
The bag seed bastard I started with got the boot when it turned male. Apparently I was too slow, busy and did not have the time they needed. The bastard pissed on my plants. An indica I vegged for 3 months wasted, now loaded with seeds.
Aurora Indica growing very slow, only 5 inches tall. One plant is not a very good indicator of anything but it is enough to tell me that It's not one that I would want to try 12/12 from seed again.
Still have Pineapple Cush and the Adventure into the world of 12/12 from seed continues to become more interesting. Pineapple was growing too tall for the box so I attempted to lay it down and have it grow length of the box. That did not work well. Plant is so spindly it cannot support its own growth. I threw together another box that it will fit in but ran short of light fixtures so it will have to finish growing under only 86 watts. Stretch is over so it should see little if any more upward growth. This is the first Pineapple I have able to grow that did not produce a male. It was doing well so I took a couple of clones because the seeds seem to be all male. Today I saw something that looked odd. Had to get a magnifier to take a second look. It looks like the Pineapple went hermi
This is not seed production. There are none in the forming bud. There are on closer inspection, 2 pods at every node of every branch. This probably means the clones I took 2 weeks ago will go hermi also.

I am beginning to wonder about the quality of the seeds. All male and now a hermi. They came from seeds nl. Service was great but as many of you know they give no info on breeders. I have no idea who produced the seed. I've also been curious about tall spindly growth from plants that I had envisioned being short bushy indica Pineapple.
Only plant I currently have thats not fucked up is the Aurora Indica but it is too short to produce anything worth growing.
5 inch Indica and 28 inch Pineapple.
The real pisser is that the pineapple seed, if it is pineapple, will most likely be hermi proned.
I think It's time to look up some new seeds

Maybe it will turn the Aurora into something that will grow more than 5 inches.
This is depressing. I think it's time to go read about somebody else's issues.