FOX News mocks the Canadian Military + Marijuana

You guys can look up facts and statistics and stories from your uncle joe all you want, fact is the US military is far superior to Canada’s. But Canadians should be happy to hear that; since you're our neighbors and we'd take care of you
While I do not agree with the intentional attempt at humor that was in the FOX piece Canada is not exactly a military powerhouse. It ranks 15th in the world right between Mexico and Iran and is lower ranked than India, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, the U.K. Italy, South Korea, Indonesia and if you can imagine it Canada even ranks lower than France. The local Girl Scout Troop is more of a military powerhouse than France is and it would be much more dependable in a fight too. Also you can add the real powers in the world to the very top of that list, the U.S., Russia and China.

So while I do not care for how Canada was used as a joke it cannot be overlooked that Canada is not exactly in the upper tiers of military strength in the world.

Lol..... Allow me to break it down easily....

Have you ever seen a bully get their ass handed to them when people get fed up? Im sure most of us have. This is an analogy that could hit close to home.
One never knows for sure.

Canadians may not be the super power militarily that you seem to covet so much, however Canadians are known to pitch in and help their allies,
keep the peace, and provide humanitarian assistance.

Have you ever heard of WW2 and the Canadians accomplishments?

In Normandy the Canadians took a leading role in the Allied Victory. The German losses were horrific, more that 400,000 men captured, wounded or killed. In addition, most of the enemy’s equipment was destroyed, including more than 2,000 tanks. The backbone of the Nazi army in the west was broken in Normandy, and the Canadians played a key role.

Next time people choose to defame a country who has been there to help their neighbor they should at least do some historical research
and "Learn" what contributions they have made.
lol i love seeing americans make fun of canadians. because dude...guaranteed, we say FAR worse things about their country than they do about ours. i just dont really think we broadcast it the way the US does...but we're not as nice and docile as people seem to think lol. we just dont want to get involved heavily in a bunch of stupid temper tantrums thrown by other countries. let the other countries fight it out amongst themselves. we'll help where we can, but we dont feel the need to have a massive far as i know, canada is content with the size of its proverbial penis :D hehehe