Free World, No Refunds

The Syrians who have been bombed into the stone age by Assad have asked why are we so upset about the chemical weapons when the conventional bombings of civilians have been worse and are also war crimes.

@ttystikk are you also saying that Assad hasn't been bombing civilians in violation of international laws?
But Hillary... I mean, America!
No, we'll merely use overwhelming force to destroy the country from the sky, just like Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, etc, etc.
The article said we were going to invade Iran. Why did you post the article if you didn't believe it to be true?

There are no indications that the US is going to bomb Iran. Nobody is talking of bombing Iran. McCain and the 2004 Republican caucus talked about it as part of the neocon movement. Today though nobody is talking of bombing Iran.

The problem you have is you are too easily drawn into false conspiracy theories and it affects your ability to distinguish reality from fallacy. Well, one of your problems, that is.
The article said we were going to invade Iran. Why did you post the article if you didn't believe it to be true?

There are no indications that the US is going to bomb Iran. Nobody is talking of bombing Iran. McCain and the 2004 Republican caucus talked about it as part of the neocon movement. Today though nobody is talking of bombing Iran.

The problem you have is you are too easily drawn into false conspiracy theories and it affects your ability to distinguish reality from fallacy. Well, one of your problems, that is.
Time will tell.
The article said we were going to invade Iran. Why did you post the article if you didn't believe it to be true?

There are no indications that the US is going to bomb Iran. Nobody is talking of bombing Iran.

I'm not too sure about that.

The Beach Boys have a very popular song about it:

Bom Bom Bom, bom bom Iran. Bom bom bom, bom bom Iran.

It's a catchy tune. :lol:

Vietnam is doing well economically since they finally kicked the west out of. Its a unified country and doing very well. Shame so many died fighting an unwinnable war for no real reason when the govts knew it was unwinnable.

I have a passport to...Most people do at 57% ( ..not sure why that was brought up.

My dad was a SGT in Vietnam (Army Photographer) and still has not forgiven the American and Australian govt for lying to its own people and poisoning their own solders...He does like the hefty tax free pension. That's approx. $1400 a fortnight these days and is not income tested.
That war was winnable, we just didn’t have the conviction.
“a fortnight”?? Are you an American?
Even the politicians knew it wasn't winnable. Yes a fortnight, tax free and not income tested. No that's why I said Australian.

and just because its had a very bad effect on me.
We had ample capacity to win Vietnam, but we chose to play politics instead of winning the war.
Didn’t see anything about Australia.
We had ample capacity to win Vietnam, but we chose to play politics instead of winning the war.
Didn’t see anything about Australia.
Politics? The war was about politics. America was supporting a ruthless government that their own people hated, that even the Vietnamese monks were setting themselves on fire protesting about....

Judging by your arguments its not surprising that the "au" link and the word "Australian" escaped you.
Because building Islands in the South Pacific is more important for Apple's, Boeing's future?
When you know the facts you can create your own opportunity.

Have you considered why the price of Solar Panels stays so high?
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China is building in the Spratly and Paracel Islands. It's part of their latest attempt at imperialism. It has nothing to do with Bernie Sanders.
Correct Bernie has had little effect.

You and I (assuming you're in the US) are building those Islands in lieu of education standards here.