Followed every rule, still have root rot


New Member
Hi, first time on this page.

Im struggling with root rot, I feel like I have followed every rule there is and still it shows up..

I’m running a current culture system my first grow was hectic but didn’t take any notes, then the next 3 have just been shit and failed

- I have recently purchased a water chiller witch is now running at 21* degrees
- my water level is about 60mm below the bottom of the net pot
- ph level are 6.0

I fully cleaned the hole system even got brand new air stones and return pipes, and a new pump.. ‍♂️♂️♂️

does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on.
  1. Keep Proper Temperature. ...
  2. Keep a sterile working environment. ...
  3. Add beneficial bacteria to your nutrient solution. ...
  4. Keep a tidy garden. ...
  5. Keep the roots dark. ...
  6. Provide good aeration levels. ...
  7. Plan out your systems. ...
  8. Monitor pests.
I use a littel Hydrogen peroxide in my water.
hey thanks for the reply

- yea area is clean
- temperature is always at 21 degrees
- I don’t add any bacteria
Only nutrients I use is current culture, I have started putting (uc roots every second day and will see how that goes)
- aeration I’m running at 25psi

I do have hydrogen p - but have not added it to this grow- how much do you put per litre..?
When I cleaned the system I bleach the hole lot and ran the system for 24 hours and then also repeated the presses..
It’s trippy as why the root rot keeps appearing.. don’t get me wrong it’s at very early stages but the water temp has been at 21* since I started and really at that temp there shouldn’t be any growth of bacteria, and I also changed all new parts in the system.. and plus the hole system and area is clean..

I think it has to do with the water height because everything was looking good till the roots where in the water..
Bleach or bacteria is your solution, take your pick.

How it is that you have a current culture system without a res? Do you have a link to your system, or a pic?
It’s your standard current culture system there are 6 pots with plants and 1 pot at the very front with all the plumbing. When I said I don’t have a reservoir I ment top up reservoir..

Ok so what is the ratio of bleach 3ml per litre seems like a lot, the system is ruffly 200liters
I have two air stones per pot, + 2 Airstones in my Res. I also add 2 mls/ 10 litres of 50% H2O2 per week to the Header tank where I PH the water, add nutes etc before gravity feeding it into my Res. Hope this helps and wish you the best.