Force Your Plant Female???Is It Possible


Well-Known Member
Light stress in flowering can lead to hermies not so much during vegging lot of light breaks happen naturaly storms a tree blocking the sun
When a plant is shaded by a tree it is still receiving light, same as cloud cover. It may get a tad dark in storms, but again, light is still present. Even if it can happen in nature doesn't mean a plant likes it.

When you top, ur not making the plant grow faster all around. The plant directs the same amount of energy that it would normally use to the area of trouble, all other growth suffers while the damaged area gets the support it needs. After the burst of growth is done, growth slows to rebuild stored nutrients. In conclusion, the growth spurt u consider to be an all around thing, is only focused to the area of stress in a panic to save it's life while the rest of the plant growth halts...

turn on the lights for 1hour durning 6 hour break during 18/6 makes them turn fems, I think its to do with photocyificy. Wont do any harm trying


here is some pretty legit info from the dutch passion seed company and i think they would know a thing or about this. goin on what they say its not true that there is nothing you can do to increase your chances which i dont think is true either way but here it is read up you might learn somethin DUTCH-PASSION
  • a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
  • a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
  • a higher humidity will give more females.
  • a lower temperature will give more females.
  • more blue light will give more females.
  • Fewer hours of light will give more females.
so the idea of bananas would more than likely ENSURE a male plant, and not the inverse?

and so the general consensus is that interrupting the night cycle with an hour of light won't stimulate female growth, and if Dutch-Passion is right an extra hour of light is an extra hour closer to a male?

so this vegetative plant i got here, just sprouted up, cute little thing...
i should turn the lights off for 6 hours a day?
'cause my friend is currently attending Oaksterdam University and he said just keep it @ 24 hours of light until I want to induce flowering.