Fortifiying COCO with CALMAG soak

With canna I think it's the same stuff in bags you get in bricks, twice at least with bags of canna I've found pieces of brick in them, it can't just be me?

I also use brick coco from ebay it's ready to use after dehydration.

Ebay brick coco holds about 25% less water it's particularly good for clones and seedlings being coarser than canna.
If it’s a pressed brick, you will have to charge it with a cal mag solution, if you don’t, you are gonna see cal mag deficiencies. That’s one of the main downsides of raw (uncharged) coco coir.
Thanks. In my particular grow I didn't experience any deficiencies start to finish. Just an FYI. I am now using Canna Coco for convenience. I think people running into deficiency issue is an entire another issue, just my 2 cents.
So if REUSING pre buffered coco, but with dry organic amendments, should you buffer again ?
Or if I add enough Cal/Mag amendments into it is that good enough ?
I can't seem to find a definitive answer online anywhere.
So if REUSING pre buffered coco, but with dry organic amendments, should you buffer again ?
Or if I add enough Cal/Mag amendments into it is that good enough ?
I can't seem to find a definitive answer online anywhere.
Go look into "cation exchange". That's essentially what the buffering is doing. You could buffer it again to recharge the depleted sites. It's an ION exchange, that's all. I wouldn't worry about it either way, however I think it would be wise to take notes on what you did and the results.
I first rinse and soak with warm water for a couple of hours and later do 48 hours in 0.8 EC Ca/Mg solution, 2ppm bleach and pH adjust to 6.5 after 24 hours soak. Maybe use bacteria cultures like bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Labs instead if intended for organics.

After everything been soaked for 48 hours you scoup it out with a collander. I throw away the most finest parts in the bottom, maybe 5% of the total volume of the coir brick.

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Awesome alright I'll give this a try. Now I just need to get a container to hold 400 L worth of Coco Lmao

And I do intend on using Lacto B and other Mycoryzea to help balance the PH out.

I need to make some more Lacto B this year tho. I let the "culture" I had of it go unchecked and unprotected because of health stuff.
But it doesn't take long.

Thank you everyone for the replies