Food stamps and conservative ideology

Hardly the last job. I have worked a lot of jobs. Something you seem completely unfamiliar with.

Now I own and run several businesses while you sit around and spend the majority of your time trolling the internet and calling a hobby a job. You probably dont even have your wife fooled...

So personal, you sound very unhappy NLX. Especially seeing how you refer to a hobby not being a job.

That sounds terrible who would ever want to do something they love for a living.

You seem to push the blame of your worthless existence on people who have less than you do.
i rarely think of growing as a "hobby" anymore. maybe when i had just a few grow spaces, but i'm well beyond a "hobby" grower at this point.

i'd invite anyone to come try doing what i do and then telling me what a "hobby" it is. i'll make sure to ask on october 15th for good measure.
i rarely think of growing as a "hobby" anymore. maybe when i had just a few grow spaces, but i'm well beyond a "hobby" grower at this point.

i'd invite anyone to come try doing what i do and then telling me what a "hobby" it is. i'll make sure to ask on october 15th for good measure.

Just making a point your hobby turned int oyour job and even though you dislike trimming I'm sure you like it more than working for some other dickhead like that guy.
"I don't think many people refuse work so they can continue receiving their $1.50 meals"
Hehe thought that was pretty funny......guy obviously doesn't know anyone on food stamps
"I don't think many people refuse work so they can continue receiving their $1.50 meals"
Hehe thought that was pretty funny......guy obviously doesn't know anyone on food stamps

I do know one guy. But to be fair
He also gets disability for his fake bad back
its not very logical to acknowledged something then ignore it as it doesn't fit into your personal view of your own actions

your utopian view of life is ascertained by few im honest opinion ......

I'm not sure if i'm understanding the point you are making, but i'll try to answer. Logic? If I acknowledge the existence of some people's behavior, I don't necessarily change my behavior to mimic theirs if I think it would make my behavior inconsistent with my beliefs. Utopian view of life? No, I understand life has it's ups and owns, I'm just not going to support things that involve theft or coercion. THAT is what I can do, maybe others will do this, maybe they won't.
You are giving a one word answer to a question that can have several answers. I do agree that artificial scarcity is one of the reasons some people are hungry.

More is wasted than would be needed to eliminate famine. It is this pattern of consumption which gives value to commodities. In other words, capitalism requires inequality. It requires wasteful consumption. It requires such scarcity that necessities can be profitable. They are too abundant to be of such value that some greedy fucking ass hole can be a job creator. People don't starve because of a lack of food, they starve because they don't have money to buy the food they produce in their own countries.

Are you going to suggest that people starve because they are stupid? Even my dog is smart enough to know when he needs food.
More is wasted than would be needed to eliminate famine. It is this pattern of consumption which gives value to commodities. In other words, capitalism requires inequality. It requires wasteful consumption. It requires such scarcity that necessities can be profitable. They are too abundant to be of such value that some greedy fucking ass hole can be a job creator. People don't starve because of a lack of food, they starve because they don't have money to buy the food they produce in their own countries.

Are you going to suggest that people starve because they are stupid? Even my dog is smart enough to know when he needs food.

We were talking about hunger, not starvation. My dog is smart enough to know not to steal food from the other dogs bowls. He's a well mannered dog.

I'm suggesting that some people are hungry because of the choices they have made, some people, not all people. People DO starve due to lack of food. I saw a movie once where these guys in a plane...oh never mind.
Where poverty stricken people are FAT

Almost half of the world's top 1% ($34K+ per year) are Americans.

There are welfare-1%ers in Merica.
"I don't think many people refuse work so they can continue receiving their $1.50 meals"
Hehe thought that was pretty funny......guy obviously doesn't know anyone on food stamps

The average case length for food stamps is 10 months. For most, it is temporary. Most states have a 3 month limit for able bodied adults and work requirements. Lifelong foodstampers is not common.
The average case length for food stamps is 10 months. For most, it is temporary. Most states have a 3 month limit for able bodied adults and work requirements. Lifelong foodstampers is not common.

Care to explain how over 40 million people are on temporary foodstamps then?
Care to explain how over 40 million people are on temporary foodstamps then?

Because poverty is high.

Most Americans (58.5%) will spend at least one year below the poverty line at some point between ages 25 and 75.

In November 2012 the U.S. Census Bureau said more than 16% of the population lived in poverty in the United States, including almost 20% of American children,[SUP][7][/SUP] up from 14.3% (approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In 2008, 13.2% (39.8 million) Americans lived in poverty.[SUP][8][/SUP]
NLX its not as horrible of a program is you think, you should read through the statistics it really says a lot.

I commend you. Please take note that i could take a cheap shot about a Paulbot praising foodstamps, but the truth is, I think it takes courage and integrity.

How can I ever expect people to be open minded about what I say, if I ridicule them for changing their mind? Not that I changed your mind about foodstamps, you made up your own mind and I agree with you.
I commend you. Please take note that i could take a cheap shot about a Paulbot praising foodstamps, but the truth is, I think it takes courage and integrity.

How can I ever expect people to be open minded about what I say, if I ridicule them for changing their mind? Not that I changed your mind about foodstamps, you made up your own mind and I agree with you.[/QUOTE

It takes a lot of courage, humility, and sincerity to have a discussion that is about an issue and maintain respect. In the qualities of character that one shows the likelihood that the stance they take is valid in my opinion.