Frank Spencer, DNC Deputy Vice Chair of Civic Engagements, Better Deal Outline

Not to mention that Kyle Kulinski, the thought guide propaganda guy is a Russia apologist.
To paraphrase: "russian talk is becoming a distraction from real issues"

Maybe because there are other issues which need attention. Did THAT ever occur to you? Or do you like the distraction, so you never have to address anything that actually matters to the daily lives of average Americans?
LMAO! I live in your heads!
Well, I'd say that a Putin apologist deserves to be mocked at the least. That you think it's funny is on you.

Why are you defending Trump's obstruction of the investigation into his ties and campaign's collusion with Russia?
Well, I'd say that a Putin apologist deserves to be mocked at the least. That you think it's funny is on you.

Why are you defending Trump's obstruction of the investigation into his ties and campaign's collusion with Russia?
"Listen here ye whippersnapper.

Forget Trump and Russia, they're the best thing to happen to the Progressive movement in years...

Concentrate on the nasty woman and her emails, she's worse than Trump!!!!!!!!" - Justice Retard Party
"Listen here ye whippersnapper.

Forget Trump and Russia, they're the best thing to happen to the Progressive movement in years...

Concentrate on the nasty woman and her emails, she's worse than Trump!!!!!!!!" - Justice Retard Party
Yeah, I should send Washington a lesson and refuse to vote. Just like Putin told me.
Yeah, I should send Washington a lesson and refuse to vote. Just like Putin told me.
Some of the Justice Retards even mentioned the ficticious Pizzagate bullshit as fact...

Pizza fucking Gate.

Id still like them to come back to the Democrat side... but with hearing more and more of the ignorant, bigoted, racist and homophobic bile they spew, the mlre I think their self imposed exile is a good thing for everyone.

What you reckon?
Some of the Justice Retards even mentioned the ficticious Pizzagate bullshit as fact...

Pizza fucking Gate.

Id still like them to come back to the Democrat side... but with hearing more and more of the ignorant, bigoted, racist and homophobic bile they spew, the mlre I think their self imposed exile is a good thing for everyone.

What you reckon?
I don't know. Maybe they will recover from deep programming by skilled propagandists. It's going to take a shock for them to see their way out.

They aren't exactly the kind to start a successful third party. It's a problem for the Democratic Party to deal with if they want their votes. It all depends on how many there actually are. They won't go away and their sources of information are bogus propaganda. I suppose this is the way it's going to be for a while.
I don't know. Maybe they will recover from deep programming by skilled propagandists. It's going to take a shock for them to see their way out.

They aren't exactly the kind to start a successful third party. It's a problem for the Democratic Party to deal with if they want their votes. It all depends on how many there actually are. They won't go away and their sources of information are bogus propaganda. I suppose this is the way it's going to be for a while.
Totally the right way to push Progressive policies.
could you explain what you mean by that?
Well, I mean fracturing the Democrats rather than changing them from the inside in a progressive way (no pun intended) will result in Republicans retaining power and forcing their regressive bullshit on us.

All progress Obama made on regulatory and environmental issues has nearly been undone already, they're trying to take insurance off 20mill people...

Well, I'd say that a Putin apologist deserves to be mocked at the least. That you think it's funny is on you.

Why are you defending Trump's obstruction of the investigation into his ties and campaign's collusion with Russia?
How does 'know your adversary' translate into 'Putin apologist'?

Only with your peculiar brand of facile pretzel logic, it seems.

I thought people were supposed to get smarter with age. You have put the lie to that notion, for which I thank you.
How does 'know your adversary' translate into 'Putin apologist'?

Only with your peculiar brand of facile pretzel logic, it seems.

I thought people were supposed to get smarter with age. You have put the lie to that notion, for which I thank you.

how can you know your enemy if you can't even tell fake news from real news?
How does 'know your adversary' translate into 'Putin apologist'?

Only with your peculiar brand of facile pretzel logic, it seems.

I thought people were supposed to get smarter with age. You have put the lie to that notion, for which I thank you.
You haven't explained yet why you called the firing of Flynn a distraction. Also, can you tell me how else I should view somebody as other than a Putin apologist when I see you castigating the Russian investigation because it diverts the GOP President's and GOP congress's attention away from doing "the people's work"?

Instead, you seem angry at me for simply calling you a Putin apologist. Without providing an explanation, you leave me with no other interpretation than that you've been sucked into a right wing and Russian propaganda delusion. So, explain to me why you said those things about the Russia investigation. From what I see, you have been conned and deluded by the crap you listen to from TYT and Kulinski' secular talk videos. You quote them almost non-stop.
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You haven't explained yet why you called the firing of Flynn a distraction. Also, can you tell me how else I should view somebody as other than a Putin apologist when I see you castigating the Russian investigation because it diverts the GOP President's and GOP congress's attention away from doing "the people's work"?

Instead, you seem angry at me for simply calling you a Putin apologist. Without providing an explanation, you leave me with no other interpretation than that you've been sucked into a right wing and Russian propaganda delusion. So, explain to me why you said those things about the Russia investigation. From what I see, you have been conned and deluded by the crap you listen to from TYT and Kulinski' secular talk videos. You quote them almost non-stop.
You don't back up most of what you say.

You have also made a habit of taking my comments out of context, a dishonest tactic that exposes your cheap parlor trick mentality.

For explanations, refer to the original posts you took out of context.

That would require taking responsibility and a willingness to to find common ground, both of which I think are beyond you.
You don't back up most of what you say.

You have also made a habit of taking my comments out of context, a dishonest tactic that exposes your cheap parlor trick mentality.

For explanations, refer to the original posts you took out of context.

That would require taking responsibility and a willingness to to find common ground, both of which I think are beyond you.
Didn't you recently say that Russians are starving while Putin parties and were smacked down by an actual Russian guy?

When will you ever make an accurate assertion?

And yet nearly every retarded rebuttal you make is questioning other people's ability to absorb information...

You've posted fake news 3 times in the last 2 weeks.
You don't back up most of what you say.

You have also made a habit of taking my comments out of context, a dishonest tactic that exposes your cheap parlor trick mentality.

For explanations, refer to the original posts you took out of context.

That would require taking responsibility and a willingness to to find common ground, both of which I think are beyond you.
Taking you at your words is dishonest? I've repeatedly posted what you said to ensure you couldn't play this "out of context" falsehood. The first post at the top of this page contains your entire post. I included portions my own post to show context. Anybody who want to check to see if I had been playing false with that can go back to the original post.

You said that the firing of Flynn and the Russian investigation was a distraction. An exact copy of what Trump himself is saying. You said that after I pointed out that Kulinski had moved on from dishing crap on Clinton to defending Trump by calling the Russia investigation a distraction and you immediately replied back parroting Kyle's own words..

Do I think you have gone over to the Right wingers? No I don't. I think you've been listening to very skilled people putting out propaganda that plays to your bias. Their purpose is to split the Democratic party and convince liberals not to vote. And it was damned effective in 2016. They haven't stopped, so I'm guessing they are playing for the GOP win in 2018 too.

A good sign that the author is manipulating his reader is when they are biased in their appeals. Kulinski and TYT act as though there weren't even a Republican in power and then rail on about corrupt Democrats, no healthcare because democrats, no campaign finance reform because democrats and they play false information too. Other than the intent to manipulate, why else would that be true? Also, mostly emotional appeals very light on facts.

The sources you quote -- TYT and Kulinski are paid for by the right wing. I've documented my reasons for this conclusion and will be glad to repeat them if you can't remember what was said just yesterday.
The sources you quote -- TYT and Kulinski are paid for by the right wing. I've documented my reasons for this conclusion and will be glad to repeat them if you can't remember what was said just yesterday.

Are you suggesting that TYT is actually a right wing propaganda machine who doesn't really like Bernie and his ideals, they're just pushing them in an effort to split the Democrats? Do I have your position straight?

I am 100% open to reading some proof to back this up, and am not calling you a liar off hand. Saying that they are funded by a right wing billionaire is one thing (I do find that odd as well), but not definitive proof of anything untoward imo. Shit, Hillary was funded by Wall st bankers (whose interests are diametrically opposed to yours and mine) but people here, including you, happily cast a vote for and defend her to this day.

I would love to see more proof of this. I don't listen to TYT often, but any time I have they seem pretty legitimately in support of progressive ideals.
Are you suggesting that TYT is actually a right wing propaganda machine who doesn't really like Bernie and his ideals, they're just pushing them in an effort to split the Democrats? Do I have your position straight?

I am 100% open to reading some proof to back this up, and am not calling you a liar off hand. Saying that they are funded by a right wing billionaire is one thing (I do find that odd as well), but not definitive proof of anything untoward imo. Shit, Hillary was funded by Wall st bankers (whose interests are diametrically opposed to yours and mine) but people here, including you, happily cast a vote for and defend her to this day.

I would love to see more proof of this. I don't listen to TYT often, but any time I have they seem pretty legitimately in support of progressive ideals.
Of course I don't have bank account records.

First, TYT is openly accepting right wing seed money from a staunch right winger -- $4 M with option of $8 M

Roemer said he's excited about owning a piece of a growing media organization that "is sometimes wrong but never in doubt" and that he expects the news organization to grow exponentially. So, here we have front and center, in the open not a secret conspiracy showing the interest the right has on a new organization that mirrors Brietbart but is a left wing attack dog of Roemer's opponents.

Kyle Kulinski is a different bird. That video you posted a while back was a perfect example of propaganda to the point were you could not quote it correctly -- Kulinkski plays on an emotional appeal after a short video by Stewart. He goes all in with a pitch perfect performance with a rant, first about Clinton and then Democrats in general. By the end, you were so confused that you quoted Kulinski and attributed the quote to Stewart. In fact, Kulinski miscast Stewarts characterization to mean, in your words, Clinton was an empty suit. In Kyle's words, a power hungry narcissist. Pad and tty have also misquoted and miscast what was said in that very same video.

Why the emotional presentation? Why all the focus of a supposedly left thought leader on Democrats? Most of the stuff posted by Kulinski doesn't even mention Republicans who have done all the damage regarding health care and campaign spending corruption. Yet Kulinski gives them a pass. I became suspicious and went to Rational Wiki to learn more (wikipedia had nothing of note). In there, I found this:

Trump and the Russian question[edit]
Michael Flynn, a known RT guest who often peddles propaganda, was the National Security Advisor under Donald Trump, who got in trouble for his ties to Russia and resigned. Kulinski, on Twitter, argued Flynn was actually a preferable choice to his replacement because "A lot of people in the admin want to escalate w/ Russia. His hesitance (admittedly for corrupt reasons) was preferable to a pure hawk."[20] He acknowledges that Trump stacked his administration with too many people with financial ties with the Russians, and he opposes that just as how he opposed the Clintons' financial ties with the Saudis via Clinton Foundation. Therefore, he doesn't really see Trump as a Siberian Candidate or a Russian stooge, and just another Wall Street style corruption scandal; he sees the Democrats as far too hawkish on Russia who peddle too much anti-Putin hysteria. He thinks the anti-Russia hysteria only makes the Democratic Party look worse.

"Anti Russian hysteria". I checked and sure enough, he does say that in one of his videos. He characterizes an investigation in it's early stages regarding evidence that Trump's campaign colluded with Putin's intelligence agency to affect the US election. There are also financial ties between Russian criminal organizations and Trump's businesses that are not fully disclosed either. Yet Kulinski casts this as "hysteria". My bullshit detectors are on full alert after reading this.

So, here we have a supposed progressive liberal who is touting almost verbatim right wing propaganda against Democrats and Clinton. He is now openly recycling the right wing "distraction" line about the Russia investigation.

I've spent time on his youtube site, . Each video uses the same format. Immediately after the 1-2 minute segment from another person ends, Kyle comes on and tells the viewer what to think, most often hurling names or framing the person talking with negative epithets. Often with a shrill excited pitch to his voice. This kind of media was not produced to inform I say this because very little objective content can be found in his videos. His purpose is to manipulate. And oh boy is it effective. I repeat, he's recycling right wing material almost exactly from Limbaugh and his ilk. He mimics Limbaugh's presentation style as well.

So, I don't have hard evidence and I won't because I don't have time or interest in digging for it. But I do have reasons for not keeping an open mind about Kulinski. Nowhere is there detailed information about who is funding him or by how much. Through his biased monologues castigating Democrats, usually falsely, though his ignoring Republican depradations, through his agreement with the Right that the Russia investigation into Trump's ties with Putin's crime gangs is a distraction if not a witch hunt and through his presentation methods, it's clear to me that he is doing the dirty work for the right by spreading their lies into a completely gullible, politically naive young white male audience.

He is very skilled at what he does. I can't blame the people who listen to him and are manipulated by him. He's that good. I'm just saying if you associate with scorpions, don't be surprised if you get stung.

sneaky ninja said the same in fewer words:
"Listen here ye whippersnapper.

Forget Trump and Russia, they're the best thing to happen to the Progressive movement in years...

Concentrate on the nasty woman and her emails, she's worse than Trump!!!!!!!!" - Justice Retard Party
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Of course I don't have bank account records.

First, TYT is openly accepting right wing seed money from a staunch right winger -- $4 M with option of $8 M

Roemer said he's excited about owning a piece of a growing media organization that "is sometimes wrong but never in doubt" and that he expects the news organization to grow exponentially. So, here we have front and center, in the open not a secret conspiracy showing the interest the right has on a new organization that mirrors Brietbart but is a left wing attack dog of Roemer's opponents.

Kyle Kulinski is a different bird. That video you posted a while back was a perfect example of propaganda to the point were you could not quote it correctly -- Kulinkski plays on an emotional appeal after a short video by Stewart. He goes all in with a pitch perfect performance with a rant, first about Clinton and then Democrats in general. By the end, you were so confused that you quoted Kulinski and attributed the quote to Stewart. In fact, Kulinski miscast Stewarts characterization to mean, in your words, Clinton was an empty suit. In Kyle's words, a power hungry narcissist. Pad and tty have also misquoted and miscast what was said in that very same video.

Why the emotional presentation? Why all the focus of a supposedly left thought leader on Democrats? Most of the stuff posted by Kulinski doesn't even mention Republicans who have done all the damage regarding health care and campaign spending corruption. Yet Kulinski gives them a pass. I became suspicious and went to Rational Wiki to learn more (wikipedia had nothing of note). In there, I found this:

Trump and the Russian question[edit]
Michael Flynn, a known RT guest who often peddles propaganda, was the National Security Advisor under Donald Trump, who got in trouble for his ties to Russia and resigned. Kulinski, on Twitter, argued Flynn was actually a preferable choice to his replacement because "A lot of people in the admin want to escalate w/ Russia. His hesitance (admittedly for corrupt reasons) was preferable to a pure hawk."[20] He acknowledges that Trump stacked his administration with too many people with financial ties with the Russians, and he opposes that just as how he opposed the Clintons' financial ties with the Saudis via Clinton Foundation. Therefore, he doesn't really see Trump as a Siberian Candidate or a Russian stooge, and just another Wall Street style corruption scandal; he sees the Democrats as far too hawkish on Russia who peddle too much anti-Putin hysteria. He thinks the anti-Russia hysteria only makes the Democratic Party look worse.

"Anti Russian hysteria". I checked and sure enough, he does say that in one of his videos. He characterizes an investigation in it's early stages regarding evidence that Trump's campaign colluded with Putin's intelligence agency to affect the US election. There are also financial ties between Russian criminal organizations and Trump's businesses that are not fully disclosed either. Yet Kulinski casts this as "hysteria". My bullshit detectors are on full alert after reading this.

So, here we have a supposed progressive liberal who is touting almost verbatim right wing propaganda against Democrats and Clinton. He is now openly recycling the right wing "distraction" line about the Russia investigation.

I've spent time on his youtube site, . Each video uses the same format. Immediately after the 1-2 minute segment from another person ends, Kyle comes on and tells the viewer what to think, most often hurling names or framing the person talking with negative epithets. Often with a shrill excited pitch to his voice. This kind of media was not produced to inform I say this because very little objective content can be found in his videos. His purpose is to manipulate. And oh boy is it effective. I repeat, he's recycling right wing material almost exactly from Limbaugh and his ilk. He mimics Limbaugh's presentation style as well.

So, I don't have hard evidence and I won't because I don't have time or interest in digging for it. But I do have reasons for not keeping an open mind about Kulinski. Nowhere is there detailed information about who is funding him or by how much. Through his biased monologues castigating Democrats, usually falsely, though his ignoring Republican depradations, through his agreement with the Right that the Russia investigation into Trump's ties with Putin's crime gangs is a distraction if not a witch hunt and through his presentation methods, it's clear to me that he is doing the dirty work for the right by spreading their lies into a completely gullible, politically naive young white male audience.

He is very skilled at what he does. I can't blame the people who listen to him and are manipulated by him. He's that good. I'm just saying if you associate with scorpions, don't be surprised if you get stung.

sneaky ninja said the same in fewer words:

I did a little digging in to this. Roemer and TYT do appear to be strange bedfellows indeed. There are quite a few articles like the one linked below, which suggest that the common thread here is removing corporate campaign cash from politics. Apparently Roemer was a staunch advocate of this during his political career, and his run for potus. Obviously TYT advocates for this as well. Is there more to it than that? I'm not able to find anything, but I will continue looking. Please let me know if you find anything more sinister...

I happen to agree with the both of them about CU, and campaign finance reform fwiw.