FOX News mocks the Canadian Military + Marijuana

While I do not agree with the intentional attempt at humor that was in the FOX piece Canada is not exactly a military powerhouse. It ranks 15th in the world right between Mexico and Iran and is lower ranked than India, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, the U.K. Italy, South Korea, Indonesia and if you can imagine it Canada even ranks lower than France. The local Girl Scout Troop is more of a military powerhouse than France is and it would be much more dependable in a fight too. Also you can add the real powers in the world to the very top of that list, the U.S., Russia and China.

So while I do not care for how Canada was used as a joke it cannot be overlooked that Canada is not exactly in the upper tiers of military strength in the world.

They are still sacrificing lives for us(which even our own country shouldnt be doing) so there is no room to make fun of them, we are the douchbags not them.
Just know that not all of us feel like those Fox news jerks.

I know that..even the rt members here are good folk...
While I do not agree with the intentional attempt at humor that was in the FOX piece Canada is not exactly a military powerhouse. It ranks 15th in the world right between Mexico and Iran and is lower ranked than India, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, the U.K. Italy, South Korea, Indonesia and if you can imagine it Canada even ranks lower than France. The local Girl Scout Troop is more of a military powerhouse than France is and it would be much more dependable in a fight too. Also you can add the real powers in the world to the very top of that list, the U.S., Russia and China.

So while I do not care for how Canada was used as a joke it cannot be overlooked that Canada is not exactly in the upper tiers of military strength in the world.

You know why we didn't build a huge military.. because until we decided to help the US we were peace keepers and had no enemies...
We could travel the world with no more though... thanks for that..
And I wouldn't write off our forces.. they handled Bosnia Muslim's pretty well..

And we have clean hospitals for our troops... not Walter Reid mold factory... Hell you don't even respect your own troops...

We have the highway of hero's....our dead take the highway from base and citizens line the route to honor them... you hide your dead..and lie about before you denigrate our army strength and respect of troops I say look in the mirror.... its not that pretty my friend from outside the US
While I do not agree with the intentional attempt at humor that was in the FOX piece Canada is not exactly a military powerhouse. It ranks 15th in the world right between Mexico and Iran and is lower ranked than India, Germany, Japan, Turkey, Brazil, the U.K. Italy, South Korea, Indonesia and if you can imagine it Canada even ranks lower than France. The local Girl Scout Troop is more of a military powerhouse than France is and it would be much more dependable in a fight too. Also you can add the real powers in the world to the very top of that list, the U.S., Russia and China.

So while I do not care for how Canada was used as a joke it cannot be overlooked that Canada is not exactly in the upper tiers of military strength in the world.

For one stop insulting the french, secondly of course canada does not have a large military. We are peace keepers, not invaders. Also look at our population, isnt exactly that large.

Twisty im glad you mentioned the Highway of heroes, I happen to live in a city that it goes through. I've stood on the bridge in the cold and rain watching as those young guys come back home, and knowing that there is always citizens there to honor our dead makes me damn proud to be canadian.
The US talks a big game about pride then hide their dead.... I get tired of hearing that tripe from war mongers who most of the world wouldn't piss on if they were on fire... we help and get insulted... FUCK THAT...!!
In the past few years the tone in general from the US has taken on a malevolent tone to all........ When you watch other outside the US news shows its really not flattering.......

And I doubt that the US could handle any armed force in the world right now...
China & Russia could squash the US now.... both our armies (US..Can.) have been fighting for 7 years and need rest... or why else would the US be taking criminals and the dregs of humanity to fill their ranks..... war is hell for all... not just the mighty..
its a brand of humor guys. where is the grain of salt that spawned it? Extreme right wing humor use to crack the shit out of a lot of people whoe then went on with their lives. It is obviously on the outs, but still the frivolous air of all fox progrmas as well as the fact all of their sitcoms are required to make fun of fox should let you all know it is just time to laugh.

these guys dont make us vote or stay in bed when it's time to man it up. In the spirit of checks and balances is how, fox, I think is planning on staying in business. It should be obvious.

lighten up all;). Can u imagine fox caring, No.

Howver I like to learn all the little bits of info I read on these chats. Like the heroe alley and the rankings. Good, good.
There is no humor when people are dying... and I've heard not a peep out of either party about its base inappropriate humor..........
The US talks a big game about pride then hide their dead....

I don't know what the hell your talking about, our fallen troops are praised and will never be forgotten. We have +4k troops dead in this war and this country is well aware. You don't know what your talking about.
or why else would the US be taking criminals and the dregs of humanity to fill their ranks....
Jesus christ i go out of my way to support the Canadian military, Than you return the favor by insulting the U.S military saying its filled with the "dregs of humanity" nice thanks alot.

You cry about the fox news insulting the Canadian military.......and than you do the same thing:wall:
I don't know what the hell your talking about, our fallen troops are praised and will never be forgotten. We have +4k troops dead in this war and this country is well aware. You don't know what your talking about.

You do not show any flag draped coffin at all on the news.. Bush stopped that..... They're brought in in the dark of night... show me a pic of people honoring the dead along any route..

Jesus christ i go out of my way to support the Canadian military, Than you return the favor by insulting the U.S military saying its filled with the "dregs of humanity" nice thanks alot.

You cry about the fox news insulting the Canadian military.......and than you do the same thing:wall:

Actually the US has been accepting people with criminal records, and know gang members... a practice that was frowned upon in the past.. but because recruitment numbers weren't what they needed they dropped the standard.....

Not so much fun having shots taken at the soldiers is it.. but what I said is fact.. plus you took it as a blanket statement... obviously not all are...
You do not show any flag draped coffin at all on the news.. Bush stopped that..... They're brought in in the dark of night... show me a pic of people honoring the dead along any route..

Obama changed that rule this past week actually, its good the people need to see what the results of war, it shouldn't be sugar coated.
I think it would be really difficult for parents to see those caskets on the news knowing that their child is in one of them.

I don't think Bush was trying to hide anything, I think he was trying to spare peoples feelings, it's the least he could do. Do NOT take this as me being pro Bush, take it as me being against parents having to see their childrens caskets all over the news.
You do not show any flag draped coffin at all on the news.. Bush stopped that..... They're brought in in the dark of night... show me a pic of people honoring the dead along any route..

Over here, in America we do not stand on a stupid "route" to honor someone. Last year when my buddy was killed in iraq we had a motorcycle ride with 3,000 riders that attended, we donate, we place flags on the beach for every troop killed, we draw a picture of every fallen soldier, we let their story be heard and never forgotten. The reason they are loaded at night is because if it was during the day it would bring the morale down and be very hard on his/her friends to view. Flag draped coffins are permitted with the approval of the family. I don't need to show you any damn picture.
Thats your countries choice... unless the families request it we do our honoring as a group and not leave it exclusively to the family... and it should be hard to see... its better to show the real cost of war and not hide it or give false hope like that disgusting "Mission Accomplished" that Bush did.. war costs lives.... and it shouldn't be cherry picked by an administration what the citizens see... if not honest with people how can one ask them to fight and die....
Actually the US has been accepting people with criminal records, and know gang members... a practice that was frowned upon in the past.. but because recruitment numbers weren't what they needed they dropped the standard.....

In the past if you were young and you went to court like in the 50's 60's the judge would give you a choice go into the service or go to jail, alot guys joined up and military turned there lives around man. They stopped doing that in the 80's and 90's and still don't do that, I actually think they should bring that back for option for people who fuck up for the first time. What they do now is the military can give you a waiver for past behavior, whether its drug use or criminal. You act like they are letting in rapists and murderers. The only let minor offenses in, like high school kid gets into a fight at the movies and is arrested, Do you think that kid should be barred from service?