Fox news. enter at your own risk.


It looks like Trump is going to need a handler at some point. Some one like Eli from the "good wife" imo.

Des Moines Register calls on Trump to drop out of 2016 race
Published July 21, 2015
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Donald Trump criticizing John McCain

Iowa's largest newspaper has called on Donald Trump to drop out of the 2016 presidential race amid the furor over the real estate magnate's weekend comments about Sen. John McCain's service during the Vietnam War.

At a conservative summit in Iowa Saturday, Trump, whom several polls have shown to be leading the Republican field, dismissed McCain's reputation as a war hero, saying of the Arizona Republican who was held for five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, "I like people who weren't captured."

In an editorial piece published late Monday, the Register said Trump's comments were "not merely offensive, they were disgraceful. So much so, in fact, that they threaten to derail not just his campaign, but the manner in which we choose our nominees for president."

The paper, the most influential in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, went on to say that if "[Trump] had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning [McCain's] war record."

Trump appeared to back off some of his comments Monday, telling Fox News' Bill O'Reilly that "if there was a misunderstanding, I would totally take that back." However, Trump also said he "used to like [McCain] a lot. I supported him ... but I would love to see him do a much better job taking care of the veterans."

The Register, which broke a 40-year run of backing Democrats in presidential elections by endorsing Mitt Romney in 2012, was the latest voice to pile on Trump for his comments, joining veterans groups, Republican colleagues and President Obama's spokesman, who defended McCain and called on Trump to apologize.

Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said Monday that Trump's "asinine comments" were "an insult to everyone who has ever worn the uniform — and to all Americans."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said veterans "are entitled to an apology."
Trump the “political figure” and presidential candidate doesn’t exist today if the tea party didn’t make bigotry within the GOP acceptable to display publicly and Fox News didn’t give him a forum on which to spew his ignorance.
Just think about this for a moment: Trump is a birther - and leading the GOP presidential field. And as we all know, the whole birther nonsense is basically just an accepted form of racism with the Republican party and conservative voters. It’s a way they can say “we don’t recognize/want a black president” without saying that specifically. But make no mistake, that’s exactly what they mean.
When you look at what Trump’s doing, he’s nothing more than a right-wing blog personified. He’s the blog that’s pushed the idea that illegal immigrants are swarming the United States bringing infectious diseases, crime and “anchor babies.” He’s the blog that pushed the idea that President Obama really doesn’t love America and might not even be American. He’s the blog that mocks diplomacy while “talking tough” about war, Iran and ISIS – even if nothing he says makes any sense. He’s that blog that doesn’t care if what he’s saying is true or even remotely factual, just as long as conservatives react positively to what’s being said.
To be honest, Trump doesn’t “offend me.” Not because I don’t find his words offensive, but because he’s not saying anything I haven’t been hearing from conservatives for years. To his credit, he’s just the only Republican who’s been willing to say these things directly and specifically while many others have only subtly hinted to them.

He's not a blog or representing one at all, he's just speaking his mind about issues everyone stays PC about. He sticks his foot in his mouth sometimes by doing it, especially when he makes things personal like his comments about McCain but opening up political issues by speaking frankly about them is a good thing for politics in general.
He's not a blog or representing one at all, he's just speaking his mind about issues everyone stays PC about. He sticks his foot in his mouth sometimes by doing it, especially when he makes things personal like his comments about McCain but opening up political issues by speaking frankly about them is a good thing for politics in general.
I agree. It is a good thing. Maybe the Republicans will jettison there lunatic racist fringe

These sick fucks should be in jail for profiting from dead babies. This is what the left considers job opportunities.

Second video shows Planned Parenthood doc haggling over price of fetal body parts
By Cody Derespina

Published July 21, 2015
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New Planned Parenthood hidden camera video released

A new undercover video shows a top Planned Parenthood official discussing “less crunchy” techniques to get “whole specimens” and haggling over the price of fetus tissue sales because she wants “a Lamborghini.”

And the activist behind the sting operation says there's much more to come.

Center for Medical Progress Project Lead David Daleiden told Fox News his group has "at least 12, really solid videos" among thousands of hours of footage.

"So, we'll be doing this for the foreseeable future," Daleiden said.

The video released Tuesday morning, the second put out by CMP, features a woman identified as Dr. Mary Gatter, who was president of the Planned Parenthood Medical Directors’ Council until 2014 and now works in a leadership and advisory capacity at the local and national level of the organization. Over drinks, Gatter and the undercover activists discuss “specimen” prices, eventually settling at $100 for "intact tissue."

“I want a Lamborghini.”

- Dr. Mary Gatter, Planned Parenthood

“It’s been years since I’ve talked about compensation, so let me just figure out what others are getting,” says Gatter, during a conversation alleged to have occurred on Feb. 6. “If it’s in the ballpark then that’s fine, if it’s low we can bump it up.”

Gatter then turns to the women seated to her right, pats her on the shoulder, laughs and says, “I want a Lamborghini.” Asked to repeat the statement, Gatter replies, “I said, ‘I want a Lamborghini.’”

It is against federal law to sell fetal body parts. Planned Parenthood has maintained it donates the specimens, charging only for the expenses it incurs.

"We don't want to be in a position of being accused of selling tissue and stuff like that," Gatter says in the video. "On the other hand, there are costs associated with the use of our space, and all that kind of stuff."

Daleiden said Tuesday that he believed Planned Parenthood's activities were illegal.

"Our video evidence and the video evidence that CMP will continue to release over the coming weeks and months is prima facie evidence of criminal activity at the highest levels of Planned Parenthood," he said.

Planned Parenthood Vice President of Communications Eric Ferrero released a statement calling the video a"heavily edited" release by "activists who have been widely discredited." Ferrero said his organization could not confirm the video's authenticity.

"What we see on this tape is a woman who says 'we’re not in it for the money,' and that any money must be related to reimbursement for costs," Ferrero's statement said.

The video making the rounds Tuesday was an edited 8-minute "summary" of a much longer conversation. The full video, lasting more than an hour, has also been posted online.

"Anybody can go and, if they want to watch an hour to three hours of baby parts negotiations, they can judge for themselves if we just chose the highlights," Daleiden said.

Planned Parenthood has received nearly $46 million in federal grants in 2015, according to government records, for non-abortion-related activities. The organization has taken in more than $207 million in federal funds since 2012.

When asked on Monday if the White House would reconsider federal funding for Planned Parenthood, press secretary Josh Earnest said, “No.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, was not nearly as curt in a statement about Tuesday's video.

"This new video is as sickening, disturbing and callous as the last video," Boehner said. "It's now clear that Planned Parenthood allows this horrifying conduct to happen throughout its organization.

"Last week, I called on Congress to investigate these gruesome practices. The Energy & Commerce and Judiciary Committees have begun immediate investigations and I look forward to their prompt and thorough action.

"President Obama still has not denounced these horrific practices. He has a responsibility to also speak out immediately and stop these practices now."

The first shoe dropped on Planned Parenthood last week, when CMP released a video showing a top abortion doctor discussing the sale of fetal body parts while drinking wine and eating salad.

A July 20 letter sent from Planned Parenthood senior counsel Roger Evans to Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., appears to have forecast the release of Tuesday’s video.

“We don’t know what the Center will release next, but we know enough to be deeply concerned about the infiltration of Planned Parenthood and its affiliates,” Evans wrote in the letter.

Evans traced the videotaped infiltration back “nearly three years,” when Daleiden created the “phony company” Biomax Procurement Services, according to the letter.

“Biomax then embarked on a campaign of corporate espionage with Planned Parenthood and its affiliates as its target,” the letter stated.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood following the release of the first video on July 14, and he released a statement Tuesday commenting on the new video.

“This latest video showing yet another Planned Parenthood senior official negotiating the price of unborn baby body parts is more than just callous and morally bereft, it may be criminal," Abbott said in a statement. "The video appears to directly contradict Planned Parenthood’s statement last week that they do not earn a profit for selling body parts. Today’s new grotesque revelations necessitate that Texas expand its investigation into this abhorrent practice.”

Father Frank Pavone of Priests For Life spoke in stark terms about Planned Parenthood Tuesday morning.

“In the light of what they do to kill children and sell their parts, it is clearly immoral to give any support or transact any business with Planned Parenthood,” Pavone told Fox News.

Tuesday’s video opens with a portion of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards’ response to the first CMP sting video.

“I want to be really clear, the allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not true,” Richards says, before the video moves to the covertly recorded footage of Gatter.

The undercover activist asks Gatter what “compensation” she would expect for “intact tissue.”

“Why don’t you start by telling me what you’re used to paying?” Gatter responds.

Later, she adds, "But you know, the money is not the important thing for me. But it has to be big enough that it makes it worthwhile for me."

I will have to give this Muslim some credit for speaking out.

Moderate imam reveals how radicals won battle for soul of Boston mosques

By Brooke Singman

Published July 22, 2015
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Abousamra, (l.), wanted Imam Talal Eid, (r.), replaced by a more radical preacher, according to Eid. (Massachusetts General Hospital, Brandeis University)

A moderate imam who raised alarms more than a decade ago about a radical shift at two controversial Boston mosques he led for decades says he was ousted for his efforts by a local doctor whose son joined ISIS and replaced by a man now with the infamous Pakistani terrorist group behind the 2008 Mumbai bombings.

Imam Talal Eid told that creeping radicalism put him increasingly at odds in the late 1990s with the board of directors of the Islamic Center of New England, where he served from 1982 until 2005. But when Eid, nominally in charge of the religious teaching at the center’s mosques in Sharon and Quincy, resisted, he was left in fear for his safety and eventually driven out by Dr. Abdul-badi Abousamra, at the time a prominent endocrinologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and president of the 1,500-member Center.

“At times, I was fearful for my safety,” said Eid, a former member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom who now runs a mosque in Toledo, Ohio. “When I would stand up for what I believed in, and there was a clash, you see how I could be scared.”

“I was pushing for one thing, and the board was pushing for something else, and I was alone facing them.”

- Imam Talal Eid

Abousamra, who has since moved to Doha and could not be reached for comment, was one of the Boston Muslim community's most powerful and prominent figures in the late 1990s and early 2000s. In addition to being the center's president, he was vice president of the Muslim American Society of Boston, which ran the Islamic Society of Boston, a Cambridge mosque that shared many members with those run by the Islamic Center of New England.

All three mosques have ties to a host of known and suspected terrorists, including Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the brothers behind the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing; Aafia Siddiqui, aka “Lady Al Qaeda," the Pakistani woman and Usama bin Laden associate now serving an 86-year federal sentence; and, more recently, Usaama Rahim, the 26-year-old man killed by police last month after brandishing a knife and allegedly plotting to behead Boston cops.

Even as Abousamra was exerting a radical influence on the leadership of mosques he helped run, law enforcement authorities say his son, a Northeastern University graduate raised in the Boston suburb of Stoughton, was training in Middle Eastern terror camps, aiding Al Qaeda and plotting attacks on U.S. soil. Ahamad Abousamra left Boston for Syria in 2006 while under investigation for terror-related charges that would later lead to an indictment, and is now believed to be running ISIS’ social media operation.

While mosques around the nation have disavowed terrorism, with many leaders working with law enforcement authorities to report suspicious activity, the infighting at the Boston mosque described by Eid shows that behind the scenes, mosque leaders are not always on the same page.

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This mosque in Sharon, Mass., is one of two run by the Islamic Center of New England, and one of three tied to a doctor accused of promoting a radical brand of Islam. (File)

When Eid was ousted from the center, it soon became clear which direction leaders wanted to go. He was replaced by Muhammad Hafiz Masood, an assistant imam who had been forced on him in 1998 by Abousamra and who was known for fiery sermons easily interpreted as promoting violence.

“This is when I started to fear for my safety,” Eid said. “I was pushing for one thing, and the board was pushing for something else, and I was alone facing them.”

A year after Eid left, Masood fled the U.S. after being arrested for visa fraud. He resurfaced in Pakistan, where he is now spokesman for the Pakistani terrorist organization Jamaat-ud-Dawah, a group founded by his brother, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. Saeed also founded Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistani terrorist group behind the 2008 coordinated bombings in Mumbai that killed 164 and wounded hundreds more. Law enforcement sources say the two groups are one and the same.

Eid said he was not aware at the time of the radicalization of the younger Abousamra, which included a 2002 trip to Yemen where he trained at a terrorist camp with Massachusetts pal Tarek Mehanna. Abousamra fled to Syria in 2006, but in 2009 he and Mehanna were indicted on federal terrorism charges, including providing material support to Al Qaeda in Iraq – the precursor of ISIS – and an aborted plot to attack a suburban Massachusetts mall. Mehanna is serving a 17-year federal prison sentence.

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Tarek Mehanna, (l.), and Aafia Siddiqui, aka "Lady Al Qaeda," are both former worshipers at the mosques, and now federal inmates serving sentences for terrorism convictions. (Sudbury Police, Reuters)

Abousamra, a graduate of Northeastern University who grew up in the affluent suburb of Stoughton, is said to be a computer whiz who has risen to the top of ISIS’ media operation. He is rumored to have been killed in a recent airstrike in Syria, but the FBI, which has a $50,000 bounty on him, could not confirm that.

"Although aware of the reports, the United States government has not yet confirmed any change in the status of Ahmad Abousamra,” the FBI said in a statement to “He will remain on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List until the time a confirmation in change of status is made.”

No one from the center’s current administration returned repeated requests for comment from While it is unclear whether the radicalizing impact of Masood and the senior Abousamra on the three Boston-area mosques lingers today, the non-profit organization Americans for Peace and Tolerance believes many of Masood’s supporters remain in leadership roles in the Boston Muslim community.

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“There are many dots connecting Masood and his associates to terrorist activity in the city, past and present,” Americans for Peace and Tolerance Director of Research Ilya Feoktistov said. “With two ISIS-inspired terrorist plots thwarted in the Boston area in the past two months, the threat of radical Islamic terrorism to the city continues to grow.”

Eid stressed that the vast majority of Muslims at the Center’s mosques and at houses of worship throughout the nation attend for any other reason than to pray and reflect on the message of the Koran. It is up to leaders to ensure that moderate voices like his are not drowned out by the shrill calls to radicalism, he said.

“Do we need to wait for a tragedy to happen?” Eid said. “We need to allow more moderate Muslim voices so that life can go smoothly in our society.”
that's funny, you normally want to harass and intimidate muslims if they dare exercise their first amendment rights.

desert rapist mysteriously gives you a pass, despite his membership in a "free speech" group which focused almost exclusively on holocaust denial and white supremacy.