Fox News Fear Mongering


Well-Known Member
What is completely laughable about your assertions is the fact that the government is completely corporatized and makes laws to protect and enrich themselves. They have lobbiests create the very laws you are championing to *protect the little guy* which only serve to protect the corporations instead.

The politicians write the laws that make the unions and corporations happy and receive bribes in the form of donations to continue the process...

You seem to think that the laws the government passes are meant to protect you and that is laughable...
I think you have a black and white image of what is going on in terms of the issue I raise here. The little guy has nothing to do with it....the failure to see the link that we speak of goes beyond party lines. The corporatized govt is a problem but I don't hear it ever mentioned with respect to capitalism. I see corruption and displaced blame. Laws should exist to protect people, that is their purpose. The irony is that you are arguing the point I am making here...


New Member
I think you have a black and white image of what is going on in terms of the issue I raise here. The little guy has nothing to do with it....the failure to see the link that we speak of goes beyond party lines. The corporatized govt is a problem but I don't hear it ever mentioned with respect to capitalism. I see corruption and displaced blame. Laws should exist to protect people, that is their purpose. The irony is that you are arguing the point I am making here...
We hear the displaced blame all the time and the government/corporations make it that way.

The left is constantly blaming big business, the right is constantly blaming the government. As I said, the government and big business designed that way, while the people are busy blaming the opposing sides, they both are putting the screws to us.

And IMO, NLXSK1 is dead on the money with respect to government making laws to protect big business/government, they only give the illusion they are protecting the people.


Well-Known Member
We hear the displaced blame all the time and the government/corporations make it that way.

The left is constantly blaming big business, the right is constantly blaming the government. As I said, the government and big business designed that way, while the people are busy blaming the opposing sides, they both are putting the screws to us.

And IMO, NLXSK1 is dead on the money with respect to government making laws to protect big business/government, they only give the illusion they are protecting the people.
I agree, I hold both accountable and wonder why the truth is ignored. The protections I speak of, those I desire, are cynicism protects me. I like these rare moments where there is agreement and it should be celebrated.


Well-Known Member
I use Fox news as a stupid test for people when I talk to them. If I am talking to someone and they start telling me they heard something that happened recently and they mention Fox news as the source, and they don't look on what they heard as entertainment but real news. Well then it shows me they are stupid. Sort of like if people get there believe in aliens from the show "Ancient Aliens". Watch that show and look at it as entertainment, well ok then, look at it like some do and get their theories on aliens. Well then you get a stupid sticker for your forehead.
I realize most if not all news sources lie and we have to watch or listen/read from many sources and piece together what is real. But Fox, their crap reaches a whole new level versus other sources. I cannot remember the last thing I heard from them that wasn't just total crap.
Part of me would not mind seeing Rupert Murdoch brought up on treason charges for trying to destroy the U.S. from the inside with misinformation.
Part of me wonders if we should thank him for branding the morons. Sort of like what Lt. Aldo Raines, Brad Pitts character does in the movie Inglourious Basterds. Branding the Nazis with swastika so they can be identified easily.


Well-Known Member
I think you have a black and white image of what is going on in terms of the issue I raise here. The little guy has nothing to do with it....the failure to see the link that we speak of goes beyond party lines. The corporatized govt is a problem but I don't hear it ever mentioned with respect to capitalism. I see corruption and displaced blame. Laws should exist to protect people, that is their purpose. The irony is that you are arguing the point I am making here...
What I am arguing is that it is the laws that protect corporations and screw the little guy over.

The sheer volume of laws getting introduced and passed allow for these omnibus bills where all the lobbiests get their favors in return for contribution money.

The very laws you are defending are the vehicle of injustice you are protesting against. Now that is irony....


New Member
I use Fox news as a stupid test for people when I talk to them. If I am talking to someone and they start telling me they heard something that happened recently and they mention Fox news as the source, and they don't look on what they heard as entertainment but real news. Well then it shows me they are stupid. Sort of like if people get there believe in aliens from the show "Ancient Aliens". Watch that show and look at it as entertainment, well ok then, look at it like some do and get their theories on aliens. Well then you get a stupid sticker for your forehead.
I realize most if not all news sources lie and we have to watch or listen/read from many sources and piece together what is real. But Fox, their crap reaches a whole new level versus other sources. I cannot remember the last thing I heard from them that wasn't just total crap.
Part of me would not mind seeing Rupert Murdoch brought up on treason charges for trying to destroy the U.S. from the inside with misinformation.
Part of me wonders if we should thank him for branding the morons. Sort of like what Lt. Aldo Raines, Brad Pitts character does in the movie Inglourious Basterds. Branding the Nazis with swastika so they can be identified easily.
Very interesting, what kind of test do you have for the people who get their news from MSNBC, Huffington Post or NY Times?

Just curious

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I think you have a black and white image of what is going on in terms of the issue I raise here. The little guy has nothing to do with it....the failure to see the link that we speak of goes beyond party lines. The corporatized govt is a problem but I don't hear it ever mentioned with respect to capitalism. I see corruption and displaced blame. Laws should exist to protect people, that is their purpose. The irony is that you are arguing the point I am making here...
Meow meow meow, says purple prose cat. Licking saucer milk. Pur Pur Pur, pay attention. Scratch a couch, got your attention! Hiss hiss hiss, my entitlement. Don't forget. Leave me alone!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Very interesting, what kind of test do you have for the people who get their news from MSNBC, Huffington Post or NY Times?

Just curious
I was thinking that same thing...I have a feeling that ILove and Buck watch more fox news than I do....Thats probably why there ratings are so high...


Well-Known Member
I use Fox news as a stupid test for people when I talk to them. If I am talking to someone and they start telling me they heard something that happened recently and they mention Fox news as the source, and they don't look on what they heard as entertainment but real news. Well then it shows me they are stupid. Sort of like if people get there believe in aliens from the show "Ancient Aliens". Watch that show and look at it as entertainment, well ok then, look at it like some do and get their theories on aliens. Well then you get a stupid sticker for your forehead.
I realize most if not all news sources lie and we have to watch or listen/read from many sources and piece together what is real. But Fox, their crap reaches a whole new level versus other sources. I cannot remember the last thing I heard from them that wasn't just total crap.
Part of me would not mind seeing Rupert Murdoch brought up on treason charges for trying to destroy the U.S. from the inside with misinformation.
Part of me wonders if we should thank him for branding the morons. Sort of like what Lt. Aldo Raines, Brad Pitts character does in the movie Inglourious Basterds. Branding the Nazis with swastika so they can be identified easily.
You know they are full on retards when they cite either or the blaze


Well-Known Member
For hating Fox News, a lot of you guys sure like to keep up on what they're saying. All news agencies have an agenda.

As for the video, I would hardly say it is fear mongering; in fact I saw a video on cnn this morning talking about the same thing.


New Member
How so? citation needed.
I don't believe that line but Obama sure as hell does;
WASHINGTON — Minutes before a midnight deadline, President Barack Obama signed into law a four-year extension of post-Sept. 11 powers to search records and conduct roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists."It's an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat," Obama said Friday after a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
With Obama in France, the White House said the president used an autopen machine that holds a pen and signs his actual signature. It is only used with proper authorization of the president.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting, what kind of test do you have for the people who get their news from MSNBC, Huffington Post or NY Times?

Just curious
As I said I do not trust ANY news source completely, I will check out news from internet sites, also cnn/fox/msnbc/Washington post/ ny times/al Jazeera/ abc/nbc/Reuters/ BBc./ local papers, just about any source, but knowing full well the stories and the writers are tainted by the believes and opinions of the people writing/ creating them. And know I have to piece together from all those sources what seems to be the truth. I also like to read forums and get others opinions and see if what they are saying also makes sense and maybe change what I think is true off that also.

this comment from nitro Harley
"I was thinking that same thing...I have a feeling that ILove and Buck watch more fox news than I do....Thats probably why there ratings are so high..."

Fox news just is the best litmus test because as I said they seem to spew the most crap of any source I know of
.I barely watch fox news at all cause it makes me so mad, its so easy to see the lies they spew, you would have to be a senial old person (which is where I tend to see it because my wifes grandfather watches it, who is partially senial, so I see it as im talking to him a lot). However I do tend to try to pay attention because its pretty foolish to spout off about something like MSNBC/ FOX/ Huffington post/ or any source without having to at least tried to see it with an open mind and without having pre determinations. I mean not everything they say is a lie. I heard them say the president of the U.S. is Obama and the last president was Bush, and the U.S. is part of North America, which are true. so some things they say are true.