Well-Known Member
I was raised in Detroit but as an adult my parents retired to the south. After graduating I took a job traveling doing therapy/home health in WV, KY, MS, AL, GA, FL and TN. The mountain people treated me better than anyone ever but my eyes were opened when my dad passed away. Neighbors fed us, cut the grass, hauled off trash, cleaned my Mom's house and other things I'm not remembering. I was amazed at the sense of community and out poor of help southerners gave. I never experienced anything like that in Detroit.
My travels also taught me they grow some killer outdoor in eastern KY. I think that may be one of the best kept secrets in our little community. I see the debate between who has the best pot Cal or Col and I always think, "have you tried any from the Appalachia?"
I live in one of those places you mentioned. You would think by how southerners are displayed on here that we are uneducated dirty toothless hicks. I mean, yea, I'm a cornbread fed brick shithouse southerner, but I'm proud to be.
My mother used to be a home health nurse, up until her back and legs stopped working properly and since then she has been sitting with patients in nursing homes. Just recently one of her "patients" that she loved very much died and the amazing thing is the woman that died had waited for my mother to get to the home to sit with her before she would let go. Around 3 weeks later she receives a letter in the mail and inside was the will of the lady that she was sitting with. In the will the woman had included my mother with a 25,000 check to come 2 weeks later. Leave it up to my mom to receive an inheritance and attempt to give money to her family. I talked her into opening up a CD so she can gain a little interest and have a little cushion for herself.
What you were describing is something that myself or someone that I know have done for others in their time of need. Not to long ago I left food for a homeless person that was camped out in the woods and some time before that I was riding down the road and it was pouring down and I seen a disabled lady on a motor scooter riding down the sidewalk and my first instinct was to go to walgreens and pick up an umbrella for her, and when I came back I zip tied the umbrella to her chair. She kindly thanked me and I went on my way.
I believe that the weed that is grown here in the south usually stays here in the south and most of the weed that I have bought lately has come from Michigan and doesn't really get me high.