I probably will be delivering a lot, especially at first. Second, I was born into a family that is full of ganja, so yes, I am 22, and yes I have been around it for 22 years. Operative word is "around".
Next sentence "I suppose the cops could be protection..." Operative words "suppose" "could". I choose my words carefully, and erect my sentences so they usually have a precise meaning. I am a huge fan of the Dictionary. I do have "short term memory loss" sometimes, but pretty much remember everything that I write or say. I am very careful not to contradict myself directly, and usually it is only by others interpretation that contradiction will be perceived, and that is merely perception (as in this case) not reality.
I wish things were done more like in your country then.... we have often talked of moving there.... isn't it really cold a lot?
Please... what am I dismissing exactly? What should I look into? And where is the best place to find the information?