followed cervantes advice now disaster.


Well-Known Member
Thought I saw some powdery mildew on my flowering plants and sprayed with a baking soda water solution to lower the ph surface of the leaves so just incase it was mildew I was taking precauions.
Well now a few days later my plants are turning a pale green and Im guessing soon to yellow. Was this caused by the baking soda?
your Nutes might have locked up due to over ph'n your water or plants.Too much phosphoric acid locks up your nutes and turns you plants leaves yellow and your growth is slowed down as well.this may or may-not be the problem,more investigating is needed but that might be a plae to start.


Well-Known Member
all 4 flowering plants take pura vida bloom 2-6-6,molasses and benefecials. I just bought a brand new ph tester and get my feeding solution to 6.2 always. Even bought a new tent because I assumed after my numerous attempts of saving my plants, they were growing in a toxic environment. Now, oddly enough, these plants are doing te exact same thing the old plants did in the other tent.


Active Member
is ph pen calibrated dude i know when i bought my pen it wasnt calibrated so my ph was wayout causing lockout


Active Member
Was up?had a pm problem used sm 90 works well and changed to lots more air exchange with fresh air is most important.neem oil also did the trick good luck.


Well-Known Member
My environment is deffinately not suffering from high humidity and wrong temps. I have a humidity gauge and a thermomiter but I cant remember off the top of my head what perentage the humidity was. But of course your thinking mildew=humidity. But it cant be. Temps are so low I can have my 1000HPS 6" from the tops and I have a fan blowing fresh air into the tent from the out side.

And the pen is calibrared. Thanks for the replies.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the baking soda raised the ph level in all the leaves you sprayed causing lockout, i have used this method for mildew and the next day ill spray the plant down with plain or distilled water to wash off the baking soda.....should have read the next page of the book


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Another issue related to the above is when you spray with that mixture if you dont rinse them the next day you clog th plants pores and transpiration doesnt happen. The chances your grow tent was toxic are low unless the tent is 5 or more years old as they corrected that issue back them with new lining and most tents were recalled and replaced.If your in soil what is your soil run off ph at? Using good size pots not little half gallon pots right? are you using the correct ppm of nutrients per your feeding chart?


Well-Known Member
All of the plants are toatally yellow now. Just as they were starting to really make resin. Now Im set back 3 more weeks. These plants arent even worth trying to keep. I honestly cant see cervantes recommending this method of control if it can kill your plant so easily. Why buy herbicide when you can spray some baking soda on it and kill it in a couple days.

The ph runoff is never above 6.5-6.7. I'll try spraying them off though but theyre pretty much done for. Post pics in a few hours.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Did you do the plant rinse off the day after you sprayed? thats a big part of that technique and if you didnt then that was what happened and you only do it when lights are off to avoid burns and build up. Check your nutrient ppm before it goes in and then check after its coming out run it through a couple times and see if it drops to tell if there is any retention or use. Its harder with soil grows to maintain plants and correct issue compared to hydro which is why I rarely touch soil except for a mom or 2.


Well-Known Member
hey there, listen to fletch, most products that require spraying the leaves also need to get sprayed with plain water to clean up those leaves, the baking soda method definitly needs to get washed off , like he said your plants not resperating, also you dont think the low nitrogen content of your bloom ferts are causing this?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
good pick up on the nitrogen possibility morris I am used to having my own nitrogen mix for flower I didnt even think to ask as I dont know much on his nutes. Yeah whne flowering you do have a stage where you will give a mini nitrogen boot and if you leave it all out yellowing and browning can happen pretty good


Well-Known Member
you know what used to get me everytime, i never realized as i was always anxious, i used to switch to bloom nutes too early, like the day i flipped the switch i would change nutes, i have since learned to avoid premature yellowing by waiting to see actual flower sites then change over, and even for that i keep cal-mag around for that little hint of N in it


Well-Known Member
.....And its getting worse....even after I washed it off and treated it with some soap and neem oil for a few aphids that Ive been seeing around. Shit like this makes you just want to quit. I havnt had a decent harest coming up on a year now. I thought it was strain, fertilizer, soil, off gassing from a toxic tent, Ive bought all this new stuff and throw some plants in there and still the same thing. There are hell of peoplethat are probly laughing thier asses off at this shit. I finally put plants into flower that was going to do something and they al turn yellow and shrivel up. Who wants to tend to a yellow garden 3 weeks into flower. Those plants dont have a fucking chance. The only thing I can do s throw more green plants in there and hope they dont die like all the other ones. Its weird though how some people would say well you dont know what your doing yet they could offer no insight about what could be happening. If you saw the last 3 pages of my journal and after reading this post would you say I should throw in the towell or keep trying to grow my own meds?


Active Member
Damn man calm down you still have a chance to save those plants i seen way worse plants then that just flush the whole plant and start the nutes over and see what happens there got to be a solution to your problem m.j. plants are tuff little f*%kers. good luck