Free World, No Refunds

1/10 bad projection. At least I have a passport. I studied economics and had a very high GPA. Besides, I gave no opinion on economic trends, idiot.
A passport is $125 and a walmart photo away for any citizen. I have one too.

A high GPA from the University of Phoenix online does not even make 1/10.

If you have no opinion of world economics, why post in this thread?

I'm not the one touting my visits to the pedophilia capital of the world here, you are. Interesting you don't debunk my observation with any other purpose for the trip. ;)
sounds like you're jealous of people that have sex
Good job outing yourself by equating pedophilia and sex. To the rest of us there is a major difference. ;)
Maybe he thinks winking at everyone will finally get him laid.
Amusing you think you have a chance.
No such luck, Buttercup. ;)
A passport is $125 and a walmart photo away for any citizen. I have one too.

A high GPA from the University of Phoenix online does not even make 1/10.

If you have no opinion of world economics, why post in this thread?

I'm not the one touting my visits to the pedophilia capital of the world here, you are. Interesting you don't debunk my observation with any other purpose for the trip. ;)

Good job outing yourself by equating pedophilia and sex. To the rest of us there is a major difference. ;)

Amusing you think you have a chance.
No such luck, Buttercup. ;)
isn't pedophilia what roy moore did, and you supported him?
A high GPA from the University of Phoenix online does not even make 1/10.
Is that where you got your education? I would have thought it was Trump University based on your lack of reading comprehension.
If you have no opinion of world economics, why post in this thread?
Oh I have one, I just didn't propound one when you came along to scream pedophilia at every person who has ever been to Vietnam. I can see that you have trouble with reading but do try to keep up.
I'm not the one touting my visits to the pedophilia capital of the world here, you are. Interesting you don't debunk my observation with any other purpose for the trip.

Actually the OP was using Vietnam as an example in its major premise. I don't expect you to understand the significance since racism and conservatism have been scientifically proven to correlate negatively with cognitive function but I'm almost certain that you have access to a thesaurus.
Good job outing yourself by equating pedophilia and sex.
Says the guy who thinks Vietnam only has significance as a place where pedophiles visit. Are you Australian by chance?

Stop winking at me, I'm too old for you.

Macron Economics: Free World for a Few, Bondage for Humanity


I saw a headline referring to President Macron of France as being some “leader of the free world”. And we’ve heard people complain that Trump isn’t fit to be the “leader of the free world”. Yeah, well, who cares? Who appoints any of these clowns to be the leaders of the free world, the semi-free world, or the $1.99 world anyway? Themselves? Obviously so. None of them are worthy enough to lead an ant farm. And, truth be told, the free world itself is just the equivalent of an aging miniature golf course parked next to a defunct Sir George’s Smorgasbord. Once a destination of silly games and gluttonous consumption, but it’s heading towards insolvency and the wrecking ball.

Look here, the free world ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Number One, ain’t nothing free in it! Everything costs money up in this overpriced hellhole that bills itself as “free” but the subscription price isn’t worth the postage. I mean really! The “free” world?! What, are we in the Cold War again? That phrase was already ancient in the 1980s! Right now, it’s so past its “Best By” date we’ll need a jackhammer to scrape it off the shelf in the fridge. The “free world”! Huh. Do tell.

There is no such thing as this “free world”. But what they’re actually trying to say is “The West” without sounding like the Eurocentric and America Uber Alles crap that it actually is. That’s false advertising! This poppycock all started when the West appointed itself the chaperone of the world to prevent the Third World from going out on blind dates with the Soviet Union. That is, after all, why the French lost the Vietnam War in the 1950’s and the United States decided to go ahead and lose it, too, by 1975. They did not want Vietnam to decide for themselves that, hey man, maybe this free world ain’t so damn hot after all. After all, they’d had the French up in there for decades playing colonial overlord and they’d been lied to about self-determination during and after World War Two. That’s why it took a war to eject the French. And why it took the extended play version of the war to eject the United States later.

You’ve got to hand it to countries that successfully kick the West out. They saw the hand writing on the wall and the message it was writing is this: “You will not be free in the free world. Because they themselves are not truly free, either. Just ask the poor among them.” They knew damn well the West could not be trusted because the West had been carving the world up for themselves for the past 300 years and more. It took 500 years to finally eject the Crusaders out of the Middle East once and for all without them coming back for extra helpings of ass kicks.

People say, “Gosh, you sure are hard on the United States and the West.” Of course I am. I’m the court jester. It’s my job. I see in the news President Macron in France wants to build a “New Syria”. As if the French hadn’t already been there right after World War One, having been given Syria like plunder. Did anyone think to ask the Syrians what they thought about that deal? No. The French were given it like a slice of peach pie off a plate. “Gosh, League of Nations, you gave Syria to the French, but what about us?”, the British said. Oh, here, have Palestine and the Trans-Jordan. The West sure is generous giving away countries they don’t actually live in and are a thousand miles or more away from. Then they wonder why they’re not trusted.

I would say it’s high time to tell the free world that the rest of the world is a No Parking Zone. Keep your aircraft carriers out of other peoples coasts, keep your drones in your own airspace, and keep your cruise missiles holstered. Look, I live in Arizona. Everyone here is armed because it’s a law that you can carry a gun open or concealed. If you have a business and you don’t want people carrying guns in there, you have to post a sign saying so. I think we need to do that to the free world. Post signs around the rest of the world: “No Free World Military Or Weapons Allowed”.
Free world means “you are free to join us” or else face the hell and heat of the military-industrial complex. George Orwell warned of this world.
The free world itself is a badly told joke: “Did you hear the one about the American who thought he was free but went to jail for smoking marijuana?” Stop me if you’ve heard this one: “An American military walks into a war the Soviets abandoned that it armed the anti-Soviet guerrillas in. Then decided to fight those guerrillas it armed supposing it would win the war an equal military power had just lost.” That’s a good one. You could start that one as, “A British army, and American army, and a Soviet army walk into Afghanistan…” The Pashtun would say, “yes, yes, we’ve heard that one!”

What an abysmal farce it all is. If Shakespeare were alive today, he’d be chugging triple shot espressos every hour burning the midnight oil to write the plays about the shenanigans of free world. Or maybe not. The entire free world is nothing but the Marx Brothers film “Duck Soup” being acted out in real life by real countries. How can the free world say to the rest of the world, “We are the wise ones who know how to do things!”?! Yeah, like lose the Vietnam War twice in a row. Like turning Iraq into rubble and calling that “free”. To paraphrase Tacitus, “they made a wasteland and they called it free.”

Free world citizens love to imagine they actually are free. So they go out and protest in these places called “free speech zones”. When your free speech time is up, in move the riot police with tear gas, batons, and rubber bullets. Behind them are the buses with chain link over the windows to cart the free off to the reality of what the free world is actually about: jail. Americans, the exemplars of the free world, know that the United States builds new prisons yearly but most states haven’t built a new public school in 40 years. Americans support the new prisons because they’re told working in there is a “good job” and it pays slightly more than Walmart. And prison isn’t free, either. They're finding ways to bill prisoners for stuff in there now. You've got to hand it to the free world. They found a way to charge money to be imprisoned.CLICK TO TWEET

People say, “Well, what are your solutions, then?!” Hey man, I’m not the one touting myself as a “leader of the free world”! I’m not up here telling the other countries labeled as “the Third World” that I am filled with wisdom and, oh, here, have an IMF loan you’ll never be able to pay back. I didn’t launch cruise missiles at Syria based on intel that if it was a check someone wrote, would have bounced twenty feet high. I didn’t go into Iraq, reduce it to rubble, then claim it’s free because a Kentucky Fried Chicken opened up there. I’m not here to sell solutions. I’m selling: Free world, shut up! That’s what I’m selling. Things will settle themselves if the free world would just stay in its own backyard and notice that, hey, its own backyard is a disaster area.

I’ve had enough free world for one lifetime, thank you very much. I can’t afford any more free world. I’m still looking for the receipt to take this one back for a refund. “Excuse me, but this free world has not lived up to the claims you made on the television commercials. No, I don’t want to exchange it for another free world. I want my money back.” That’s all. I want my money back. This free world is a ripoff. Just ask the countries it tried to sell itself to. #MacronEconomics

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” ~ George Orwell
Could you condense this using your own words. Thanks
If I loved pedos, I'd love you and we know that ain't right. ;)

I'm not the one saying he got the high GPA.
Figure it out genius. ;)

You mean this wasn't one?

That looks like an opinion to me. ;)

The story the OP posted may have, but I don;t remember him saying much about it except that he thought it worth posting.

I heard way more about pedos getting arrested in Vietnam than the US until 2017 when all the sudden:
  • Jan. 27: 42 arrested in a human trafficking operation in Tennessee
  • Jan. 29: 474 arrested in California (28 sexually-exploited children were rescued)
  • Jan. 18 to Feb 5: 108 arrested in Illinois sex-trafficking sting
  • Jan. up until Super Bowl Sunday: 178 arrested in Texas sex-trafficking sting
  • Jan: 16 arrested in Michigan for sex trafficking during the Detroit Auto Show
  • Feb: 11 arrested in Virginia child-sex sting
  • Feb. 14: 42 arrested in Florida child pornography related cases

I don't know about that, but you are too stupid, vapid, and morally retarded. ;)

Nope, just the ones that exploit childern for it pedo.
nice meltdown
Vietnam is doing well economically since they finally kicked the west out of. Its a unified country and doing very well. Shame so many died fighting an unwinnable war for no real reason when the govts knew it was unwinnable.

I have a passport to...Most people do at 57% ( ..not sure why that was brought up.

My dad was a SGT in Vietnam (Army Photographer) and still has not forgiven the American and Australian govt for lying to its own people and poisoning their own solders...He does like the hefty tax free pension. That's approx. $1400 a fortnight these days and is not income tested.
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Unemployed white middle-aged trust-fund guy with creepy plentyoffish profile and air of desperation calls me "fake leftist" after I reject his post full of assertions about Vietnam. At least I have been to Vietnam. Unemployed white middle-aged trust-fund guy thinks supporting Bernie is the measure of a leftist and grows shit weed.
You get the award for the most totally irrelevant post of the day.
Because reading is too hard?

ok, then, what was his main point? Then again, never mind. It was just a rant. No point was intended or made. Funny that you would think the meandering rant of an idiot was sheer genius.

Very funny.
ok, then, what was his main point? Then again, never mind. It was just a rant. No point was intended or made. Funny that you would think the meandering rant of an idiot was sheer genius.

Very funny.
I actually quite likes the read, it was an easy, witty and intelligent article.

But then I seem to agree with the authors politics and point of view, at least in this article.
ok, then, what was his main point? Then again, never mind. It was just a rant. No point was intended or made. Funny that you would think the meandering rant of an idiot was sheer genius.

Very funny.
If you got no points from that article then your reading comprehension sucks.

I actually quite likes the read, it was an easy, witty and intelligent article.

But then I seem to agree with the authors politics and point of view, at least in this article.
While I enjoyed the tone of it as well, I agree with the idea that we're doing all the wrong things with the capabilities we have as a nation.

Maybe we hairy apes really don't deserve to survive if this is the best we can manage.
While I enjoyed the tone of it as well, I agree with the idea that we're doing all the wrong things with the capabilities we have as a nation.

Maybe we hairy apes really don't deserve to survive if this is the best we can manage.
When Israel can gas Palistians and America doesn't say anything but when Syria gases its own people it sends in missiles it says something about a country. But was that because America was one of the countries that gave away Palestinians land and supports the slow invasion?..
When Israel can gas Palistians and America doesn't say anything but when Syria gases its own people it sends in missiles it says something about a country. But was that because America was one of the countries that gave away Palestinians land and supports the slow invasion?..
Israel never used sarin gas or chlorine gas on Palestinians.

I'm not defending what the state of Israel is doing but when did you come up with that?