forced to flowerin via cfl.


:cry:i really wanted to flower with an hps. i just cannot afford one at this point in time.maybe in a couple of months. but my plants are getting to large. if i dont flower them now i wont have room to finish this grow. so its back to my original plan of using cfls to flower. i have read the growfaq and went through some very cool cfl grow journals. so obviously it can be done. my question is; can i use both blue and red spectrum 14watt cfls to flower? or do i just need red spectrum? i bought a flourx hortilux 6500k daylight bulb and this does not work in my regular light fixtures. i was wondering if its a bad bulb or if im just an idiot lol. i know this is a broad question but, what are the specifics of some of the cfls that have worked for you you guys? i dont know about these 14 watts seems like i need a little bit more than that.


Well-Known Member
Hey jake, you can use both together for flowering , if you keep cutting the plant(s) back you could flower it in 2 months with a HPS.


150 watts per plant to flower wow! it makes sense because they need more light to sustain a flowering envoirnment but wow! i have six plants from seed so i dont know which ones are male. what i planned to do was take clones from all six plants and immediatly flower the clones so i could sex them. ill be happy if i have two females. do i really need a 150 watts just to flower a tiny clone? and if so, there are a pleathera of bulbs out there. i know which ones are the blue spectrum but which ones are red spectrum?


for sure its well worth the money. plus i just got the cheapy setup at htg only 143 bucks after shipping.. for a 400watt hps with bulb and ballast. cant beat that