For anyone who wants to conserve weed, I think I have the answer.


Active Member
I made a homemade bong. The bowl is very small. A little bit smaller than a pencil eraser. Loading it is annoying, since I'll have to load it 3 or 4 times to smoke .3 grams.

But, I realized something. I've been getting very high from just .3 grams. I remember reading something about how putting very small amounts of weed in your bowl can get you higher.

So I just wrote this to get some feedback, see if anyone else has experienced this, and if you want to conserve weed, you can see if this works.


Well-Known Member
Most of the THC loss occurs in the second-hand smoke. If you are killing the little bowl with 1 hit, there is some fact to what you're saying.


Well-Known Member
Been toking the 'erb for 40 usage has been reduced 2/3 after I began type of bong can beat that.


Active Member
No, you're not getting higher simply by smoking less. I'm suggesting that it is possible that smoking smaller bowls can get you higher, so you have to smoke less.


Staff member
well i do this i make my bowl smaller on my sinker and i put less weed in it the hits are still big so i DO use less weed


Well-Known Member
i find the best way to make ya weed last is buckets i think people in the us call them gravity bongs imo nothing gets me as high as a bucket n you dont need much weed in them either.

but then again ive never tried a vaporizer im in the uk n they r pretty rare over hear, just carnt bring myself to paying £350 for something to smoke with fuck i could get 2oz with that money lol


Active Member
Inhaling a gram worth of weed in one lungful just increases the doesnt actually increase the rate of absorbtion...your lungs can only absorb so fast. In order to get all the thc out of a gram worth of smoke in one lungful you probably have to hold your breath for minutes.

Take a breath and hold it. Now every time your heart beats while you hold that breath fresh "empty" blood gets pumped through your lungs, picking up compounds from the lung tissue. This blood then continues toward the brain etc, while another beat worth of blood fills with the same compounds. Its just logic plain and simple. Its not like you inhale, then your heart beats and that one beat takes all the compounds somehow out of the smoke in the middle of your lungs (maybe it uses the force to pull the molecules i dont know how you think it works), then that one beat worth of blood travels around your body..supersaturated with thc...and gets you stoned..

A dealer we use has a conepiece that is so full of resin you can only fit a tiny amount of bud in...of course he offers free bongs all day so he saves so much money...but i get as stoned off smoking 5 small cones as i do smoking 5 fully packed ones. Ive never really thought about this before but it makes a lot of sense...


Vape is most efficient but its not quite the same as a chunk of a bong when u get home from work. I don't think he's trying to say you get stoned more with less weed, more that you burn it and absorb it better if u smoke it in little bits? Could be true. But its not going to stop me loading a fatty.


Active Member
Ya i think its supposed to be:

I get stoned better off many smaller hits, totaling up to 1 gram, than i do smoking the whole 1 gram in one hit.



New Member
I tried that, but after awhile i got really good at it......... so I broke my arm .... man that slowed me down.... try it!!