously have been there. I sure wish I could just live there constantly.

When I think about it, I get a bit upset, why was this beautiful drug set forth and then such limitations as addiction allowed to exist.

Oh well I quess I will have to wait to get that answer.
I've played around with it, but never enough to have it drag me deep into hell like I have seen it do to so many others.

The questions you pose could be answered in so many ways, that I am little to out of it atm to answer lol
i am an x iv user of 10 years, and i promise u theres nothing good from mainlining H. tell your friend now to stop while she/he can because your always gonna be chasing that rush once you break thru the otherside.
yah man i did it for a LONG time and the only way i was able to stop and am currently able to stay off heroin and all opiates today is Subooxone i take it everybody and thank god for it......:blsmoke:

i was on subs also but i still didn't feel right inside my body, it was just another drug i was a slave to
Suboxone is a God GIVEN drug for me. It's a miracle drug, nothing has made me MORE productive, feels MORE normal, feel MORE happy to be alive than suboxone, it is literally a grace from God to me, and this may be an UNDERSTATEMENT. If I had a suboxone prescription I would be a different person with no anxiety issues..

haddaway the past year i have been on and off subs and oxys, i had a prescription to subs, but i felt more free when I cleaned up from all opiates. I have 2 months clean from opiates and feel and look better than i ever have. On the other hand, i met tons of people at the clinic that it changed their lives for the better, for me it wasn't at all.