Ill start out by saying I receive food stamps. I was approved for 1 year, at $200 a month and my benefits are scheduled to end in October. I did not voluntarily get on food stamps. I went to a drug addiction rehab last October and it was a small time operation. One of the ways they funded their program was to enroll damn near all the patients on food stamps. It was actually illegal how they did it. They kept the card and used them to buy food stamps. After I left the rehab, they let me keep my card and I've had it since. While I am sure there are many people who use their food stamps as intended, a great many of the folks I know who get them promptly sell them to buy drugs. Anyway, I have a couple issues with the food stamp program. 1) I do not think one ought to be able to use them to go into a gas station and buy a red bull, or even a soda. 2) I think that the items one ought to be able to buy should be limited to somewhat nutritionally good food. I shouldn't be able to buy ice cream and ding dongs with my food stamps. 3) I think a lot of the money that goes to support the food stamp program should be directed towards farmers in this country to grow food. Buy the food from the farmers and distribute it through offices in each town. People ought to be able to go in there and get all the beans, or other healthy produce that will actually be good for them.