Friends heroin dose

There's no way to know how much heroin is in the bag. She is probably already getting dependant. Wish I had advice on getting her to stop but until she wants to stop she won't.
Speaking from experience, I have to say I think it best not to fuck around with Heroin. It's just too good. Bout everything you have heard about Heroin is true. It's kind of a life changing decision. To be or not to be. If she has any hope of recovery, now is the time. Getting ripped off is really the least of your friend's problem. But to answer your question, it's all about quality, has nothing whatsoever to do with quantity.
If you care about her or yourself either help her get off of it or fucking run the other way. It's some really, really serious shit.
I on the other hand did five years, worked the whole time and had a good life, but that's just me. I jump into and swim where others fall into and drown.
yah man i did it for a LONG time and the only way i was able to stop and am currently able to stay off heroin and all opiates today is Subooxone i take it everybody and thank god for it......:blsmoke:
Suboxone is a God GIVEN drug for me. It's a miracle drug, nothing has made me MORE productive, feels MORE normal, feel MORE happy to be alive than suboxone, it is literally a grace from God to me, and this may be an UNDERSTATEMENT. If I had a suboxone prescription I would be a different person with no anxiety issues..
i've danced with that devil as well... there's no way your friend is going to get clean unless she really wants it, and i mean really really wants it like nothing else.. she's gotta go after getting clean like she went after the dope for reals.. you can talk to her till you're blue in the face and unless she wants to get clean, your just wasting your time bro.. it's still super hard to get clean from dope even if you really want it tbh.. thank god for drugs like methadone and subutex, suboxene, and i've been clean for ten years this last may... :)
she's going to need to change everything in her life if she wants to stand any chance of getting and staying clean for any period of time..i had to walk away from life long friendships, places i've lived and hung out at in order to do it.. i've also stopped drinking any alcohol for the most part as it lowers in inhibition and makes relapsing a much more likely thing..
i don't know what else to say.. sit her down and ask her if she wants to get clean..if she says yes, and sounds like she really wants it, help get her to a methadone clinic and or a rehab..
if she says no, tell her that you love her as a friend, but you simply won't sit back and watch her go down this self destructive road anymore.. let her know that if she ever does decide to get clean, you'll be there for her, but up till that time, forget about her.. it will be the easiest and best thing that you can do for both of you..
goodluck to you and your friend..
same here guys. if it werent for suboxone id probably still be taking oxys and dilaudids. i dont wish what ive been through to anyone. it was just terrible.
Suboxone is a God GIVEN drug for me. It's a miracle drug, nothing has made me MORE productive, feels MORE normal, feel MORE happy to be alive than suboxone, it is literally a grace from God to me, and this may be an UNDERSTATEMENT. If I had a suboxone prescription I would be a different person with no anxiety issues..
yah ive had a script for (3) 8mg Suboxone pills a day for a few years now and there fuckin amazing.. especially because unlike methadone they just let you feel normal and go about your day, its like you haven't taken anything and you forget all about opiates.. why dont you have a prescription everyone i know has a prescription to suboxone.. LoL
yah ive had a script for (3) 8mg Suboxone pills a day for a few years now and there fuckin amazing.. especially because unlike methadone they just let you feel normal and go about your day, its like you haven't taken anything and you forget all about opiates.. why dont you have a prescription everyone i know has a prescription to suboxone.. LoL

The mula + cost of doctor visit, so I dont thinkI have all the funds for an expensive doctor visit and scripts.. I PRAY I somehow get enough money oneday, but it doesnt seem possible with my fianancial situationto dothat. UT MORE THEY ARE MIRCALES (prays he somehow gets the prescription, it's justso expensve, But I am praying togod it happens, I CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT!

Sorry my kerboard is broke! (horrible grammar)
yah i got a friend who was addicted also and since i get the highest dosage allowed... i just "give" him 1 of my 3 pills that i get a day and he takes a 1/4 to 1/2 of a pill a day and that keeps him good.....
but the doctor bills are alot since i have to go to a psychologist to get it and insurance doesn't pay for those visits ($275- ea. visit ), but it does pay for the pills.... there are different doctors who prescribe suboxone but its mostly therapist types because you need to go through special training/etc. to get the D.E.A. permission to prescribe it... you can go to the suboxone or your insurance provider website to find who prescribes it and you might get lucky and find a physical therapist or somebody who can give it to you who will be cool about it..
my doctor is only 100 a visit man. i would search around for better prices. the medicine is whats really expensive. im perscribed 1 pill a day so i just get a couple pills out the pharmacy at a time. and it definey helps that i just recently cut my dosage in half.
If cost is the barrier to treatment look into patient assistance programs or try to get generic subutex. Bupe is a godsend for a lot of people. In many areas you can find a sub dr who works with a sliding scale clinic as well.
I live with opiate addiction now, I feel for your friend, because I know the hell that it can put you through.

I now have been somewhat clean for a year, but my mind romances it daily. It calls to my soul like a beautiful warm summer day.

A person addicted will loose all connection with reality after awhile. I remember just writhing on the ground for just some more time.

And I never used herion, so I cannot really beileve how horrible they must be feeling.

In treatment they pushed for Suboxone, but I really wanted to become completely clean, now I wish I would have taken it.

Up north we have only one doctor in the state that prescribes it.

Use a mix of hard love and compassion when dealing with your friend though.

Good Luck and keep me posted, it helps to remind me of the shit I went through.
Thanks plantvision
my doctor is only 100 a visit man. i would search around for better prices. the medicine is whats really expensive. im perscribed 1 pill a day so i just get a couple pills out the pharmacy at a time. and it definey helps that i just recently cut my dosage in half.

there are a 100 doctors within 10 miles of my house that can prescribe it so i do have choices, but ive been with the same guy for 3 years and i like him i think that helps cause the guy i went to before him was a douchebag ill just leave it at that. as far as paying for the pills no matter how many i get there just like 10bux copay at the pharmacy so i guess they even eachother out.

edit** (and if i was on the free healthcare that my state offers it would only be $1 for any script which the pharmacies never collect anyway)
yah, it's always fun while you're doing heroin darth, but the fun ends when the heroin starts doing you, which usually don't take much time at all..
I've done it a few times but never been hooked, but i was hooked on FREE 40mg oxycotten once and FREE meth also, but see in order for me to get "hooked" on anything it must be free. ;)

plus after going through withdrawls in jail from oxy's, i know better than to abuse any opiate regularly... wont go through that again.